Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1368: Liquidation!

When the thing about the tail beast was pushed by the heliostat to Datong Muhuiye, the topic naturally couldn't go on. Although the faces of several shadows were very ugly, they couldn't help but even had no reason to complain.

After being so silent for a while, the three generations of earth shadow suddenly said: "I will not mention the matter of the tail beast for the time being. We should discuss the matter of punishing war criminals now!"

Kakashi's eyes narrowed, and his heart was tense.

Now Uchiha spots are dead, and even the corpses have been brought back to the village. Only the war criminals are the only ones left with Uchiha and the members of the Xiao organization under the soil.

The ordinary members of the Xiao organization obviously cannot compare with the soil that once became the pillar force of the ten tails.

Sure enough, the four generations of Ray Shadow immediately said: "At present, there is only one Uchiha spot confirmed for death, but Uchiha, who proactively provoked the enduring war, has no whereabouts."

The Japanese mirror spread his hand and slowly said: "Uchiha took the ten tails in the soil and was taken away by the Uchiha spot. Although he escaped by chance using the "time and space ninjutsu", in theory, he lost ten. He will certainly die at the end, so he may have died at a horn in the ninja world at this time."

Four generations of Fengying asked: "So, it is difficult for us to arrest him?"


The heliostat nodded.

The fourth generation of Lei Ying's face was overcast, and then said: "Even if it is difficult to find Uchiha with soil, we can't just let it go?"

Ri Xiangjing said: "It's good, so I propose to set up a temporary squad to specialize in the search and arrest of members of the Xiao organization hiding in Ninja."

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

"No comments."

Several shadows that had created psychological shadows against Xiaoxiao nodded their heads in agreement with the proposal of Nikko Mirror.

The members of the Xiao organization who are missing now include Bai Jue who escaped from the battlefield, as well as scorpion, loquat ten Tibetans, dried persimmon shark, lotus flower, 竜, black **** thunder tooth, and the long door belonging to the long door family, Xiaonan, Jiaodu , Flying section.

If gathered together, it is also a force to be reckoned with.

It may not pose a threat to the current Konoha, but it is enough to threaten all other ninja villages.

The three generations of Tu Ying suddenly turned their heads and said sincerely to the Japanese mirror: "Hire Naruto, this enduring war was completely provoked by the Uchiha family. The Uchiha spot and Uchiha take the soil. These two Uchiha, slaughter Tens of thousands of our ninjas, so please be sure to check whether there are any members of the Uchiha family."

The voices of the three generations of earth shadows just fell, and many approval voices came from the meeting place. Many people nodded one after another. There were rock hidden, cloud hidden, sand hidden, fog hidden, and even some wooden leaf ninjas.

The heliostat narrowed his eyes slightly, but still had a gentle smile on his face.

This seemingly reasonable proposal of the three generations of earth shadow actually hides the malicious intentions.

Artificially linking the Uchiha clan with the Uchiha spot that launched the fourth ninja war, Uchiha with soil, undoubtedly wanted to bring the Ninja Alliance to the dead Uchiha spot and the missing Uchiha Hatred is passed on to the Uchiha family.

As a result, a gap will be formed between the Uchiha clan and Konoha, resulting in cracks.

Nowadays, the Uchiha family not only has a large number of kaleidoscope Uchiha, but also a Uchiha Sasuke with the eye of the goblet reincarnation, which is extremely powerful.

Once the Uchiha clan separated from Konoha, Konoha's strength was greatly reduced.

This is like the Uchiha spot of the year turned against the first generation of Naruto, which led to the rapid collapse of Konoha's hegemony in a few years and entered a period of decay that lasted for decades, giving the other four ninja villages the opportunity to challenge Konoha.

Of course, as long as Konoha has the immortal Sunri mirror sitting in town, direct internal strife is impossible. At most, there is some suspicion and friction between the two sides. Ye made troublesome ways.

Kakashi saw everyone talking, and quickly said: "The Uchiha spot's conspiracy has nothing to do with our Uchiha family in Konoha. Don't forget, the Uchiha family also tried their best in this war. Uchiha Itachi , Uchiha stopped the water, Uchiha Shinichi, Uchiha Sasuke, and the former patriarch Uchiha Fuyue all participated in the battle. They are also part of the coalition forces!"

Everyone was unimpressed. In fact, everyone knew that Kakashi made sense, but the psychological trauma that Uchiha Spot and Uchiha brought to the soil was too great for everyone, including many Konoha ninjas. The ninjas inside felt instinctive taboos and rejection.

This has nothing to do with it. It is simply that the Uchiha family is too strong and too extreme to leave room for doing things.

Nikko Mirror smiled mildly: "Relax everyone, I will thoroughly investigate it!"

Kakashi looked over suspiciously: "Mirror, you..."

The heliostat waved his hand: "We have always convinced people of Konoha."

Several of them were relieved.

This is not only because the Japanese mirror approved their thorough investigation of the Uchiha family, but also because the reason shown by the Japanese mirror removed their fears.

This five-image meeting is not so much a post-war aftermath meeting as it is a test of Muye in several big ninja villages, and how he will deal with the affairs of the ninja world.

Now, seeing Sunward Mirror, this fairy is not the kind of extreme appetite. Like the first generation of Naruto, there is no ambition to unify the ninja world, so they are all relieved from top to bottom.

For other ninja villages ~ ~ they can admit that they can even accept some kind of vassal of Konoha, but they will never accept the fate of being annexed by Konoha.

It's as if they knew they weren't opponents of the Six Ways with Earth, and they would fight desperately. On the issue of survival, even if they are faced with an invincible fairy, they will not flinch.

The fourth generation of Lei Ying also said: "Emperor Huo Ying, although Uchiha Spot is dead, but his reincarnation eyes are still there, what should we do with these reincarnation eyes?"

Suddenly, everyone in the venue looked at the heliostat.

If the two reincarnation eyes of Uchiha’s spot were similar to the reincarnation eyes of the “Six Dao Immortals”, they only got the title of “Eye of Immortals”. After the two ten-man ten-pillar force, these reincarnation eyes are the well-deserved eyes of the fairy.

Therefore, these eyes are almost equivalent to the power of the super shadow level, which is a step where mortals can touch the realm of the fairy...


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