Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 256: Materials of the God Organization

"Before further improving cell fusion technology, let's develop this clone for the time being!"

Based on the principle of being prepared, Sun Xiangjing decided to do both hands.

While developing this female clone first, try to improve the cell fusion technology, and strive to create a more perfect clone of Uchiha bloodline.

Putting on a robe at random, Hyuga didn't bother to wear other clothes, and came barefoot to the independent laboratory where Uchiha Ryota was being held.

"White eyes, open!"

In his vision of the white eye, the sun mirror found that the two pairs of kaleidoscope writing chakras in Uchiha Ryota's orbit had begun a preliminary fusion.

Because the two eyeballs are fused together, after the initial fusion, the two eyeballs appear bloated and the overall outline appears oval.

"The speed of fusion is slower than expected ..."

Hyuga shook his head and immediately left the laboratory where Uchiha Ryota was being held.

As he walked towards the main laboratory, he secretly whispered: "In terms of cell fusion technology, Dashe Wan is also an expert, and maybe he can learn some techniques from him."

On cell fusion, the village started research early.

It is the result of this research that it is one of the three forbearances, the big snake pill and the group responsible for the roots. Yamato, the ninja who successfully fused the primary cells, and the primary cells implanted in the group.

You know, the first generation of cells is even more terrifying than cancer cells. It can swallow almost all other people's cells, and the fusion difficulty is far higher than that of the Uchiha family of cells.

Therefore, even if there is a certain lucky factor in the successful integration of the first generation of Yamato, it cannot be denied that Dashe Wan's expert technology in this regard.

"What would I do if Dashe Wan asked me to beg?"

In these days, Hyuga has been placing Bai in his secret residence, and he has not returned him to Osumaru.

Because Hyuga not only uses the "Soul Advent Surgery" of the rebirth eye to possess whiteness, but also learns the ice sacrifice blood from the white, so once the white is returned to the big snake pill, it is difficult to guarantee that the big snake pill does not What would be asked from Bai's mouth.

With the astuteness of Osumaru, as long as you know that Hyuga is learning Ice Mortar Ninjutsu, I'm afraid I will immediately guess that there is a certain connection between Hyuga and the "Chuan Lord" organized by God.

At that time, the secret of the ‘God Organization’ may be learned by Dashe Wan.

After returning to the **** of the genitals, Hyundai Mirror put the female clones back into the large nutrition trough, and then compiled the data of the cell fusion experiments these days.

The next day, it happened to be Hyuga and Hyosumi that was responsible for protecting Naruto.

Naruto, who is four years old, doesn't like staying in deserted homes because he has no loved ones, so he spends most of his time in the village.

But because of the rumor of the demon fox, almost all the villagers instinctively rejected Naruto, which made Naruto's childhood very dark and lonely.


Standing on a tree, Zhishui sighed sighing as he watched the lonely head hanging in the distance and lonely little Naruto.

Hyuga mirror also looked at Naruto, her heart filled with emotion.

As the son of the fourth generation of Naruto and Nine-tailed Pillars, Naruto ’s treatment in the village is really miserable. With so much cold eyes and injustice, Naruto can still maintain an optimistic and positive attitude, which has to be said. It is luck of Koba.

Uh ...

Just then, two figures fell to the side of Hyuga.

Hyuga mirror glanced and wondered, "Kakashi, Kay, why are you two here, isn't it your turn to rest today?"

Kakashi said solemnly, "There is something wrong!"

"Something happened?" Zhishui froze, and then asked: "What happened?"

Kakashi said with a calm face: "God organized again, not long ago they attacked Lei Ying and his party who were attending the Five Shadows Congress, and killed two of Lei Ying's guards!"


Hyundai mirror and water stop were surprised at the same time.

Immediately, the two looked at each other and asked with surprise and confusion, "God's organization ... has acted recently?"

After seeing each other's doubts, they shook their heads at the same time: "I don't know."

Kakashi didn't think much about seeing this, thinking that the two men were asking whether the other party knew this information, and then said: "Master Naruto is worried that God's organization will attack Naruto, so he added protection. Naruto's manpower. In the future, we will work together with the eleventh class, and other shadow classes will change with us. "

After pondering a while, Hyuga mirror asked: "Is Thunder Shall be all right?"

"Lei Ying is safe and sound, the opponent's target seems to be the two guards of Lei Ying." After a pause, Kakashi said, "Yes, one of the two guards of Lei Ying is Aida, the blood-sacing ninja. ! "

"Aida !?" Zhishui looked for a moment and said, "I played against Aida, but Yun Yin's elite can bear it, and his strength is very powerful!"

Kakashi said: "It is unclear whether Aida died. Only another body of Yun Yin Shang Ni was found at the scene, but Aida's body was not found."

Kay also said with a calm face: "Facing the word of God's organization, I'm afraid that Aida has already ..."

Hyuga mirror squinted and asked coldly, "Which member of God's organization took the shot?"

Kakashi heard that he took out a few documents and handed them to Heixiang Jing and Zhishui: "According to the description of Lei Ying, the members of the God Organization that appeared this time are strange faces."

He didn't ask much more, and immediately looked at the information in his eyes.

Immediately, the text on the document caught his eyes.

"'Yan Luo ~ ~ The leader of the God Organization, whose appearance is unknown, whose identity is unknown, and whose strength is unknown. There is no clear record of war cases at this time, danger level: S ..."

"'Chuan Zhuo', a member of the God Organization, whose appearance is unknown, is suspected of the Wuyinxue tribe, has a dungeon of blood, has strength close to the shadow level, danger level: S ..."

"'Yan Mo', a member of the God Organization, whose appearance is unknown, who is suspected of the Uchiha clan, has a kaleidoscopic writing wheel, shadow-level strength, and danger level: S ..."

"Magneto Ninja, a member of the God Organization, unknown code, unknown appearance, suspected Sandy Ninja, possesses Magneto Blood Blood, strength close to shadow level, danger level: S ..."

"Earth Ninja, a member of the God Organization, is unknown, looks unknown, identity unknown, strength unknown, danger level: A ..."

Hyuga mirror frowned: "The last Ninja ninja?"

Kakashi shook his head: "This dirt ninja just led Thunder Shadow away. There should be someone else who does, but the other party left no clue ..."

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