Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 278: Emotional investment

Recalling a scene where he had confronted Beiluo at the blood following fusion ceremony, Sun Xiangjing said slowly: "If nothing unexpected happens, Beiluohu will revenge the village in the near future."

Beiluhu's personality, eager to be recognized and eager to receive attention, is doomed to his behavior pattern.

This is actually not difficult to guess!

What's more, in the Xiao organization, Bingtu was thinking of destroying the leaves of the wood, destroying the Uchiha family, and destroying the order of the entire Ninja world, so even if he was humble, he could provoke him to kill the leaves .

Zhishui heard the words, and his face was covered with anxiety.

For the judgment of the sun mirror, Zhishui has always been convinced. He thought that if he thought that the Beiluhu would retaliate against the village, things would definitely happen.

What is uncertain is just when and how things will break out.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, night falls.

The wooden leaves wrapped in silver are bathed in the cold and clean moonlight, and it seems more and more dreamy. The white snow reflects the moonlight into the sky, and casts a charming halo in the deep night. Make today's night much brighter than ever.

Hyuga mirror clasped her chest with her hands and leaned against the alley of an alley.

At this moment, the little Naruto stepped out of the alley in a downcast mood, and the whole person looked a little absent-minded, and the snow fell all over, and he did not shake off.

Picking the corner of Hyuga mirror, he smiled, "Little guy, are you hungry?"

Naruto looked up at the sunward mirror at the entrance of the lane, then immediately lowered his head in a lonely expression, still walking slowly and deafly to the words of the sunward mirror.

No one in the street ever greeted Naruto voluntarily, so Naruto subconsciously thought that Hyuga was talking to other people, so he ignored them.

Hyuga mirror froze and secretly said, "This boy, why don't you ignore people and get emotional?"

Later, Hyuga went to the alley and stopped Naruto.

Naruto pointed his finger at himself: "Brother, were you talking to me just now?"

Hyuga mirror smiled and nodded.

Naruto noticed the eyes of Hyuga and said, "Brother, your eyes are exactly the same as those of a little girl I met today!"

"This is white-eyed. It's the blood line of our Hyuga tribe." After a pause, Hyuga continued, "The little girl you saved today is my sister. In order to repay your bravery, I decided to invite you to eat ramen ,how about it?"

Naruto suddenly came to the spirit, and the whole person suddenly seemed to be alive: "Brother, are you talking about it?"

Stepped forward and patted Naruto's head, Hyuga mirror laughed: "Let's go!"

At the Yile Ramen Restaurant, Naruto stared at the price list, his expression was tangled, and he didn't seem to know what kind of ramen to order. He hesitated for a moment, and he whispered, "Brother, can you order anything?"

Hyuga mirror laughed: "Just order it, as long as you can eat!"

Naruto immediately cheerfully ordered three large bowls of ramen, and the whole person lay on a bowl larger than his head, and snorted.

Looking to the side, Hyuga was stunned, and said in his heart, "This is also the ability of the whirlpool family of immortals ?!"

The blame and rejection of Naruto by the villagers is indeed unfair to Naruto, but for Hyundai Mirror, it has given him a good chance to embrace Naruto.

In the eyes of Naruto, who was rejected by everyone, the whole village was undoubtedly full of inexplicable malice.

At this time, if someone can stand up, even if they just give Naruto a little bit of insignificant care and love, they can get an unparalleled status in his heart.

This was the case with Iluka, Naruto's teacher, in spacetime.

Different from Sasuke, who showed no remorse when he turned his face and picked up Kakashi who had guided himself without reservation. Naruto is the kind you only need to be good to him and have a place in his heart. He will Remember the good people in your life.

So if emotion is also an investment, then Naruto is the one with the lowest investment cost and the best investment prospects.


After eating three bowls of ramen in a row, Naruto snorted.

Hyuga mirror laughed: "Full?"

"Thank you for your hospitality!" Rao Rao ’s head, Naruto suddenly said with a little embarrassment: "Brother, actually ... Actually, the person who saved your sister today is not me, but a person named Uchiha Sasuke."

"Shit boy, it's not stupid, just confess after eating!" He smiled secretly, Hyuga mirror said, "Oh, so, that Uchiha Sasuke should be terrific?"

Naruto quickly said: "Yeah, yeah, he knocked down three people by himself, very powerful!"

He pointed to the corner of his mouth and deliberately said, "The benefactor who saved my sister is the Uchiha Sasuke. Then I'll thank him the other day."

Naruto bowed her head and said, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." He smiled, and Hyuga stood up. "Then I'll go first, bye!"

Having said that, Hyuga came out of a ramen restaurant.

Naruto quickly chased out and asked, "Brother, I just forgot to ask, what's your name?"

Hyuga didn't look back: "My name is Hyuga."

Naruto shouted, "Brother, my name is Naruto, Uzumaki Naruto, don't forget it!"

Hikaru waved and waved, "Well."

Naruto shouted again, "Are we friends now?"

Hyuga stopped, and turned to give Naruto a smile: "Of course it is!"

After saying that, Sun Xiangjing turned and left.

To Naruto, Hyuga cannot be too eager to perform, otherwise it will attract the attention of three generations, so even if you have made up your mind to invest in Naruto's emotions, Hyuga will still maintain a moderate distance.

Today, if Naruto and Hinata had an intersection, so that the people of the Hyuga tribe had a proper excuse to contact Naruto, he would not rush into Naruto.

Walking across a long street ~ ~ Hyuga mirror suddenly frowned and turned into an alley.

In a quiet alley, Hyuga faintly said, "Come out."

At this time, a figure emerged from the shadows and said, "The predecessor is indeed a person who is valued by the Great Snake Pill. The perception ability is so outstanding that he discovered me so quickly."

He looked at the man who stepped out of the shadows, his expression calmed.

This guy is not someone else. It is the left arm and right arm pharmacist's pocket around Dashe Wan, but at this time the pharmacist's pocket is only thirteen or fourteen years old, so it looks much more immature than the Zhongni examination in the original space.

Hyuga mirror asked coldly, "Doseumaru sent you?"

The pharmacist lifted his eyes and said, "Yes!" 8)

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