Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 826: I understand the truth

"Is this really real in front of us, or are we stuck in another layer of illusion?"

This weird and creepy thought suddenly surged into the hearts of the four members of the Shadow Guard, allowing them to repeatedly examine themselves and check whether their chakras were abnormal.

"Fish bites!"

Unlike other people with different looks, Nikko mirrored his mouth slightly after listening to the information provided by Itachi.

Itachi ’s third-party forces are exactly the fish that Hyuga Mirror plans to catch this time. From the information provided by Itachi, the fish really couldn't help facing the rebellion of Uchiha.

At this time, Itachi asked after a moment of groaning, "Master Naruto, do you need to put an end to this rebellion in advance?"

Zhishui also looked at Sunxiang Jing, waiting for a reply from Sunxiang Jing.

The situation has reached this point. As a Uchiha clan, Shui Shui and Itachi are also troubled. One side is a cherished village, and the other side is a cherished family. The two of them are really out of breath.

In comparison, the relationship between the village and the family is relatively indifferent, but it is more open-minded.

From the standpoint of an onlooker, Shinichi thought the rebellion of the family was ridiculous.

Not to mention that the success rate of the rebellion is infinitely equal to zero. Even if you take a step back 10,000 to allow the family to succeed, they have seized the village ’s power. However, after the war, the strength was greatly damaged, and a broken village.

Seeing Itachi and Zhishui staring at each other with eager expressions, Hyuga shook his head: "No, I need this rebellion!"

Not only the water stop and Itachi, but even the four members of Lingying and the Shadow Guard on the side were taken aback and looked puzzledly at Hyuga.

"There is indeed a third-party force hidden in the dark, and I can already confirm that the target he is targeting is the Hyuga family and the village."

Itachi first responded: "You want to use the rebellion of our Uchiha family to lead each other out."

Hyuga mirror gently bowed his head: "Yes, the other side is very cautious, so I need a rebellion, a rebellion that can let the other side feel at ease!"

Zhishui hesitated and said, "But ..."

Raising his hand to interrupt the water stop, Hyuga mirrors said blandly: "This time, the rebellion that the Uchiha family wants to launch is not driven by one person or a group of people, but it is in your heart. With anger and anger! It is your entire Uchiha family who wants to launch this rebellion! "

Listening to Hyuga's bland words, Shisui and Itachi looked pale and stunned.

Because they knew that Hyuga was telling the truth, in today's family, with the exception of their few moderates, everyone else has become a radical.

This is a rebellion from top to bottom with a high degree of unity of will, not the result of one or two ambitions.

Watching Rixiang Jing talk to some of Yu Zhibo's top powerhouses, pointing to the mountains and mountains, Ling suddenly became fascinated, and tilted his head and thought, "Is this what Naruto is, everything is in the hands of Jing!"

The four members of the Shadow Guard looked at each other.

Looking at the situation at hand, the young chief of the Uchiha family and the two kaleidoscopes in the tribal writing circle eyes all seem to have turned to the sunward mirror in the dark, becoming the eyeliner of the sunward mirror.

"But they are the top of the Uchiha clan?"

The confrontation between reality and cognition at the moment caused the brains of the four people to become confused.

At this time, Itachi seemed to have made up his mind, kneeled on his knees, and bowed his head to the sun in front of Hyuga, begging: "Master Naruto, I am willing to be the sword in your hands, please just let Sasuke go!" "

Shinichi also couldn't bear to ask, "Boss, wouldn't you really want to leave one?"

Hyuga mirror froze for a moment, wondering, "Who told you I want one?"

Stop the water, Shinichi, the three Itachi slammed into the sundial mirror.

"What are you thinking in your head!"

This time, instead, Hyuga was a little speechless. He really didn't understand why Uchiha always liked to think things to the extreme.

Seeing that things seemed to turn around, Itachi said, "Master Naruto, what are you going to do with this rebellion?"

"The anger and suffocation in the heart of the Uchiha family must be vented, otherwise, it will always be a time bomb!" He paused, and Hyuga went on to say, "And all I have to do is give you Uchi The Bo family has failed, a failure that will impress your entire family! "

This theory of sun mirror is not something he casually talked about.

History has proven many times that the best way to make the Uchihas obedient is not to reason with them and talk about their feelings, but to beat them fiercely!

At that time, the Uchiha clan was convinced by the Chishou clan, so when Uchiba spot proposed that the family should be separated from the leaves, there was no one in the whole family to support Uchiha spot, the patriarch who opened the eternal kaleidoscope , So that Uchiha has to run away alone.

In the space-time, Naruto finally let Sasuke obediently obediently, and also gave Sasuke a severe meal. It can be said that Sasuke showed the characteristics of Uchiha's ‘underplaying’ to the fullest.

The reason why Hyuga mirrors can stop the worship of water and ferrets is also because of his strong strength. As for Shinichi, he became obedient after being turned into a pig by Hyuga mirrors.

Perhaps this is the fetter of Uchiha!

"How to do it, I will inform you later!" He waved his hand, and Hyuga told the water stop and others, "Well, it's not too late, you go back first!"


After getting a satisfactory answer from Hyuga, here is the water stop, Shinichi, and the three Itachi responded together.

Until the end of the water, Shinichi, the figure of the three Itachi disappeared into the shadows outside the hospital, and the four members of the Shadow Guard in the room still did not respond ~ ~ Red scratched his head: "Master Naruto, just now. .. "

"This is the top secret of the village. No leakage is allowed!"

While talking to Nikko, he smiled strangely. Now that he has become Naruto, he can already define what ‘the top secret of the village’ is.

Listening to the order from Hyuga, the red couple nodded subconsciously, and then said, "But just now they ... they ..."

Hyuga looked towards Hong: "What the **** do you want to say? Didn't you all see it just now? The three of them didn't want to see the village war broke out, so they chose the village side."

Red face tangled and said, "I understand the truth, but Uchiha Itachi is the young chief of Uchiha's family! And Uchiha's water stop and Uchiha Shinichi are the kaleidoscope of Uchiha's family! How could they betray themselves? What about? "


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