Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1366: The 4th Ninja War is over!

On the moon.

Faced with the inquiry of Otokimu Yumura, Nichigo Mirror said blandly: "Biologically, I should be your descendant, but I am not a dashiki, my name is Nisshogo."


Datong Muyu Village froze for a while before reacting.

Obviously, the Japanese family who lived in the ninja world had no place in this ancestor's heart. If the Japanese mirror did not take the initiative to mention it, he didn't even think of it.

Upon seeing this, the Japanese mirror did not introduce more to the Japanese family.

The ancestor in front of him couldn't even protect his family on the moon that belonged to his direct bloodline, and it didn't make much sense to mention the matter of the Japanese family to him.

Datong Muyu Village was a little puzzled, staring at the heliostat full of puzzles: "If you are a heliostat, why is the blood power in your body higher than that of your family? And your Chakra intensity, and mine Mother Dahui Muhui Ye is very close, it has completely exceeded my heyday!"

Listening to the question of Datong Muyu Village, the man at the side of the big tube looked at the heliostat with a dull look.

From the contest just now, he already knows that the strength of the Japanese mirror is very strong, he is not an opponent at all, but he never thought that the Japanese mirror is so powerful that even the ancestors are ashamed.

"This... how is this possible?!"

The big wooden man murmured with incredible faces.

"I've achieved ‘Blood Following the Snare’.” Suddenly, Japanese Mirror said softly: “As for Datong Muhuiye, she has escaped the seal of you and your brother not long ago.”

Datong Muyu Village's complexion suddenly changed: "What!?"

Nissho Mirror glanced at Datong Muyu Village. From the response of the other party, he determined that Datong Muyu Village was indeed weaker than his brother'Liu Dao Xianren'. After being reduced to a spiritual state, his perception of Chakra had been greatly reduced. Even the big resurrection of Muhui Ye was not even aware of it.

Of course, there is also the reason that the big tube Muhui Ye just resurrected, so he used the ‘God of Heaven’ to move the battlefield to the ‘starting ball space’.

At this time, Datong Muyu village looked anxiously to Sun Xiangjing: "You must stop her, otherwise, the entire ninja world will be destroyed in her hands."

The Japanese mirror said lightly: "Oh, she has been sealed by me."

Datong Muyu Village, who was going to continue telling something, was immediately choked back: "What, have you sealed her?"

He Xiangjing said: "What is weird about this? I am stronger than you and Datongmu Yuyi's "Blood Follower". What you can do, of course I can."

With the increase of strength, the Japanese mirror more and more feels that Datong Muhuiye, Datong Muyu, and Datong Muyu Village, the mother and son, have no fighting talents. They belong to the model of empty strength, but they are not good at using it.

Datong Muyu Village looked at the heliostat with a complex expression, and after a long time, you quietly said: "The ninja world will be given to you."

The heliostat nodded, and then asked the big wooden man who fell to the ground aside: "Now you should know what you insisted on, how stupid is it?"

"I... I was wrong."

Datong Mushe lowered his head, and the arrogance in the bright reincarnation no longer existed before.

Ri Xiangjing then said: "As the last descendants of the families who slaughtered the same race, do you want to make atonement?"

Datong Mushe stood up, and respectfully respected Asahi to the mirror: "After I die, please return my eyes to the Japanese family, and convey my apology to the Japanese-style Japanese adults who have taken away my eyes. "

Nikko Mirror's tone: "Do you want to die?"

Feeling the eyes cast by the spirit of the family member in front of him, Datong Mushe said with a determined face: "The sins committed by the elders must be borne by someone, and I am the last family member of the family, the family Let me end my grudges with the family!"

Rixiangjing smiled: "This is a good idea. As soon as you die, the big tube on the moon will cut off your son."

Datong Mushe looked stiff.

The expression of the big tube Muyu village on the side is also a little weird.

After deliberately hanging out some embarrassing and tangled men in front of the ancestors, the Japanese mirror waved his hand: "Come back to the ninja world with me. There are many people who want to atone recently, and you are not bad."

Datong Muyu Village secretly relieved and quickly told the Datong Mushe people: "According to his arrangement, go to the ninja world to live a good life."

Datong Muyu Village also doesn't want to see his bloodline completely cut off on the moon, let alone the Datong Mushe people know nothing about the rebellion of the family, and live in the lies of the elders, let him bear the sin of the family. Proper.

The hesitant Datong Mushe people, after listening to Datong Muyu Village, quickly bowed to the command: "Yes, ancestor!"

The Japanese mirror is no longer nonsense, directly opened "Huangquan Biliangban", and returned to Muye Village with the big tube Mushe people.

The village is still in a state of martial law, and the streets are full of coming and going. The ninjas who are in a hurry [], the killing of the war, still covers the entire Muye Village.

When the Japanese mirror was discovered, all the ninjas stopped involuntarily. Qi Qi made a salute to the Japanese mirror, and the cheers rang out.

At this time, the brilliance of dawn dawned through the night and sprinkled on the land of ninja.

The sun, which represents hope and rebirth, slowly rises from the horizon, and with its warm and bright sunshine, it disperses the smoke and blood that are scattered on the battlefield.

In response to everyone's eager gaze, Nikko Mirror announced: "The fourth ninja war is over!"

This fourth war of ninja villages, which was caused by the soil of Uchiha, affected almost all the villages of Ninja Village. With the intervention of the Japanese mirror, after a night of fierce battle, it was finally succeeded in the night of Datong Muhui After the seal, the end was declared.

With the announcement of Nikko Mirror, the cheers became more enthusiastic, and soon spread from a street to a block, then the whole village, and finally even the wounded and cleaned the ninjas on the battlefield outside the village. Cheers!

It seemed that with the words of Nikko Mirror, the war cloud that shrouded the wooden leaves, the death threat that shrouded the hearts of the people, disappeared.

Although the duration of this fourth Ninja War was not long, the intensity was unprecedented. The Uchiha spot against the tens of thousands of Ninja forces led by Wuying had tens of thousands of casualties in half a day. By.

So no matter who it is, at this moment, my heart is more or less fortunate.

Fortunately, this terrible war is finally over, fortunately he is still alive, and fortunate that he has a powerful fairy such as Heri Mirror...


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