Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1367: Who has opinions?

In the headquarters of the Ninja Alliance, the five shadows gathered again and held the first five shadows conference after the fourth ninja war.

This is different from the quarrel at the previous meeting. This time, the atmosphere at the venue was much more harmonious. Even the four-generation Lei Ying, who was the most grumpy, had subconsciously suppressed his voice when speaking.

Not harmonious!

After the identity of the leader of the Mirror God Organization was exposed, the strength of Muye's book has far exceeded the other four ninja villages, even if Yunyin, Yanyin, Fogyin, and Shayin's four teams joined forces, they are not even concerned about Muye. There is no chance of winning, and strength is everything. Without strength, naturally speaking, there is no confidence.

After briefly speaking about the non-nutritious opening remarks, the Japanese mirror looked around everyone in the field and said, "We don’t intend to hide everyone about God Organization. This is mainly to deal with the threat of Xiao Organization. Please everyone. Be considerate."

The three generations of Huo Ying on the side were extremely embarrassed, and could not help but secretly slandered: "What does it mean that we are not intentionally concealing Muye, the village has no idea!"

Kakashi, on the other side, is also suffering.

After the identity of the leader of the Japanese mirror **** organization was exposed, he found that everyone else's eyes became strange, because he was the one who proposed the establishment of a fake **** organization at the Five Shadows Conference, and the analysis was right.

Now thinking about it, everyone felt Kakashi's words.

After a brief cold scene, the four generations of Fengying first laughed with them and said, "Hour Lord Naruto, you are so polite. The God Organization is the key to defeating the Xiao Organization this time, and it is the biggest hero of our Ninja Alliance!"

Ri Xiangjing smiled and did not speak, and slowly shifted his gaze to the three generations of earth shadows.

By the sight of the Japanese mirror, the three generations of Tu Ying barely squeezed out a smiley face: "It's okay, it's okay..."

The Japanese mirror looked at the four generations of Lei Ying again, and his face still had a kind smile: "Does Yun Yin have any opinions on our approach?"

The four generations of Leiying put their hands under the table and clenched their fists, and finally exhaled: "We Yunyin also have no opinions. This time we can beat Xiao Organization, thanks to the Huo Ying!"

Then, four generations of wind shadows, three generations of earth shadows, and four generations of thunder shadows all looked at the four generations of water shadow citrus yakura on the side, because except for the four big ninja villages in Konoha, only the mist was hidden. Made a statement.

Seeing the orange tangerine Yakura didn't seem to have any meaning to speak, the atmosphere in the venue immediately became strange.

The fourth generation of Lei Ying was stunned, and said, "Shui Ying is so kind!?"

The three generations of earth shadows are puzzled and do not understand why the fourth generation of water shadows is so tough.

It should be known that the situation in the ninja world is almost the same as that of the first generation of Muye and Uchiha spots when the major ninja villages were first built, and that Muye is even stronger than it was today.

Because it is a five-generation Naruto solar mirror, it is enough to suppress all dissatisfaction.

And even if it’s not the sun mirror, this fairy, Muye has three generations of Naruto, Muye Sanren, Naruto agent Kakashi, the strong shadow-level powerhouses, and the God-organized shadow level, even the super shadow level. member.

In this case, the obedient ‘pretending to be a grandson’ and praying that Konoha still insists on that set of ‘will to fire’ is the way to survive.

The fourth generation of Fengying shook his head slightly and secretly said: "The fog is hidden!"

Shili, who was behind Lichen Orange Cakura, was in a bad situation and immediately got close to the ear of Lichen Orange Cang. He whispered, "Master Water Shadow, it's your turn to speak."

Seeing everyone staring at themselves, Citrus Yakura was surprised, sympathetic, and even ecstatic, so he shrugged: "I have nothing to say, I am also a member of the God Organization."


Everyone was surprised, and the fourth generation of Raikage stood up directly from the seat.

The three generations of Naruto were also surprised, and opened their mouths, but finally endured it.

Kakashi couldn't help but blurt out: "Shuiying is also a member of the God Organization?"

Kakashi's words just fell, and everyone looked at Kakashi's eyes even more weird, as if to say, ‘you guy is bad, it’s all up to now, and you’re pretending. ’

Kakashi said nothing for a while, and shut his mouth in depression.

Rixiangjing smiled and beckoned: "Sit down, sit down."

The fourth generation of Lei Ying sat back, but his face was still unbelievably slow. He had never thought of Shui Ying, as a shadow of a village, even secretly joining the God Organization.

Not to mention him, even Zhao Meiming and Qing who stood behind the citrus yakura were stunned.

Ri Xiangjing said: "Water Shadow is considered to be an old member of our God Organization. In order to respond to the threat of Xiao Organization, Shui Ying secretly joined our God Organization to join us in a secret confrontation with Xiao Organization."

Seeing Wuyin had been standing with Muye for a long time, and even more intimate than his own ally in Muye, the four generations of Fengying secretly cursed: "It's really unbelievable. I didn't expect that this kid, Citrus Yakura, was so treacherous. !"

The appearance of the three generations of soil shadows is even more ugly. Before the four-to-one did not have the slightest chance of winning, now it has become a three-to-two. The chance of winning is undoubtedly even more slim, so he secretly worried: "I hope they will also believe in Muye' Will of Fire' that set of ghost stuff, otherwise, it is really unimaginable..."

Ri Xiangjing said: "Okay, let's stop here on the topic of God Organization! Next, let's discuss the aftermath of the war."

The three generations of Tuying immediately gave a glance to the fourth generation of Leiying, and the fourth generation of Leiying hesitated, and then said: "Huoying, since I talked about the aftermath, I would like to ask, when will your Konoha prepare to separate each The tail beast that the village was taken away by Xiao organization is returned to us?"

"Unfortunately, when the big barrel Muhui Ye was sealed, Shio was also sealed together. By the way, did Kakashi tell you about this?"

After all, the Japanese mirror looked at Kakashi.

Kakashi just wanted to speak, but found that everyone looked away, as if he already knew what he was going to say, so he had to embarrassedly said: "That's true, and Ten Tails has been sealed."

Three generations of earth shadows looked to the Japanese mirror: "So, the tail beasts of our villages will never be returned?"

The Japanese mirror raised his face: "Why? Who should own the tail beast, who is it, and when the seal is lifted, I must find a way to return the tail beast to everyone."

Three generations of Tuying asked: "Huoying, when will the seal be lifted?"

The Japanese mirror said a little embarrassedly: "It's not easy to say, once the seal is lifted, Datong Muhuiye will be out of trouble, and I can successfully seal Datongmuhuiye this time, the luck component is inside, and I almost failed. I am, so I cannot easily lift the seal until I am ready."

Hearing Japan to the mirror was solemn, and several of them were not good to ask any more.

After all, they didn't want to have any accidents. Compared with heliostats, the evil spirit of Datong Muhuiye who wanted to hang everyone on a tree to collect Chakra was undoubtedly more terrible.

Recalling that the Japanese mirror had sealed the Kakashi of the big tube Muhuiye with only one move, at this time the face was strange...


Secondly, I only have the last day in June. Students who still have monthly tickets in their hands don’t forget to vote. After tomorrow, the monthly tickets will be refreshed. In addition, I would like to thank the students who are rewarded today, thank you all!

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