Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 843: Deviation style

Taking advantage of the time when ‘Go’ had eaten its own tail beast jade firmly, Dragon Vein finally dragged out the dazzling ‘Go’, out of the bounds of Muye Village.

But as soon as he flew out of the village, ‘Go’ shook his head and eased God.

When Hyuga mirror saw her frown, she cried, "No, you recovered so soon ?!"

At this moment, the two giants in the air, although they have fled from the village, are not far from the village. If they fight here, they will spread to the village by accident.


At this time, he realized that he had been taken out of the village and screamed.

This scream of ‘Go’ seems to be able to strike directly at the heart, making people who hear it feel as if their heart is caught in something, blood and blood swelled and frightened!

Immediately afterwards, "Go" waved his claws wildly and struggled.

Because it is not the real body, Dragon Vein is not an opponent of 'Go' in the melee combat, so just for a moment, 'Go' breaks the shackles of Dragon Vein, unfolds its pair of black wings in the night, and tries to return to the wood leaf.

Seeing this situation, Hyuga immediately understood that Hyuga Aoki must give 'Go' an order similar to 'destroying wood leaves' before he escaped, otherwise, 'Go' would not attack Koba so persistently.

"It must never be returned to the village!"

Sun Xiangjing made an instant decision, and urged Longmai to flutter again.

Under the direction of the Hyuga mirror, the dragon veins entangled 'Wu' with its wings spread, and dragged 'Wu' together and fell from the air into a distant forest.

Rumble ...

The fall of the two behemoths suddenly caused a roar like a rocking mountain. At the same time, the trees on the ground were crushed by the piece by piece, and the rising smoke covered the sky!

As far as the heart is concerned, the combat power of ‘Go’ is far more than that of ordinary tail beasts. It ’s difficult to talk about the degree of difficulty, even if it is the strongest nine tail tail beast, it may not be its opponent.

Because its ability to perceive maliciousness and high-speed flight is really incomprehensible.

If there is no correct way to deal with it, or if it has enough strength to crush it, then even if it is a big Ninja village that is as strong as wood leaves, there is no way to get ‘Go’.

In the First World War, the almost full-fledged Twelve Xiaoqiangs who have grown up are dispatched, as well as the elites of Kakashi, Kay, and Yamato, plus Tsunade and Yunyin who were already the fifth generation of Naruto. The eight-tailed man pillar Li Chirabi.

Such a luxurious lineup is more than enough to surrender Nine Tail, but it still has nothing to do with ‘Go’, which shows that ‘Go’ is more difficult than Nine Tail!

After dragging ‘Go’ and fell to the ground, Hyuga no longer hesitated, and immediately printed: “Psychicism!”

Uh ...

In a burst of white smoke, a huge wild boar appeared.

This is the tactic of the sun mirror. Since the dragon veins in the state of Chakra cannot suppress ‘Go’ one-to-one, then he can only find another helper.

However, it seems that because of being suddenly psychic in the middle of the night, the summoned wild boars are a little confused, staring at the dragon veins and ‘gou’ in the struggle, wondering what to do.

Suddenly, Hyuga mirror screamed, "Stupid, what are you doing? Help!"

After being urged by Hyuga mirror, the wild boar's defocused eyes finally recovered, and after exhaling hot air, he aggressively rushed to ‘Go’!

Seeing another behemoth rushing towards himself, ‘Go’ immediately got rid of the entanglement of the dragon veins, and the wings would fly into the air as soon as they showed up.

Uh ...

At this moment, the wild boar that the target was about to flee forefoot, a huge chakra spread out from its body, covering a range of hundreds of meters with its body as the center.

In this range, 'Go' is about to spread its wings and fly, and an inexplicable force pulled it back to the ground and fell to the ground.

Immediately after, the boar bite a thigh of ‘Go’, and ‘hum hum’ rips it off, just as it usually rips its prey.

‘Go’, who had been bitten on his thigh, immediately launched a counterattack, and his claws grasped the wild boar severely, but the thick boar was thick and the skin of ‘Go’ ’s claws was only a shallow blood stain.

This level of injury doesn't seem to be felt by the wild boar, and it still tears ‘Go’ ’s thigh seriously, as if ‘Go’ is really regarded as a big bird, a giant animal such as a pheasant.

The sundial mirror that had been set aside was stunned at the moment.

He did not expect that when the boar came, he kicked his leg with ‘Go’, and said silently, “It ’s obviously a serious battle. Why does the style go away every time I call you out!”


In the village.

The rumbling sound and the violent tremor on the ground, and the roar of the monster that penetrated the clouds and shocked the heart, all foreshadow a battle involving the survival of Muye, not far from the village!

"Master Naruto, you must win!"

"Master Naruto, it's all up to you!"

"God, please bless the five generations of peace!"

Many Koba ninjas who had experienced the "Nine-Tailed Rebellion" back then silently prayed.

The night of that year was very similar to tonight, except that in the village it was Nine Tail that raged in the village, and the fourth generation of Naruto Fengshui Gate was protecting the village and Nine Tail.

What ’s raging in the village tonight is ‘Go’, which is not inferior to Jiuwei, and the protection of the village, like the four generations of that year, is the fifth generation of Naruto Sunward Mirror that has just ascended to the position of Naruto.

Because of this, many wooden leaf ninjas have bad associations. UU 看书 www. four generations of Naruto died that night.

Feeling the waves of tremors on the soles of the feet, and grasping the gangster of Wei Li Quan, it is clear how great a force it is to produce such tremors across this distance.

Based on this alone, it is not difficult to imagine how fierce the fierce fighting outside the village is.

At this point, Tsunade said to the three generations with dignified looks around him: "Teacher, let me go! You also know the strength of that monster, and you can't hold it by yourself!"

Three generations nodded: "Bring the seal class together!"

If the rebellion of the Uchiha clan in the village has not been completely resolved, he still needs to continue to be in the center of the town. He is afraid that he will lead the team over.

"Seal class, come with me!"

After yelling loudly, Tsunade flew away in the direction of the roar from a distance.

A moment later, Tsunade, with a tense mood, finally led the seal class to the battle site, but the scene before them was very different from what they had imagined before.

I saw a messy battlefield in the distance, a wild boar struggling to tear one leg of ‘Go’, and even when impatient, he even slammed ‘Go’ two times.

In the middle of the sky, the purple dragon is a tail-beast jade and a tail-beast jade bombarding the big round head of Wu, sending out the sound of the bang that they heard in the village ring.

As for the roar, it really came from the mouth of ‘Go’, but now it sounds that the roar seems to be full of sadness and pain.

And on top of the three behemoths, he was wrapped in a purple chakra sundial mirror with his hands in his chest, floating quietly in the night sky, and the flame-shaped Naruto fluttered with the wind ...


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