Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1364: Young big tube

Screwing the big wooden man, the heliostat wandered in a ruin on the moon.

Judging from the scale, this ruin clearly belongs to a larger town level before it was abandoned. There are many buildings and numerous streets. There are no problems for thousands of people. If crowded, tens of thousands of people can live. .

The heliostat looked around, and casually asked, "Where is this place?"

Datong Mushe didn't answer, but was silent with a resisting face.


The Japanese mirror snorted softly, and then kept walking, walking towards the depths of the ruins.

Soon, with the meticulous insight of his reincarnated eyes, he discovered that there seemed to be a weak Chakra reaction deep in the ruins, and these Chakra reactions were his familiar white-eyed Chakra reactions.

"how come?"

He also felt a slight frown in the faint chakra reaction, and was slightly taken aback.

Obviously, he has always lived on the moon and he knows that after several elders have passed away one after another, the entire moon will be left with only him as a big tube.

"Is it really hidden here..."

With a smile, the Japanese mirror swayed directly and disappeared.

After a while, the heliostat twisted the big tube of the wooden house to a large tomb underground deep in the ruins, and the previous Chakra fluctuations came from here.

"What is this place?"

Looking at the series in front of the darkness, barely seeing the tombs at the end, the big tube of the wooden house was shocked.

Having lived on the moon for so long, he has never heard of such a large tomb group on the moon. If the people buried here are all of the same race, then the people buried here are no better than those enshrined in the temple. There are fewer people.

Rixiangjing said indifferently: "If I guess right, this should be the last tomb of my family."


The big wooden man is more puzzled.

Throwing the big-tube Mushe people on the ground, and said to the mirror: "The big-tube wooden family on the moon are all descendants of the second son of the big-tube Muyu village of the "Chakra ancestor" Datong Muhuiye, and these descendants are divided into the family and the Separate."

Datong Mushe listened intently.

Ri Xiangjing then said: "In the following years, the two sides were in peace, until the death of Datong Muyu Village, the vassal branch began to plan rebellion, and thus developed a giant reincarnation."

Hearing this, the Datong Mushe murmured to himself: "No, the giant reincarnated eye is not a weapon to kill tribes, it is a treasure of our Datongmu clan!"

Ignoring the big man in the wooden tube, Ri Xiangjing continued to say: "The existence of the giant reincarnated eyes has reversed the strength of the two sides, so the rebellion was successful, and all the members of the family were slaughtered, and the white eyes of the family members were used as nourishment. Once integrated into the eyes of the giant reincarnation of the separation. Since then, only the separation is left on the moon, so..."

After a pause, the heliostat stared at the big tube wooden she: "So you are also a member of the family, the last descendant of the family!"

The hysterical shout of the Datongmushe people said: "No, this is impossible, this is impossible! You are talking nonsense, we are not separated, and we have not betrayed our ancestors! We have been working hard for the ancestor's last wish in the failed ninja world!"

The Japanese mirror shrugged: "How do you explain these thousands of tombs?"

The big wooden man suddenly stopped talking.

If the people buried here are all of the same race, the elders have no reason to hide him in such a large-scale tomb group. The reasonable explanation was that either the elders didn't even know of the existence, or the elders had other reasons to hide the facts.

"He is right."

At this moment, in the shadows deep in the tomb, an old voice came.

The man in the big tube saw the past quickly, but found that a spirit body was coming out of the shadow, and the appearance of the spirit body was almost exactly the same as the ancestor stone enshrined in the temple.

Datong Mushe asked in surprise: "You...are you?"

The Japanese mirror said, "Are you willing to show up..."

The spirit gradually approached at this time and replied: "The old man is Datong Muyu Village."

Immediately afterwards, spirits were revealed from the tombs, and then Qi Qi saluted half-kneeling toward the spirits who claimed to be the ‘Datong Muyu Village’.


The man who received the affirmative answer was flabbergasted.

The heliostat on the side paid attention to the surroundings, and he faintly found that this tomb area seemed to be transformed into a special environment similar to the "Underworld" by Datong Muyu Village, so the spirits of these dead Datong Muben family members can be maintained for a long time. Otherwise, with the strength of these members of the family, it is impossible for the spirit body to sustain for so long without breaking up.

At this time, Datong Muyu Village said to the Datong Mushe people: "It is a pity that what he said is true, the family broke up the rebellion and wiped out the family with giant reincarnated eyes."

After all, Daguan Muyu Village used Chakra to reproduce the war of rebellion in front of the Datong Mushe people.

Looking at the picture of the giant reincarnation eyes killing the family on the battle front, the big tube wooden man lost his soul and fell, and kept saying: "How could this be, how could this be?"

The heliostat didn't intervene at this time. After all, he didn't know much about the war between his family and his family on the moon, so he retreated to the side while listening to the explanation of Datong Muyu Village.

After hearing Datong Muyu's description of the dispute that year, Nisshin was speechless for a while.

If the "Liu Dao Xianren" Datongmu Yuyi sits and watches the two sons in the ninja world continue to fight back and forth because they are discouraged, then the Datongmu Yu village sits and looks at the family to kill the family, it may be really scared by the cruelty of the family. Arrived. UU reading

After all, he was not good at fighting himself. At that time, there was only a spirit body, and it was no longer a complete "six-level", and the branch had made a giant reincarnation such as a big killer. The red-eyed family members could be killed, so they endured so.

His ancestor did not intervene, which undoubtedly gave the rebellious family more confidence.

The successful rebellion of the family, and therefore the illusion that the ancestors want them to destroy the incompetent family, and the mission of the family is to only guard the "outer golem" on the moon, and it is not allowed to interfere in the ninja world easily. My family, that is undoubtedly because the ancestors have other requirements for the separation.

Therefore, the mission of cleaning up the failed ninja world created by the "Liu Dao Xianren" was brought up in the name of the ancestor's wishes by the family breakup, because only in this way can they prove the legitimacy of their rebellion.

Just when the Japanese mirror was thinking secretly, Datong Muyu Village, who had explained everything, turned to look at him: "Young Datongmu, are you also my descendant?"


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