Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 805: Kagura mind

After listening to Shinichi's words, Zhishui and Itachi of the colleagues immediately cast their eyes on inquiry.

Zhen Yi narrowed her eyes slightly, and Shen Sheng explained: "I was in the operating room just now, and I secretly felt 'Yangshen', but I don't know why, I couldn't feel any useful information. Something completely isolated my perception, this kind of thing has never happened to Nagato! "

Zhishui and Itachi heard a stun in their hearts.

Shinichi's perception ability is very clear to both of them. It is undoubtedly the strongest among the current Uchiha family, and even far exceeds them who are also Kaleidoscope Uchiha.

Because of this, they believe in the true judgment in this regard.

At this time, Zhenyi looked back a little crazily, subconsciously lowering the volume of speech: "And the other party's perception ability is stronger than mine, no, I am not at a level compared with her ..."

Seeing Zhenyi seemed a little uneasy, Zhishui asked curiously, "What happened to you?"

Really a little embarrassed: "I can feel that we are still in her perception, she is watching us!"

Itachi froze and said immediately: "This is impossible unless she is always following us!"

At this time, the three of them had left the area of ​​the death forest and entered the village's residential area, at least dozens of kilometers apart from the underground laboratory on the edge of the death forest.

Separated by such a long distance, according to Itachi's knowledge, no perceptual ninja can achieve such a long distance perception.

Shushui turned back and confirmed, saying, "We should not be followed."

Zhenyi said bitterly, "You two guys, do n’t doubt my perception ability. You may not feel it, but now I ’m on my back, it feels like ... as if she is always behind. Stare at me! "

Waterstop was a little puzzled: "How is this possible!"

He searched his memory and did not find a Ninjutsu or Mystery that met this ability, because such a long-distance perception is impossible unless Chakra information is transmitted along the way by sending bad bugs like the oil girl family Succeed.

"If I knew why, I wouldn't have to be so embarrassed!" Putting aside, Jin said, "I don't know where the boss recruited this monster!"

The more I learned about the strength of God's organization, the more I was shocked.

Itachi said calmly, "Since the senior recruited her into the organization, she must be trusted."

In the underground laboratory, Itachi keenly noticed the glance of 'Yangshen'. He spent more than half of his time on the body of the sundial mirror. He was very familiar with that look, because he looked at the sundial mirror with the same look.

Zhishui nodded in agreement: "Well, instead of worrying about these things that we shouldn't worry about, we might as well think about how to deal with family troubles!"

Zhenyi replied casually: "Yes, there are things in the family that are worth worrying about. No matter from what perspective, the boss is the most suitable choice for this five generations."

Zhishui and Itachi nodded together.

In their opinion, Hyuga is the most suitable person in the whole village to be Naruto, and only when a strong man like Hyuga becomes Naruto can it resolve the contradiction between the Uchiha family and the village.

In the forest of death.

Xiang phosphorus opened his eyes and said, "Sir, they have returned to the Uchiha clan safely."

"Is it..."

Hyuga mirror smiled.

In addition to the special healing constitution, Xiang Phosphorus also has a commendable place, that is, she has the highest precision and the widest range of perceptual ninjutsu in the ninja world.

It can be said that phosphorous is a human-shaped radar, and Sasuke originally relied on phosphorous to lock the position of the group.

If Sasuke was tolerant enough at that time, it would be easy to find the opportunity to ambush Tsozo alone, but at the time when Sasuke was in the most serious stage of the "Second Phase II", after locking the trail of Tsozo, regardless of The occasion rushed into the scene of the Five Shadows Congress, dragging the entire Eagle team to be repaired by the four generations of Lei Ying.

In the end, if he didn't bring the soil to save the field in time, he would have died inexplicably in the hands of the three generations of earth shadows.

Now, with the reincarnation eyes, Xiang Phosphor's "Kakaku Heart Eyes" has also been strengthened to a certain extent. At the age of ten, she can already cover the whole woody village, and this perception is Invisible and invisible, only Uchiha Shinichi, the top perceptual ninja in the ninja world, can feel a little faintly after touching the phosphorous at close range.

Noon the next day.

Kakashi visited Hyuga alone.

After welcoming Kakashi into the house, Hyuga asked: "Is your injury all right?"

Kakashi replied, "After the careful treatment of Lord Tsutete, it is much better."

Under normal circumstances, Kakashi's injury requires at least two to three months of treatment to heal, but now only more than half a month later, he can move freely. A lot of effort.

He poured a cup of tea for Kakashi, and Hyuga mirrored with a smile: "You just came to your door just after the injury. What should happen?"

Kakashi took a sip of tea and said sincerely, "Mirror, thank you!"

Hyuga mirror asked: "Why thank me?"

"I have heard your agreement with the three generations." A little silence, Kakashi said, "I know this is not fair to you, I'm sorry!"

Sun Xiangjing smiled: "If you are referring to the authority of the post, you don't need to apologize. I have no interest in those, and I have collected the money."

Seeing this from the mirror, Kakashi stopped talking about his job authority and said with a look of calmness: "Jing, you must be prepared. After the election, we may face a rebellion."

Hyuga looked at Kakashi. At this time, he was skeptical that the village had deliberately delayed the time and postponed the vote of confidence. It was probably to give Kakashi a chance to recover and respond to the possible rebellion of the Uchiha family.

He groaned a bit ~ ~ Hyugamir asked: "Is the day for the vote of confidence settled?"

Kakashi nodded: "Well, the whole village will be notified today, and a trust vote for the five generations of Naruto will be officially held tomorrow!"

"So fast?"

Sun Xiangjing was a bit surprised. He thought the village would be delayed for a while, but he did not expect to start a formal vote of confidence tomorrow. It can be seen that the Uchiha family must have put a lot of pressure on the village.

Kakashi looked at Hyuga mirror and said, "Mirror, tomorrow, you will be Naruto!"

"What about Naruto ..."

Although I don't really care about the position of Naruto in my heart, when I think of tomorrow that it will officially become the fifth generation of Naruto.


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