Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 981: The curtain opens

Latest website: With the arrival of the five major nations in Muye Village in succession, the third race that foreshadows the five major Ninja villages from confrontation to joint China-Ninja exams has finally begun.

Early in the morning, the streets of Muye were particularly noisy.

On the crowded street, the flow of people gathered from all directions, like a tide, slowly rushing to the renovated venue in the center of the village.

"Naruto, here! Here!"

In the crowd, Ding Ci stomped his feet and greeted Naruto far away.

Naruto, who was about to rush to the venue, Sakura went through the crowd with great difficulty, and finally managed to squeeze into Ding Ci's side.

Taking Shikamaru, Dingji, and Asma of Ino, seeing only Naruto and Sakura, they asked, "Why are you two, Kakashi and Sasuke?"

Naruto said: "Miss Kakashi and Sasuke are gone!"

Sakura was also worried: "Mr. Asma, have you seen Teacher Kakashi and Sasuke in the past couple of days? We haven't seen them both for several days!"

Thinking of the mysterious look of Kakashi's deity the night before, Asma said, "Don't worry, Sasuke must be with Kakashi."

Perhaps because of being too fat, Ding Ci was constantly being pushed by passers-by, and then whispered, "Why are there so many people on the street today?"

Asma frowned.

The presence of the great names of the five major nations led to the nobility of all over the place, and they wanted to watch the unprecedented joint China-Ninja examination in the history of Ninja Village with the big names.

This caused the number of tourists in the village to soar, and the neat and spacious streets after the reconstruction of the wooden leaves also suddenly became overcrowded.

The surge of tourists, although it can bring rich economic benefits to the leaves, but the law and order of the leaves is also a great test, so Asma knows that there are many dark parts to protect Naruto in the dark, but still Man, Sakura ordered: "Do n’t bother running away, just follow me to the venue!"


Naruto, who was about to go to the venue, nodded quickly.

Led by Asma, the group quickly arrived at the venue and entered the rest area of ​​the players.

At this time, the venue was more lively than the last time the village held the fifth-generation Naruto elections. There was still nearly an hour before the official start of the exam, but the audience was fully seated.

Looking around, the venue was almost full of people.

At this time, the red, kay, and mute guides who led their respective teams also came to the rest area.

Seeing only Naruto and Sakura, Red wondered: "What about Kakashi?"

Asma shook her head: "I don't know, but I have arranged a shadow to find it!"

Kay was a little worried: "He won't be late today?"

Several instructors know that Kakashi has been busy giving Sasuke special training these days, so he is not very worried about Kakashi's safety, but he is afraid that Kakashi missed the time and missed the exam.

"Naruto, you must cheer for today's exam!"

"Yes, give the candidates in other villages a little color!"

"Let them know how good our leaves are!"

While chatting with some guides, the other side of the rest area was surrounded by Naruto.

Listening to the encouragement of the students of the same period, Naruto laughed and said, "Relax, I will perform well today!"

Ningji's gaze was locked on the sun-mirror who was driving the thunder clone in the rest area opposite, and asked: "Naruto, be careful of the misty unicorn!"

Naruto looked over and nodded.

Lumaru also followed the eyes of the two and asked: "I heard that the unicorn of Wuyin is the hottest second only to Yanyin Didala in this exam. Is he really that powerful?"


Ning Ci and Naruto both answered.

In the second exam, they all suffered losses in the hands of Wuyin Kirin, so they knew each other's strength.

Not long after, the names of the five great powers and the five shadow costumes of the five big ninja villages appeared in order and entered the VIP stands in turn.

And with the names of the five major nations and the five shadows attending one by one, the last test of the five Chinese Ninja Villages jointly holding the Chinese Ninja Exam has finally started!

Uh ...

In a burst of wind, Itachi fell to the center of the venue.

As the deputy principal of the Ninja School, he was chosen by the village as the referee of the exam, so he took the lead in the meeting and publicly read the rules of the test.

Because Daming and Wuying were present and there were so many spectators, everyone naturally did not want unnecessary injuries in the exams, so they explicitly stated in the rules that candidates could not use dangerous ninjutsu that could threaten the venue and threaten the surrounding audience.

After reading the competition rules, Itachi announced in the warm cheers of the audience at the venue: "In the first competition, Muye Uchiha Sasuke played against Hidden Unicorn!"

Foggy recessed area.

Shuiyue laughed: "Captain, I didn't expect that you would be the first one to play. The opponent is still the wooden ghost, luck is really good!"

Picking the corners of the lips under the mask of Hyuga mirror, without uttering nonsense, he directly launched the ‘transient technique’ and came to the venue.

In the rest area of ​​Koba on the other side, Naruto was taken aback: "What, the first game was Sasuke ?!"

Sakura also hurriedly said, "Well, Sasuke hasn't arrived yet. What can I do?"

Asma and a group of instructors quickly asked the dark side beside him: "Have you heard of Kakashi and Sasuke yet?"

The dark side reluctantly said: "We searched all the driving ranges in the village, but we still could not find the surrogate master. We suspect that the surrogate master may not be in the village at all."

At this time, Zi Lai and Tsunade walked into the rest area side by side and asked, "Where is Sasuke, why not play yet?"

Asma quickly responded, "Neither Kakashi nor Sasuke has come yet."

He also knew that Kakashi took Sasuke to train outside the village, so he immediately frowned and said, "It's all this, why haven't they come back?"

Silence came to Tsunade ~ ~ and asked, "What shall we do now?"

Tsunade said, "You can only skip Sasuke first!"

The referee who received the feedback gave a short sting, and immediately announced: "Because of the personal reasons of the candidate Uchiha Sasuke, the first test was postponed, and the second test was made by Naruto Uzumaki and Naruto!"

Hyuga, who has already ended the game, was also a bit surprised, shouted: "What the **** is this guy Kakashi doing, but don't delay my plan!"

If all goes well, this time he has at least 70% certainty to stimulate Sasuke to awaken the writing of the kaleidoscope, but he never thought that Kakashi and Sasuke were late. This scene of acquaintance reminded him of the Zhongli test Kakashi and Sasuke, who are late, can't help but guess if Kakashi is doing something for Sasuke ...


The second is to offer, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets! In addition, I thank the students who gave a prize today, thank you!

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