There are only a few organizations in Ninja who dare to attack Thunder Shadow.

Even if it is a sun mirror, when it is not necessary, it is not willing to provoke the reckless man of the fourth generation of Lei Ying, so the identity of the attacker of Lei Ying is very guessing.

The only thing that puzzled Hikaru is the reason why the organization wants to intercept the two guards of Lei Ying.

"Just simply want to attack this attack and blame the‘ God Organization ’? Then they are too busy to panic!”

Hyuga mirror's thoughts diverged, and his eyes gradually deepened.

At this time, Zhishui also read the information in his hand and asked Kakashi: "The information on the information is too small, isn't it that Lei Ying hasn't played against each other?"

Kakashi nodded helplessly: "Lei Ying ... Lei Ying seems to have hit the opponent's tricks and was deliberately led away."

"So, the target of the other party should be the two guards of Lei Ying." After a pause, Zhishui continued to analyze: "The life and death of Aida, the blood ninja follower, is unknown, and even the body was not found, then we are Can't we think that the other party's goal is Aida? "

Kay said immediately: "Master Naruto thinks so too."

Kakashi added: "The real purpose of the God organization's attack on Lei Ying and his party is probably Aida's Langye blood step, so Lord Naruto suspects that the God group is planning a plot related to the blood step ninja!"

"Lanyu Blood Ji ..." After hearing Kakashi's words, Hyuga mirror suddenly remembered Beiluhu, and secretly said, "Did Xiao organize this attack on Lanyu Bloodji Ninja? Is it related to Beiluhu?"

In original time and space, it was only after more than ten years that Naruto's group of ninjas grew up that he barely perfected the defects of the "Ghost Buddhism" and launched his "blood following absorption plan" .

So in the beginning, Hyuga didn't really think about Haliyu.

However, Yun Yinlan's blood following the ninja was missing, and it was likely that Xiao organization was involved, and Beiluohu also joined Xiaoliu and so on. These clues were tied together, so he had to associate Hyuga with Beiluhu. And his 'blood following absorption plan'.

"It's not right. Beiluuhu didn't make sense to complete the" Ghost Buddhism "so quickly. Is it because he joined Xiao organization and got help from others?"

After completing a day of guarding missions, the 11th shift of the dark part of the shift was dissolved in place.

Zhishui stayed on purpose, and after Kakashi and Kay went away, they hurriedly asked Hyuga mirror: "Predecessor, what is going on? Is there any other member of our" God Organization "?"

"If there are new members, how could I hide from you." He smirked and said to Hyuga: "Obviously, this is someone who is using our‘ God Organization ’sign. It ’s deliberately causing trouble!”

Zhishui angrily said: "It's abominable! Seniors, let's find them out!"

Hyuga mirror glanced at Zhishui, and then asked lightly, "Why do we establish a 'god organization'?"

He stopped for a moment: "To ease the conflict between Uchiha and the village."

Sun Xiangjing nodded softly: "Although the other party is maliciously marrying us, they actually helped us and further promoted the threat of the" **** organization "!"

Zhishui took the stubble: "The greater the threat of the 'God Organization', the more worries of our Uchiha family will be, and the rebellion will be postponed indefinitely!"


Zhishui also said, "But these guys are playing our name and acting wildly. I'm always a little uncomfortable in our hearts. Do we just watch them do evil?"

Sunxiang Jing casually said: "The investigation is still needed, but this matter need not be anxious. In addition, to protect Uzumaki Naruto, we must also take care of it, and say that someone really is playing the idea of ​​Nine Tail! "

She stopped nodding quickly.

Others may not know the true identity of Naruto Uzumaki, but as a hidden part of Naruto, it is clear what Naruto means to Muye Village, so Naruto's safety must be guaranteed.

After saying goodbye to the water stop and returning to the house, Hyuga mirrored a bit, and then immediately bit his finger and yelled, "Psychicism!"

Uh ...

After a period of white smoke, the orange cat Zhaocaiwan appeared in the room of Hyundai Mirror.

But at this time, orange cats had hair bands on their bodies. The original orange hair had a black streak, but it seemed that the bottom was a little worse.

Hyuga mirrored for a moment: "You are ..."

Zhao Caimaru, summoned by Hyuga mirror, looked depressed: "Meow, I'm dyeing my hair, I won't send a letter today!"

Hyuga mirror laughed: "You have a good orange cat, how can this circle of stripes be dyed like a tiger?"

"Really?" Zhao Caimaru jumped to the table, twisted back and forth happily: "Is it really like a tiger? I just dyed it according to the tiger's pattern, looks very mighty!"

"What irritated this stupid cat?" He whispered in his heart, and said to Hyundai: "I'm calling you this time to help me pass a word to the truth."

On the table, Zhao Caimaru was still intoxicated: "Hey, this hair dye shop seems pretty good, you can often visit here, meow!"

Uh ...

Hyuga hit the table with a heavy blow: "I don't hear what I just said. This time I beg you to come and help you pass a word to me."

Zhao Cai Wan said absolutely: "Meow, I still have to go back and dye my hair. I will not send a letter today!"

A sun-dial mirror drew a thousand yuan bill from his pocket and patted it on the table.

Zhao Caimaru had a tangled expression on his face, and looked back and forth across the thousand-dollar bill on the table, but he still did not let go.

"Dead cat!"

He cursed, and Sun Xiangjing took another one thousand yuan bill and patted it on the table.

Looking at Venus's fortune pill, he immediately stuffed two thousand-dollar bills into a small wallet around his neck and asked, "Meow, what do you want to pass to Zhenyi?"


In a driving range near the Uchiha Family Land ~ ~ Uchiha, who practiced sword skills for a day, inserted a long knife on the ground, immediately picked up a towel and wiped his face Sweat.

The previous encounter with the **** organization ‘Flame Demon’ became a thorn buried deep in his heart, which made him unable to let go for a long time.

"I was intimidated by one of the other's eyes, it was unforgivable!"

Every time I think of that scene, Uchiha feels ashamed, so after returning to the village, he doubled his training volume.

After wiping the sweat from his face, just as Uchiha was ready to pump up the long knife on the ground to continue training, a weird vortex appeared in front of him out of thin air.

Uchiha lifted his sword and asked, "Who is it !?"

At this time, a figure emerged from that weird vortex ...

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