Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 817: Visitors in the night

The wooden leaves village under the night is brightly lit, and the night market is even more bustling and noisy. In terms of business alone, wooden leaves undoubtedly come to the front of the other four big ninja villages.

Hyuga mirror home.

He closed the papers in his hands, and rubbed his forehead with the mirror.

After a few days of Naruto, he became more and more depressed.

Although he has pushed the daily business of Naruto to the advisory elders, but he needs the documents signed by the five generations of Naruto, but cannot be written by others. Therefore, just to find the staff who signed various government order documents every day. There are a whole lot.

Apart from work, his daily life has also been greatly affected.

In the past, when he was on the street, he could do whatever he wanted, go wherever he wanted, and do whatever he wanted, but now when he is on the street, everyone will bow to him along the way, say hello, and annoy him.

In the past, if you wanted to leave the village, just leave a shadow copy.

Now, as a Naruto, every word, every action, every move, has been concerned by many parties, leaving only a shadow clone, which really may not be able to cope. Once the shadow clone is exposed, it causes a commotion in the village. It's a hassle.

"A headache!"

After sighing, Hyuga turned to look out the window.

Although the night was dark at this time, the newly formed Shadow Guard was still faithfully guarding near his courtyard, making him feel very uncomfortable.

In fact, when Xiang Jing submitted his list of shadow guards to the advisory elders team, three generations of advisory elders raised objections. They felt that the members of the shadow guards selected by Sun Xiangjing were too young, with strength and experience. What is lacking, I hope that Hyuga will re-select some stronger ninjas to serve as the shadow guard.

Sun Xiangjing smiled, and ignored the advice of the elders of the consultant.

Where was the Shadow Guard when the first generation fought against Uchiha?

When the second generation was besieged by the Golden Horn and Silver Horn brothers to death, where was the Shadow Guard?

When the seal of the fourth generation died, where was the Shadow Guard?

Even if it was three generations of themselves, the so-called Shadow Guards only temporarily made a live commentary when they were secretly killed by Oshimaru in the original spacetime.

History has proven time and time again that the Shadow Guard cannot actually protect Naruto!

If you really encounter troubles that even Naruto can't handle, and can't cope with a strong enemy, then even the Shadow Guard will probably just die in vain.

Instead of spending your mind on selecting members of the Shadow Guard, find someone who knows and trusts to serve as the Shadow Guard.

As for strength and experience?

Wouldn't it be better to have no strength or experience!

At the same time as Xiang Jing was thinking about how to solve the many inconveniences caused by Naruto's identity at home, a dark shadow jumped onto the outer wall of the wooden leaves.


The two wooden leaves ninjas patrolling on this outer wall just noticed that they felt dizzy for a while, then fell straight to the ground.

Leaning on the black shadow on the outer wall, he ignored the two wooden leaves ninjas who fainted on the ground, but set his sights on the wooden leaves village dotted with lights in front of him.

The tension caused by the election of the fifth generation of Naruto has doubled the number of guards patrolling the village at night than usual, but Hei Ying seems to be very familiar with Konoha. Shutting through the slit, soon arrived near the center of the village.

Standing on a big tree, Heiying looked at the street in the distance, and finally locked his eyes on the small courtyard of the sun mirror.


After a slight chuckle, Hei Ying shook his body, and flew towards the courtyard of Rixiang Jing.

When approaching the small courtyard of the Sunward Mirror, the dark shadow did not continue to converge, but revealed the trace by itself, and Dala fell into the small courtyard of the Sunward Mirror.

Uh ...

Instantly, the four members of the Hyundai Mirror Shadow Guard fell into the courtyard in a burst of wind, surrounding the sudden dark shadow in the center.

Under the shadow mask, Red frowned and asked, "Who are you !? How dare you break into Naruto Mansion!"

The shadow lifted the bonnet on his head, revealing his features.

"Pharmacist's pocket?"

As a secret officer pursuing and killing the rebellious forbearance, Hong instantly recognized that the person in front of him was the pharmacist of a forbearance school teacher who defected from the village not long ago.

Facing the siege of the Shadow Guards, he smiled and said calmly, "I want to see Lord Naruto."

"Let him in."

Just then, the voice of Hyuga was heard in the room.

When the four members of the Shadow Guard heard the words, they had to make way, without hesitation, just glanced at the red beans in the Shadow Guard, and then entered the room with a smile.

Going downstairs and coming to the living room, Hyuga didn't speak, but took a deep look at the pharmacist in front of him.

In his perception, Chakra on his pocket is very weird, if not, it seems to have been given a layer of camouflage, and just now he was sneaking into the block and was about to break into the courtyard. Perceived.

It must be known that with his present sensibility, there are not many ninjas that can be seen by him in such a close distance, but in his impression, pockets are obviously not among them.

Seeing the sun down mirror came downstairs, and the Asahi mirror standing in the living room gave a gift, congratulating with a joke: "Congratulations, our naruto!"

Hyuga faintly said, "You sneak into the village late at night, shouldn't you just wish to say hi to me? Say, you venture to see me. What's the purpose?"

"I'm sorry to see you, it's not me."

After all, his eyes suddenly lost focus, and the whole person seemed to have lost his soul and stood in place.

The glance of Hyuga mirror.

In this short moment, he could clearly feel that the breath and chakra on his body had undergone earth-shaking changes, as if he had changed a person ~ ~, and the changing atmosphere also made He felt a little familiar.

Just when a speculation was locked in the mirror of Xiang Jing's head, a familiar husky and shady tone came from his mouth: "Mirror, I really didn't expect the old man to give you Hao Ying's seat!"


This hoarse voice overlapped with the speculation in his head instantly, making Sunview mirror extremely firm.

Immediately, Hyuga mirrored his eyebrows again and said, "You robbed the body of Yakushi's pocket? No, you both live in the same body?"

Dashe Wan said without a word: "You are still so keen."

Da Snake Pill always remembers Tuanzang's body that has been strengthened by the "blood following fusion ritual" and has seven blood limits. However, he now lives in the body of the pharmacist's pocket, which undoubtedly explains one thing, so Hyuga Jing smiled: "It looks like you've planted a big heel this time!"


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