Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 277: 鸣 Hito Wasasuke

The children turned their heads, looked at Naruto who rushed over, and asked, "Who are you?"

Naruto shouted, "I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and Naruto in the future!"

"Future Naruto?"


"Are you a fool?"

The children burst into laughter.

Naruto's face turned black: "Enlighten yourself!"

With that said, Naruto rushed up and grabbed a child's collar.

Uh ...

At this time, another child waved a heavy punch, hit Naruto's cheek with unbiasedness, flew Naruto out, and fell to the snow.

"Che, what do you mean by the future of Naruto, you can't even stop a punch!"

"This guy is a fool!"

"I heard my mother say that he is an ominous fox demon, let's ignore him!"

The children's ridicule and sarcasm left Naruto falling down in the snow, especially the last "Fox Demon", and even Naruto buried her head deeply in the snowdrift.

On the tree, the brow frowns tightly, and the gesture is about to jump.

Hyuga stopped him and said, "Don't worry."

Zhishui said, "But ..."

Hyuga mirror smiled: "Keep watching!"

At this moment, the timid Hina ran up to Naruto with courage and crouched down, wiped off the snowflakes on Naruto, and carefully asked, "Are you ... are you okay?"

Naruto lying on the ground didn't snor, just shook his head.

The children shouted, "A white-eyed monster, a fox demon, want to play with us, dream!"

Suddenly, another little figure came over and said, "Hey, do you only bully girls and fools?"

A group of children looked over, and the only person who saw it was a boy with his hands in his pants pockets, and Uchiha ’s Tufan fan emblem printed on his clothes.

The children asked, "Who are you?"

"Sasuke Uchiha!"

After the cool newspaper reported his name, Sasuke glanced again at Naruto, whose head was buried in the snow, and Hinata, who squatted beside Naruto, and his eyes stopped slightly on the white eyes of Hinata.

He then said to the children: "I'm different from them. I'm Uchiha!"

"What about Uchiha, we have three people and you only have one!"

The children living in peace time obviously didn't appreciate the name of the big Ninja in the village.

Sasuke snorted softly, stepped forward and grabbed a child's collar, stretched his leg and tripped over the other child, and caught his fist from the third child with his hand, saying, "Remember, I'm different from you! "

The children were suddenly frightened by Sasuke's hand, and fled one after another.

Watching Sasuke drive away the children, the water stop on the tree smiled.

It is better for Sasuke to solve the problem in front of him, than it is to stop the water himself as the dark part. After all, their task of the eleventh class is to protect Naruto secretly.

If everyone knows the protection task, then even an idiot can guess that the identity of Naruto with shadow protection is extraordinary.

At this time, Sasuke put his hands in his pants pockets again, and asked Hawada, "You are Hyuga?"

Hinada nodded weakly: "Well, thanks to you just now!"

Naruto sat up and whispered to Sasuke, "Thank you ..."

"Don't have to thank you." Putting aside, Sasuke added, "You can't even solve such a few guys. You are too inferior. Anyway, it is also a giant with us like Uchiha. Is there only such a little strength?"

It seemed that Sasuke was not expected to say so. Hinata stunned her head and said, "I'm so sorry."

Sasuke shook his head: "It seems that your Hyuga family has really fallen, unlike our Uchiha family, who stands at the pinnacle of Ninja from beginning to end!"

Saying that, Sasuke turned and walked straight, never looking at Naruto on the ground from beginning to end.

On the tree.

Shui Shui embarrassedly said to Hyuga, "Senior, Sasuke ..."

Sun Xiangjing waved his hand and laughed, "Just a child, how can I have general knowledge with him?"

Zhishui sighed: "There is indeed some bad atmosphere in the clan recently, everyone ... hey!"

Regarding the current situation of the Uchiha family, Hyuga mirrors are also somewhat heard of.

The high-ranking members of the Uchiha family, such as the patriarch Fuyue, Zhishui, etc., are very clear that the problems that Uchiha is facing are very serious, and if they are not careful, they may cause the genocide.

But the middle and lower Uchiha people are not clear about the troubles that the Uchiha people face.

They just heard about how Uchiha Shinichi, who opened the kaleidoscope to write chakras, and how the divine organization 'Yanmo' who owns the kaleidoscope to write chakras, in their conception, the Uchihas are the leader in the Ninja world It was the Uchihas who defected from the village, and all of them belonged to Megatron Ninja.

This atmosphere has made some members of the Uchiha clan, even more arrogant, even the actions of Shinichi and Yanma as a rebellion, as if they are honored, as if these rebellious achievements, It is the evidence supporting their bloodlines and superiority!

To Hyuga, this is a typical way of thinking that puts the family above the village.

The Uchiha family has never been able to integrate into the village. The inexplicable arrogance on them is also one of the important reasons. After all, no one wants to deal with people who look down on themselves.

Hyuga mirror asked, "Recently, have your clan meetings discussed rebellion?"

Zhishui immediately shook his head: "One Shinichi and one 'Flame Demon' stirred up the head of the clan, and the disappearance of Liang Tai and Yingshu, as well as the disappearance of a long time ago. For the time being, No more rebellion. "

"The threat from our God organization and Xiao organization is so great ~ ~ I do n’t think the village would dare to treat you Uchiha in a short time. As long as it is maintained, things will always be resolved. The solution. Also, something big may happen in the village recently! "

Sun Xiangjing faintly felt that after completing the **** integration of the blood following fusion ceremony, he must be lonely and surely make a big news.

In the original time and space, Bei Liuhu did not even complete the blood following fusion ceremony, and declared a war against the five Ninja villages. This shows how unwilling he is to be ignored.

Today, his strength is not what it used to be. If he doesn't do anything, he will not believe it.

Moreover, based on the character of Hullihu, Hyuga mirror, his first goal of revenge was to make him into a rebellious Muye Village, so he would say so.

Stopping the water is not stupid, and immediately came over: "Senior, do you mean humble?"

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