Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 818: The fragile ‘immortal’

Thinking of the farewell before, and the abnormal disappearance of Dashe Wan at this time, and the distress situation of Dashe Wan living in Dou's body at this time, there was a lot of speculation in the head of Hyuga mirror.

At the time of Tuanzang's "Blood Following Fusion Ceremony", even before a long time ago, Da Snake Pill had been staring at Tuan Zang's body.

This can be seen from the intention of Dashe Wan secretly implanting a 'cursor seal' in Tuanzang's body, and wanting to erode the Tzu Zang spiritual body through the natural energy contained in the 'cursor's seal.'

It's just that Osumaru obviously underestimated the power of the "blood following fusion ceremony" that he and Hyuga had designed together.

He secretly implanted the 'cursive seal' into Tuan Zang, not only failed to help him capture the body of Tuan Zang, but also allowed Tuan Zang to use the natural energy in the 'Spell Seal' to suppress the inhalation in the blood following fusion ceremony. The spirit bodies of the five blood-successive ninjas allowed Tuanzang to initially achieve the fusion of the seven types of chakras of Yin, Yang and the Five Elements!

In Ninja, the fusion of Chakra's nature is the key to the leap of strength.

As long as chakras with different attributes can be fully integrated, any miracle can be created, and Tuanzang is using the power of the "blood following fusion ceremony" to turn his old body into a nearly immortal perfect ninja, not only the body Combined with seven kinds of "blood following boundaries", the eyes that have been infused with a lot of the power of Sen Luo have evolved a pair of eternal kaleidoscope writing chakras.

Had it not been for Hyuga mirror to make a stalk, at that time it was determined to sacrifice a group of 1,500 wood-leaf ninjas outside the cave to continue the ceremony, and it is likely that a pair of reincarnation will be directly harvested during the ceremony.

It can be said that the group after the ceremony has surpassed the water stop, Itachi, and the Hyuga mirror's fire avatar, and has become the perfect body that Oshimaru desires most.

So it's not hard to guess that Dashe Wan must have had some kind of intersection with the defected Tuanzang later, and now the embarrassing situation of Dashe Wan shows that he must have suffered a big loss in the hands of Tuan Zang.

However, this is also normal. After the ceremony, the group possession is already in the non-human category. Even the sun mirror is very tricky to deal with. Finally, the eternal kaleidoscope in the flame of the fire is used to write the eye of the wheel as a bait. Take it down.

Listening to the ridicule of Hyuga, Da snake pills not only did not get angry, but admitted calmly: "I had accidentally lost my hand when I met Tuanzang."

Hyuga whispered in secret: "Sure enough!"

But Dashe Wan's calm attitude surprised him a little.

Osumaru went on to say: "Give you a piece of advice, the current group possession has gone beyond the scope of the shadow level, and is as dangerous as the leader of the God organization and the leader of the Xiao organization!"

Like everyone in the current Ninja world, Dashemaru doesn't know that Tuanzang has actually been killed by the sun mirror, and even the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye of the tsunami was recovered by the sun mirror and merged into a pair of recurrent eyes.

Of course, Hyundai Mirror does not explain this. He just nodded thoughtfully, and then said, "Tell me what you're doing tonight!"

Da She Wan's eyes were condensed: "I'm here to get something back."

"Get something !?" He paused, Hyuga mirror wondering, "What?"

Glancing at the small courtyard outside, Dashe Wan said: "I have left a 'spell mark' on Red Bean's body. I want to recycle it now, shouldn't you mind?"

Hyuga mirror stared at Osumaru, some of whom couldn't figure out the intention of Osumaru's move.

In the previous battle of the destruction of Kobe, Oshimaru took the opportunity to invade the village's underground sanctuary. While taking out Naruto and Hina, he also implanted a 'celestial seal of the sky' on the red bean's neck. It's no secret that the story is in the high-level of the village. Sun Xiangjing even looked at the 'Cursed Seal of Heaven' on the neck of Red Bean.

Seeing a doubt on his face, Ogimaru explained with a smile: "You don't have to be suspicious. I just want to recover some power. I have no other plans!"

What Osumaru said was true. One of his main purposes when he sneaked into the wood leaves was to recover the ‘Spell of Heaven’ from the red beans.

This tragic defeat in Tuanzang's hands made Dashemaru deeply understand the shortcomings of his soul, and also made him realize the foolishness of many previous actions.

One of them is to divide one's soul many times and implant it into the bodies of Yamato, White, and Red Bean along with ‘Spell of Heaven’.

In doing so, although he was given the opportunity to be resurrected, he had almost immortal ability.

However, there are gains and losses, and his own soul is constantly divided, which causes almost irreversible damage to his spirit body. This makes it clear that Chakra is abundant and his strength is stable at the shadow level, but the strength of the spirit body is The weak one is like an ordinary upper-bearer. When facing the writing wheel eye of Tuanzang, he couldn't even perform a technique, and was instantly subdued.

Therefore, when he is resurrected, the first thing he needs to do is to correct this mistake and recover all the separated souls, because this fragile and uncontrollable 'immortality' is not what he is after.

After thinking about it, Hyundai Mirror thinks that it is not a bad thing to help Hongdou remove the 'Curse of Heaven'. After all, 'Creature of Heaven' is just a semi-finished product researched by Dashe Wan on natural energy. The host was gradually eroded, so he nodded, and recruited red beans outside the courtyard into the house alone.

After entering the living room, Adzuki looked at Da Snake Pill with vigilance.

However, because Dashe Wan lives in Dou's body, Hongdou just instinctively feels that the tou is a bit weird, but she does not recognize that her teacher Dashe Wan is actually in front of her.

Sun Xiangjing said at this time: "Red beans, pockets can help you eliminate the 'spell mark' on your neck."

"On him?"

Adzuki looked skeptical, because even Tsunade was helpless with the 'spell mark' on her neck.

However, because of the presence of Naruto Mirror, Naruto, although Red Bean's heart was somewhat resisted, she stood still. She wanted to see what the defected pharmacist had to do to eliminate the 'spell mark' on her.

Dashewan didn't say anything ~ ~ just smiled and walked to the front of the red bean, then pressed it with one hand on the neck of the red bean.


Red Bean felt the hot spell on her neck instantly.

The sundial mirror opened his eyes, and in his vision of white eyes, the restless Chakra in the red bean's body immediately split into two strands, one of which burst into the 'spell mark' of the red bean's neck.

At this moment, Okamaru suddenly raised his hand, and a large amount of Chakra was pulled out of the red bean body by him.

As the huge amount of Chakra pulled away from the body, the red eyelids sank and fell to the ground.

On the other side, I absorbed the "Curse of Heaven" from the red bean, and read the big snake pill that Red bean saw and heard during this period of time, grinning, and said to Hyuga, "Mirror, it looks like you are in a bad situation, Yu Zhi It seems that the Clan tribe is going to do something to you Naruto! "

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