Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 844: restricted area

Found that Tsunade ushered in the seal class, and Sun Xiangjing floated down from the air, and smiled, "You are here just now, I am still worried about how to deal with this guy!"

'Go' has the ability to absorb all negative emotions such as anger, hatred, fear, and so on.

Because it was raging in the village before, most of the villagers in the village were filled with resentment and fear, and these negative emotions have now become the nourishment of 'Go', and it is continuously supplied by it, making Sun Xiangjing remind The moving dragon vein bombarded it several times with the tail beast jade, and failed to cause complete fatal damage to it.

"Master Naruto!"

Seeing the mirror falling from the sky, the wooden leaf ninjas of the seal class quickly greeted them, and they all kneeled on the ground.

This is their reverence for Sunview Mirror from their hearts, not just the name of the five generations of Naruto shouldered by Sunview Mirror as before.

Because Xiang Jing tonight proved with his own strength that this five generations of Naruto is not the weakest Naruto in the rumored history, but a powerful Naruto that really turned the tide and saved the village in danger!

I looked at the wild boars and dragon veins that were still destroying "Go", and Tsunade's eyebrows were shaking.

On the way, she predicted a lot of scenes, but she did not predict the scene in front of her. How could she never imagine that the monsters that she and the three generations, and many Koba ninjas could not cope with, were actually used by Nikko Mirror alone. Easily resolved.

Yes, from the perspective of Tsunade, before holding his chest with both hands and quietly floating in the sun-dial mirror in the air, it was easy to subdue ‘Go’.

Ignoring Tsunade in surprise, Hyuga mirrored the seal class and said, "Let's do it!"


Everyone in the seal class responded, and then quickly rushed to the battlefield.

The sun mirror also flew in cooperation, allowing the wild boar and dragon vein to assist in the sealing class.

Although the personal ninjas of the seal class are average, most of them have only the strength of the middle ninja, but they are all masters of the seal technique, and the seal technique combined with them has the ability to suppress the tail beast.

And the monster of the 'Go' type is most afraid of seals.

In time and space, the solution to ‘Go’ is the seal technique ‘Hot Fire and Heaven’, ’performed by the elite of Cao Ren Village, Shang Renwu, and in a single strike, he ’s sealed Chakra of‘ Go ’.

Of course, if Hyuga mirror is here, in fact, there is no need to wait for the seal class to arrive, he can try to seal ‘go’ by himself.

However, here is just a shadow avatar of the sun mirror. If he performs high-intensity sealing at any cost, it is likely that the shadow avatar will collapse due to excessive consumption of Chakra.

Because do n’t look at the sundial mirror, it is now in the state of tail beastization, and it is covered with purple dragon vein tail beast coat. It looks like Chakra.

But in fact, he could not borrow much Chakra of Dragon Vessel at all, because he did not master Immortal. If it was the deity, he could forcibly extract the dragon vein Chakra containing natural energy, and then slowly expel the invasion after the war. The natural energy in the body is just a shadow clone. Once the natural energy enters the body, the shadow clone that cannot accept the natural energy will collapse instantly.

This is why he rarely shot directly, and kept deliberately keeping his own chakra, because once this shadow avatar disappeared, the uncontrolled dragon veins risked to run away.

Soon, with the launch of the seal class, various types of sealing techniques appeared on 'Wu''s body. These sealing techniques continued to spread on 'Wu''s body and gradually spread to the whole body of 'Wu'. With the continuous spread of the seal technique, the shout of 'Go' also gradually weakened.

Just as the big picture was set, a few powerful chakra fluctuations suddenly appeared in the distance. With the movement of the sundial mirror, he opened his eyes and flew into the air again.

Looking into the distance, the two eyes of the sun-spotting mirror are chased by chakras.

There were three people who responded to the chakra that fled before. One of them was very familiar with the sundial mirror, because it was the tail beast Chakra of the fourth-generation water shadow citrus Yakura.

Chakra's response in the next wave of chase was much more than that in the previous wave. Counting flying in the sky, there were a total of six or seven, and most of them were acquaintances of Hyuga.

Seeing this situation, Hyuga mirror frowned suddenly, then directly left Tsunade and the seal class, welcoming.

far away.

Looking at the Hyuga mirror flying towards his side, the string stretched in the heart of the fourth generation of Shuiying Citrus Yakura finally relaxed, and his heart was relieved.

The wolverine Zhao Meiming and Qing, who were wolverine beside Yakura, were still nervous and dignified.

Obviously, the two of them didn't feel much joy because the sun-vision mirror wearing a naruto robe came to cope with it, because the members of the Xiao organization behind them were so strong that it was by no means the sun-vision fifth-generation Naruto who was lucky enough to compete. of.

It's just that Hyuga mirrors are wearing capuchin coats and purple chakras, which surprised them.

Behind the three citrus Yakura, the mist team organized by Xiao and the scorpion in the sky saw the sun mirror, their faces were gloomy.

Xiao's operation to capture the three tails ~ ~ was not going well, because the fourth generation of water shadow citrus tangerine Yakura seems to have been prepared, and it is not as far away as the other three shadows from Muye Village. It stayed at a place closer to Koba, so the place where Xiao organization intercepted the mandarin orange Yakura and others was not far from Koba village.

In addition, Xiao organization also seriously underestimated the strength of Zhao Meiming and Qing beside Tango Yakura.

In the period when the fog was hidden in the soil, Zhao Meiming was not very strong, at most it was the level of the elite, but in recent years, with the increase of Zhao Meiming's age, Chakra increased, and the With the continuous development of the two blood relay boundaries of 遁 'and 遁 遁, her strength suddenly entered a period of high-speed explosion.

In just one or two years, she has stepped from the elite level to the shadow level, and her strength has grown rapidly. It can be said that it has exceeded everyone's expectations and has become the strongest under the citrus Yakura in Wuyin Village in one fell swoop. By.

The white eye seized by Qing is the most restrained fog assassination technique, and it is a nemesis for the fog team organized by Xiao.

Therefore, under the cover of Zhao Meiming and Qing, the citrus Yakura team successfully broke through the siege of the fog team and the scorpion at the expense of the other six guards.

A few moments later, the sun-turned mirror with a beast-like state met the citrus Yakura and others, and after converging with the sun-curved mirror, the citrus Yakura immediately had the confidence and immediately turned around and confronted Xiao with everyone.

Xiao organization side.

The scorpion standing on the back of the Fusion Psychic Beast glanced at the sun mirror wearing a naruto robe, and then turned his eyes to the wooden leaf village behind the sun mirror. He was always lawless, and his face showed deep fear .

Because in the Xiao organization, Muye Village has been regarded as a restricted area that cannot be easily set foot.

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