Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 806: Hire the best craftsman in the kingdom of fire

Soon, the news that the five-generation Naruto campaign was postponed for more than half a month and started again spread throughout the village overnight.

In the early morning of the next day, the entire Muye Village fell into a frenzy of enthusiasm. In Jiming and the morning light, the people in twos and twos went out of the house. They shuttled in the streets and alleys of the village, and gradually gathered together. A crowd of people, from the laughter of the children, the cries of the vendors, and the noise of the discussion, rushed from all directions to the Naruto building.

"You said Uchiha and Hyuga, who will be the fifth generation?"

"It should be Uchiha Patriarch ..."

"Well, after all, there is a kaleidoscope to write round eyes ..."

"Yeah, Uchiha's Kaleidoscope's" Suzano Nobo "is too strong ..."

"It's a pity! The village canceled the last match, otherwise we would be very feastful ..."

The focus of the villagers' discussion is naturally who of the two Naruto candidates can win and become the village's Naruto.

For ordinary villagers who lack internal information and do not understand high-level decision-making, the Uchiha patriarch who has a kaleidoscope to write chakras has a clearer chance of winning than the sun-mirror of the sun-separated family.

Listening to the discussions of the villagers, Ujibo Shinji, who is responsible for maintaining the security of the streets, raised his mouth proudly.

Undoubtedly, the battle between Uchiha Fuyue and Kakashi had completely defeated Uchiha, and many villagers who watched the battle realized the power of Uchiha.

In particular, Kakashi, who opened the 'Eight Gates' Armor, launched a series of futile and aggressive offensives against Uchiha Fuyue's 'Suzano Nosu', and made villagers realize that Uchiha's 'Suzano' Almost 'unmatched!

Shinji Uchiha glanced at Naruto Rock in the distance, and glanced at the statues of the first, second, third, and fourth generations, and yelled, "Huh, it's finally Uchiha's turn!"

At this moment, a large group of uniforms and aggressive ninjas came to the streets.

The villagers along the road gave way one after another, and some villagers even bowed their heads consciously, showing respect.

This large group of ninjas is not others, but the Uchihas who are famous in the ninja world.

The first person was one of the candidates for the fifth generation of Naruto, and the contemporary patriarch of the Uchiha family, Uchiha Fuyue, only saw him in a costume and led the Uchiha family towards the Naruto building with a majestic look.

One step behind Uchiha Tomohiro is his wife Uchiha Miguchi, and two sons Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke.

Then came Uchiha to stop the water. The two kaleidoscopes of Uchiha's family, who were walking side by side, were all dressed up and looked serious.

Behind a large area of ​​Wudang, is a bit of ninja and special ninjas of the Uchiha family.

Looking at the mighty people, Shinji Uchiha, who was on duty, hurriedly greeted him, gave a big gift to the leading patriarch Fu Yue, and bowed: "I wish the patriarch to win the position of Naruto today!"


A majestic Fu Yue responded slightly.

Feeling the majesty emanating from the patriarch, Ujibo Shinji became more respectful and kept a bowing posture to aside.

In the team.

Watching the respect of the family to their father and the respect of the villagers along the street to Uchiha, Sasuke's face beside Itachi stretched a face, but his heart blossomed.

"Our Uchiha really is the strongest ninja in the village!"

Sasuke secretly smug.

At a young age, he had a superficial understanding of the title "Naruto", but this did not prevent him from enjoying the envy, awe, and even dreadful eyes cast by others.

It didn't take long for the Uchiha family, and a large group of uniformed ninjas ushered in the street.

Looking at the oncoming ninjas with a pair of white-eyed eyes, Shinji Uchiha took a sip and said secretly: "Enjoy yourself, only today! After today, there will be a nice look at you from the Hyuga family!"

The oncoming nature is the Hyuga family, who together with Uchiha and called the two major pupils of the wooden leaves.

At the forefront of the line are the elders of the family's Rizu and Rixiang.

Although he is not willing to cheer for the fifth generation of Naruto for the Hyuga mirror campaign, after all, it is the moment since the establishment of the wooden leaves, the Hyuga family is closest to the place of Naruto. Unwilling to come.

The young lady of Zong family, Hina, took her sister's hand, followed by several elders of Zong family.

In the future, it is the shogunate and special shogunate of the Hyuga branch, and the first step in the split team is the day difference released half a month ago, and a look around the day difference Ningji was excited.

As the three generations negotiated with Hyuga, the sundial that had been detained was released. After all, Hyuga was about to take over the fifth generation of Naruto. If the village continued to detain Sundial, the face of the newly appointed Naruto would not look good. Already.

"Well, weird!"

Gazes swept away from the people of the Hyuga family, and Uchiha Shinji was surprised to find that the Hyuga mirror, a candidate for Naruto, was not in the ranks of the Hyuga family.


Hyuga mirror home.

Bell, who was arranging her hair for Hyuga, murmured, "Mirror, do we really not need to be here in advance? Today, we need a vote of confidence. It would be better to go earlier."

The agreement between Hyuga and the three generations is known only to the advisory elders and Kakashi, Asma, and a few others. Hyuga Suzuki, who is a disciple of Tsunade, has been blinded.

Hyuga mirror smiled: "What's the matter, the protagonist always wants to be the finale!"

Ling looked at the magnificent sun-turned mirror in the vanity mirror and asked: "Mirror, will you really become Naruto? Your head will be carved into Naruto Rock like the first, second, third, and fourth generations of them. ?"

Although it has been more than half a month since Hyuga Mirror entered the fifth generation of Naruto ~ ~, Ling still has some unaccustomed attitudes towards the increasingly enthusiastic attitude of her people, and the kind respect of colleagues at the Koba Hospital In the face of all this, she always lingered with an unreal fantasy in her heart. From time to time, she would shake her mind and could not tell whether she was in a dream or a reality.


He replied casually.

Suddenly, Bell smiled down.

Hyuga mirror curiously asked, "What do you think, smiling so happily?"

Ling Yi said happily: "This time I will pay for myself and hire the best craftsman in the country of fire to create a statue of Naruto for you!"

Hyuga nodded gently, then added: "Remember to ask for an invoice!"


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