Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 11: Monthly ticket

Last month my monthly pass was over 10,000. Although it is still for double reasons, I am really happy!

The love of everyone makes me feel very warm. Here I would like to thank everyone for your support!

The old problem is still a new issue, but the speed of the hand is slow and the brain is really clumsy. I can only ask everyone to forgive me.

本书 This book has been with you for more than a year, and it is late. I do n’t know how long it will be serialized, so I humbly ask everyone to continue to support and make this book a decent end!

Seeking to subscribe!

I'm asking for a monthly pass!

Ask for a recommendation ticket!

The students who have the strength, hope to give a reward and support!

Thank you all! O (∩_∩) O ~

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