Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 871: Open blind

As Itachi said, Sasuke was hit hard this time.

The first is watching Naruto and Fu in the "Miao Mushan" with eyes closed, but he couldn't move because of his fear, and felt extremely shameful in his heart.

For his always proud, this cowardly performance is undoubtedly a shame!

In the emotional turmoil, he even awakened the Sangou jade writing round eyes in front of Nagato. To know that he had experienced the night of extermination and many battles of life and death in the original space and time. The three-hook jade awakened in the battle of Gu wrote the round eye.

Compared with the thirteen-year-old in the original time and space, he is now less than eleven years old, and he awakens to write three rounds of jade, which is more than two years earlier than the original time and space.

Although it is still a bit inferior to the water stoppage of the kaleidoscope writing ring eye that awakened at the age of eleven, compared with the ordinary Uchiha, Sasuke is already worthy of the word "genius".

After returning to the village, another bad news hit him.

That is, his extremely admired father was attacked by the ‘God Organization’, and he was also deprived of the precious kaleidoscope.

This not only made him very sad, but also made him deeply hate the ‘God Organization’ and hate the ‘fire demon’ who took his father ’s kaleidoscope to write the eye.

For this reason, he vowed publicly to take back the kaleidoscope from the ‘God Organization’.

After hearing this from Itachi, Hyuga mirror glanced at Itachi: "When are you going to tell him the truth?"

After pondering a bit, Itachi said in a pleading tone: "Senior, I hope to hide Sasuke as much as possible, and don't let him know this disgraceful history of the family."

The most radical members of the Uchiha family have been dealt with on the night of the rebellion. No one in the Uchiha family now mentions the rebellion, so Itachi wants to cover Sasuke's dark history , To maintain the positive image of the Uchiha family and his father Uchiha Fuyue in Sasuke's mind.

"You'd better think about it." After a pause, Hyuga mirror said casually: "Paper can't hold the fire. The truth is told by your mouth, better than he knows from other sources!"

Maybe it's because of ‘brother control’. When it comes to Sasuke, itachi will always subconsciously choose to protect Sasuke instead of trusting Sasuke.

Itachi thought for a moment, and replied earnestly: "Yes, I will think about it."

"Forget it, this is your family affair, you decide for yourself!"

Sun Hyuga mirrored for a moment, and for the Uchihas who need intense emotional stimulation to strengthen their pupils, some misunderstandings and some tangles may not necessarily be bad things.

For how to stimulate Uchiha, Hyuga is an expert.

The brothers Uchiha Ryota and Hideki Uchiha originally wrote the eye of the kaleidoscope at the same time in the 'stimulation test' performed by Hyuga.

And Hyuga mirrored a while ago, and found that Sasuke is actually a little different from the ordinary Uchiha.

The conventional negative emotions of 'despair', 'anger', and 'hatred' have a very poor stimulation effect on Sasuke. Sasuke experienced the stimulation of the night of genocide in the original time and space. His parents were slaughtered by his favorite brother. But it was just awakened.

You should know that carrying soil is only a dead and admired girl, and even his girlfriend is not enough, he directly evolved from the double hook jade writing wheel eye and leapt into a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

Itachi has used ‘Month Reading’ several times to let Sasuke experience the death of his parents, but he still ca n’t stimulate Sasuke ’s eye-wheel evolution.

On the contrary, in the battle between the country of waves and no more cuts and whites, Sasuke awakened the double-hook jade writing round eyes in order to protect Naruto. In the first Battle of the End of the Valley, he acknowledged Naruto as his only friend, and was determined to give up killing his friends by awakening the kaleidoscope to write the eye, and then silently without the great emotional stimulation. Awakened San Gouyu write round eyes.

This is even more the case when the Awakening Kaleidoscope writes round eyes.

According to Itachi's estimation, Sasuke should be able to awaken the kaleidoscope to write the eye of the kaleidoscope after killing him with his own hands, but it turned out that Sasuke, who was vengeful, still did not awaken the kaleidoscope to write the eye of the kaleidoscope.

Instead, after knowing the truth of the extermination and understanding everything that his brother Itachi was carrying, Sasuke awakened the kaleidoscope.

After analysis, Hyuga feels that the best stimulating emotion for Sasuke is not the conventional ‘despair’, ‘angry’, ‘hatred’ or something, but ‘protection’!

The object of protection can be friends, relatives, and even the pride and reputation of the Uchiha clan.

Recalling Sasuke's eye-opening experience in this space-time, Hyuga Kazuyoshi determined his analysis.

Sasuke initially opened his eyes in the confrontation with Jun Malu. What stimulated him was not the anger that was defeated in Jun Malu's hands, but the disappointment on his father's face, and the villagers' eyes on the strength of the Uchiha family Questioning, it was precisely because of his determination to protect the reputation of the Uchiha family that he opened his eyes smoothly.

And this time the awakening of Sangou's writing round eyes is also related to his desire to protect Naruto and Fu, and protect the pride of the Uchiha family.

Thinking of this, Hyuga whispered: "If the method is appropriate, it may be easier to stimulate Sasuke to wake up and write the kaleidoscope."

Soon the group came to the backyard of the mansion, which is where Uchiha Fuyue now rests.

Let Itachi, stop the water, Shinichi stay outside the house, and Hyuga went into the room alone, and saw Uchiha Tomohiro and Uchiha Mito who had lost their eyes.

After pouring a cup of tea for Hyuga, Uchiha Mikoto also consciously left, leaving only Hyuga and Fuyue in the room.

After sitting there for a while, Fuyue finally broke the silence. UU reading asked: "Who among the two people, Zhishui and Zhenyi, trusted you? Or did they trust you?

"Why do you ask that?"

"Do you think I would believe that Zhishui and Zhenyi were all silently lost in the hands of the" God Organization "?" Shaking his head, Fuyue said in a certain tone: "One of them must have betrayed the family, They both betrayed! "

Looking at Fu Yue who closed her eyes and dried her eyelids, Hyundai nodded generously: "You guessed it well, stop the water, it's all my own person, oh, by the way, add a ferret!"

Sunxiang Mirror felt a bit funny. Before Fu Yue had eyes, he was blind. He could not see the minds of the people around him or the minds of the enemies. Now he lost his eyes, but his eyes were brightened, and he guessed The betrayers around ...


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