Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 982: Naruto vs Shiro

Latest URL: "Is it my turn?"

Naruto shook his fists and looked confident.

At this moment, Hinata summoned her courage and came to Naruto: "Naruto, please be careful!"

Xiao Li hurriedly shoved Hina, and said seriously: "Naruto, Shiro is a real genius, if you care, you will lose to him!"

Sakura also rarely smiled at Naruto: "You must not lose!"

In response to the concerns and expectations of the students of the same period, Naruto laughed: "Everyone can rest assured, I will not humiliate the village, don't forget that I will become a man in Naruto in the future!"

With that said, Naruto jumped down and landed in the venue steadily.

Now he holds many cards in his hand, such as 'Multiple Shadow Avatar', 'Spiral Pill', 'Tail Beast', and 'Psychicism', 'Fairy Mode', etc. Extremely rich.

And even if restricted by the rules of this test, he cannot use 'psychic skills' in the exam to summon the giant psychic beast Xinya, he still has the ace of 'tailed beast' and the 'multi shadow avatar' This is the perfect combination of 'Surgery' and 'Spiral Pill'.

Naruto ended here, and on the other side of the sandy recessed area, Shira also greeted Temari and Kanjiro, and then flew into the center of the venue.

With the appearance of the two players, there was a warm cheer in the venue.

Affected by the ups and downs of cheering and shouting in the stands, Naruto on the court, no matter the purple, all inexplicably nervous and excited, and taking the exam under the attention of everyone is undoubtedly unprecedented for them. Experience.

The shadow of Itachi, the referee, glanced at each other and immediately announced: "The test is starting!"

Having said that, Itachi launched the ‘Transient Technique’ and left the field. At the same time, the surrounding “Four Purple Flame Formations” slowly rose to isolate the battlefield from the stands.

This is not a big task for the advisory elders group. After the tragic lessons of the second exam, the advisory elders group clearly knew that many of the ten candidates who had advanced to the third exam were close to the film level, and even reached the film level.

Therefore, in the third test, the advisory elders didn't regard it as an ordinary middle-tolerance test, but directly used the defense strength when Naruto campaigned, and opened the 'Four Purple Flames' during the test, so as not to The aftermath of the battle hurt the names and spectators in the stands.

The rise of the "Four Purple Flame Formations" seems to separate the battlefield from the stands into two different worlds. Even the ears of cheers and noise in the stands can still be heard, but Naruto and Shiro in the field only Each other is left.

As Zi Luo moved his limbs, he said, "Are you the pillar force of the wooden leaves?"

Naruto nodded: "Yes, I'm Naruto Uzumaki!"

"I heard that you are strong, I hope your performance today will not disappoint me, drink!"

Zi Luo slowly opened his posture, and his chest rose along with it. As he breathed in and out, the airflow around him instantly became dense and his muscles bulged a lot.

Naruto raised his hands and printed a seal when he saw it: "I will defeat you!"

Uh ...

In a burst of white smoke, hundreds of Naruto appeared in the field instantly.

"First active, drive!"

"Second activity, on!"

"Third activity, drive!"

Looking around at hundreds of Naruto shadow avatars around him, the purple look remained unchanged, and the ‘Seven-day Calling Method’ was instantly turned to the ‘third activity’.

'Third activity' is the limit that he can withstand at present. If he continues to improve, it will cause a huge burden on his body, especially the cardiopulmonary and respiratory system, and the time required to maintain the 'seven-day exhalation method' will be greatly shortened. As a last resort, he will not easily try to activate it to a greater degree.

"I'm going to shoot!"

After a break, Zi Luo's body was wrapped in a huge air wave, like a storm, rushed to the scene of Naruto's hundreds of shadows.

Naruto didn't feel a little timid, and the shadows were in pairs of two. While pulling away from each other, they gathered ‘spiral pills’.

After a while, shining ‘spiral pills’ appeared in the field, and under the control of Naruto ’s avatar, they scrambled for the violet that was wrapped in air.

Rumble ...

The continuous roar immediately rang through the audience, and the audience in the stands were stunned.

The vast majority of the audience did not know the details of the ten candidates in the third exam. Everyone thought that they were just fighting the ninjas. They never made such a big move in the first battle!


Wood leaf rest area.

"This guy..."

Ning Ci, who turned on her white eyes, looked extremely dignified.

Although I heard Xiao Li mentioned Sha Yin ’s purple flower long ago, he knew that this purple flower was very powerful, but after seeing the other party ’s “Seven-day Calling Method”, he was surprised.

Because the opponent's current state is exactly the same as Xiao Li who opened the ‘Bamen Panjia’.

In his vision of white eyes, the cell body of Violet at this moment was highly activated, and a large amount of oxygen was accumulated in the chest cavity. At the same time, the overflowing chakra was entangled with sweat, air, etc., forming a dense orange-yellow color. The airflow, at first glance, looks like a coat of chakras with a 'tailed beast'.

He pursed his lips every day and complained: "It was he who killed us!"

Xiao Li shook his head, "Ning Ci, I'm sorry."

Ning Ci did not blame Tiantian and Xiaoli, but said: "It should be me who apologized, because I took the initiative to leave the team, so that you were eliminated."

Kay came to a few people at this time: "You must observe this battle carefully!"

Rock hidden rest area.

Didala with one hand on his chin, smiled casually: "I didn't expect that Mu Ye's column strength would use such a tactic!"

The black soil on the side frowned and said: "Simple body-type ninja, it is too bad to encounter this kind of tactics. It seems that Shayin will lose to Muye!"

Yunyin rest area.

Darui leaned against the guardrail. His eyes did not stop at the ongoing competition in the field, but instead he deliberately or inadvertently looked at the sun-mirror driving the thunderclone clone in the opposite fog hidden rest area.

For him ~ ~ Compared to the Zhong Ren test, he is more concerned about having the same 'Langao' blood relay limit as he is, and mastering the haze of the changing nature of Chakra, a single mine Unicorn.

Sand hidden rest area.

Teju did not pay much attention to the competition in the field, because in her opinion, it should be no problem for Zi Luo to deal with Mu Ye's seemingly indifferent person.

Rather than worrying about Zi Luo, she is more worried about her opponents.

After observing the candidates in the other rest areas, he secretly whispered: "Now there are only Dynara Yanyan, Black Earth, Dalui of Yunyin, suffocating Fu, and misty water. There are no opponents assigned for the month. "

After some measurement, she finally locked her eyes on Shuiyue in the Wuyin rest area: "Sure enough, this guy is best to deal with!"


The first is more!


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