Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 827: Outsource

Looking at his face full of surprises, doubts, and even the dazed Shadow Guards four, Hyuga mirror poked: "What's weird about this, because they are Uchiha!"

"Because they are Uchiha?"

After a moment of redness, she didn't know why, but she found that she could not find any reason to refute.

As if the three words "Uchiha" are enough to explain everything, because she thought carefully and found that no matter what extraordinary things the Uchihas did, she would not seem too surprised.

He glanced at the four members of the Shadow Guard again, and Hyuga mirrored in a stern tone: "Tonight's affairs are important. Without my permission, you are not allowed to disclose it to anyone, even the advisory elders and your family. ,do you understand!"

The sudden arrival of Tonight's bell was indeed beyond the expectations of Hyuga, so that the water stop who came to the report slammed into the shadow guard who protected the bell, but fortunately, Hyuga is now Naruto. The guard's next password or something is still easy.


The four members of the Shadow Guard rushed to one knee and responded.

Although they also respected Sunward Mirror before, in their hearts, the five-generation Naruto mirror is just a flat boat on the cusp of the wind and waves. In the face of the approaching storms of the Uchiha family, they were not only burned, but also unable to cope.

But after experiencing the scene just now, they realized that all of this was under the control of Hyuga. In their view, the disaster-like rebellion was just a small mess that could be calmed down between Naruto and Naruto. Hyuga even used Uchiha's rebellion to lay out even bigger plans.

This made the four members of the Shadow Guard convinced to Hyuga.

The direct external performance is that they are more respectful of the sun direction mirror during their talk and behavior, and regard the sun direction mirror as the naruto that truly helms the three generations!

After the confession, Hyuga mirrored: "Get back!"

Soon, the four members of the Shadow Guard quit the room lightly, one by one, and returned to the yard to work again.

After several members of the Shadow Guard left the room, Bell asked a little puzzled: "Mirror, why do you hide the village from this matter? Don't you know, the three generations of them are worried about Uchiha's rebellion every day! "

"Worry ?!" He snorted softly, Hyuga mirror murmured: "This is not all a mess they made themselves. Whatever you do, pay attention to it. Naruto's turn is the fifth generation, making Yu Zhibo enjoyable. It ’s okay to be a tool person, Naruto. If you do things so well, you should worry about them every day. "

When the pressure was gone, many bells were relaxed, staring at the sun mirror with worshipped eyes: "I don't think the village has done anything wrong, you are the most suitable candidate for the fifth generation!"

Sun Xiangjing took off the Naruto robe and chuckled: "My Naruto, because the village can't do anything about it, it was forced on me to stop Uchiha from taking the upper position. The person they really wanted was Kakashi. . "

Bell pursed his lips: "Kakakashi lost!"

"Yeah, it is because Kakashi lost, things will become what they are now. Do you think the village deliberately humiliated Uchiha and forced them to rebel!" He paused, and said to Kakashi: "Kakashi After losing a war that cannot be lost, the village is unwilling to bet on losing. In the end, I can only let my new Naruto take over. Is it reasonable for me to collect some labor costs? "

Bell was a little confused: "Labor charges !?"

Sunxiang Mirror sat down and said seriously, "Well, to rebel against this job, I'm going to outsource!"

Suzuki became more confused, and asked quickly: "Outside ... outsourcing !? But you are Naruto, how can you outsource the insurgency? This is too ..."


Hyuga snorted again.

Today, the power of the village is still in the hands of the advisory elders. These sun mirrors don't really care much, but the financial power is also controlled by the advisory elders. This makes him a little unhappy.

Well, it's very unpleasant!

However, there is no way to do it, let alone his fifth-generation Naruto, even if it is the harder Tsunade, who has a harder back view in the sky, the fifth-generation Naruto is also tied in the face of the weaker advisory elders.

In the advisory elder group facing Sun Xiangjing, there are not only three generations, but also the two three forbearances, Tsunade and Zuri, both in terms of overall prestige and overall strength. The right group of consultant elders is too strong.

It seemed to think of something, and Bell said, "But itachi, stop the water, really, aren't they already on our side? With them, it should be easy to rebel!"

Sun Xiangjing hurriedly ordered: "That's why we have to hide this from the village. It's too easy, and the price is not easy to talk about!"

Bell looked around like a thief with a guilty conscience, then lowered his voice and asked, "Mirror, wouldn't it be nice if we lied to the village like this?"

Sun Xiangjing said solemnly: "Trouble is caused by the village. My naruto, with the least casualties, the least cost, and the least impact, resolves this storm and collects some labor costs! What about yourself? Counting, if the rebellion launched by the Uchiha family really affected the whole village, how big would the village be in the casualties? It would be an astronomical figure for the casualty ninja's pension! "

Bell nodded: "Yeah, you make sense!"

As a high-level member of Muye Hospital, Bell knows the village's care for the injured ninjas. It can be said that in the care, the wealthy wood leaves are the best of the five big ninja villages.

Therefore, if the rebellion of the Uchiha clan has really affected the whole village, even if the village can successfully retaliate in the end, it is financially afraid that it will have to slay blood once.


The next day, in the Naruto office.

Kakashi asked in amazement: "What, the **** organization‘ Flame ’found you in private ?! What did he tell you?”

Not only Kakashi, after listening to the description of the sun to the mirror, the three generations in the office, turned to Xiaochun, Tsutete, and other people also looked at the sun to the mirror.

The bell on the side is also surprised ~ ~ Although she knew that Sun Xiangjing was going to outsource the rebellious activities, she never imagined that the subject of Sun Xiangjing's outsourcing would be a well-known **** organization, and she didn't even dare Determine whether the sundial mirror is really connected to the divine organization.

Hyuga mirror had a gloomy expression, and said something difficult to say: "Those guys want to get involved in our village!"

Three generations took a deep breath and asked calmly, "What on earth do they want?"

"They seem to know the Uchihas' rebellion intentions, and they are willing to accept employment to help us calm down the Uchihas rebellions!"

Three generations asked, "How did you answer?"

"Huh, how could I agree to such an unreasonable request!" After sighing indignantly, he looked at the expressions of everyone in the office: "What's more, the price they offered was too outrageous, even 200 million. Isn't this kidding? "


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