【Is coming to the three-body world......】

[Second World: Three-Body World]

[World Background: In the 2nd year of the Deterrent Era, human beings are threatened by the Trisolaran civilization, and they use the broadcast universe coordinates as a threat to force the Trisolarans to give up their pressure on human civilization. Luo Ji became the sword bearer, holding the authority to destroy two civilizations at the same time. Human technology began to advance rapidly during this period! 】

【Life Template——】

【Name: Jiang Ye】

【Age: 0】

[Identity: Citizen]

【Occupation: None】

[Intelligence: A (the average intelligence of the elite group is B)]

[Creation: B+ (the average creativity of scientists is C+)]

[Deduction: C (the average deduction ability of a genius is B)]

[Halo: full-level luck (SSS), technology star (A)]

【Achievement Points: 0】

【Current Rating: None】

Open your eyes again.

Jiang Ye appears in a baby nursery.

The incandescent lamp shining from the ceiling can clearly see that the surrounding environment is very clean, and there are various high-tech equipment around it. The glass box in the nursery room is made of professional airtight materials to deter human civilization in the Era. Only the elite can enjoy such resources.

On the hospital bed, a pale woman was lying on the delivery bed, and beside her was a handsome man who looked about thirty years old, with a look of surprise on his face, and he was very excited to become a father!

Jiang Ye opened the [Wheel of Fortune], and instantly saw the identity information of his parents.

Jiang's father and Jiang's mother are colleagues, lovers, and then husband and wife. They are currently working in the Capital Academy of Sciences, researching the most cutting-edge technology as a scientific researcher, and the projects are all related to Universe Aviation.

When the Trisolarans threatened the earth, the plan of how humans escaped and drifted in the universe has been going on...

This project is not only high-end, but also the mainstream of human civilization in this period!

Not only can scientific researchers obtain lofty status, but the funds given by the state are also very proud!

Looking at it with the pupil of luck, I found that the halo of luck carried on Jiang's father and Jiang's mother's head showed the color of glass!

It can be called dragon and phoenix among people!

"It should be the effect of full-level luck!"

Jiang Ye smiled inwardly.

In the last life, own luck was not very good, and his identity at the beginning was just a refugee.

If you are not careful, you will freeze to death in the wasteland.

But since inheriting the aura of the protagonist of [Full-level Luck]...

Jiang Ye's luck is almost the same!

Even if it comes to other Worlds of Reincarnation Tower, the life template can make others feel envious!

As Jiang Ye's parents, the moment I was born, I almost stood at the pinnacle of human beings!

The education you enjoy is also top-notch!

Not only that.

The drawn halo has also reached A level!

According to statistics, only about 10% of the Ou Huangs have this kind of luck to be able to obtain a life template with an A-level halo!

It can be said……

After obtaining the aura of [Maximum Luck], Jiang Ye will become the 10% European Emperor every time he comes to a new Reincarnation Tower world!

This is the heaven-defying effect brought by superimposing the protagonist's aura!

Jiang Ye is even more determined for this strategy, and needs to be determined to get the SSS rating again!

His eyes quickly turned to the world background.

"It is now the second year of the Deterrence Era, and Trisolaris should have lifted Sophon's blockade of human technology!"

"During this period, human science and technology will enter a stage of rapid development. At the same time, the Trisolaran civilization and human civilization will have the opportunity to contact each other and deepen their understanding of each other."

"Luo Ji understood the laws of the dark forest, and sat on the seat of the sword bearer..."

"With the rapid development of science and technology, the average life span of human beings has been extended to 150 years, and the limit life span can reach 200 years..."

Jiang Ye made up some theoretical knowledge some time ago, among which there is a lot of information about the Three-Body World.

But the timeline spanned is very long!

Possibly from 2007 AD to 2270 AD!

For different reincarnators, the time nodes traveled to may change.

The time when Jiang Ye came now is the second year of the Deterrence Era.

During this period, Luo Ji had ascended to the position of sword bearer, and the law of the dark forest was no longer a secret.


Jiang Ye also can't use the strategy cheats in the reincarnation world to directly use Universe broadcasts to deter Trisolarans and become the son of destiny of this era!

In the era of deterrence, the law of the dark forest has become common sense that everyone knows, and it is no longer a secret. Naturally, it cannot be used to improve the score.

And Jiang Ye also noticed on the life panel that the two attributes of [root bone] and [savvy] in the previous life have become [intelligence], [creation], and [deduction]!

Prestige points became achievement points.

In fact, the information in the life template reflects the main strategy direction of Three-Body World, which is basically to use technology to promote human civilization, and the final achievement point!

Whether it is breakthrough technology, or having a certain popularity, it can be regarded as a certain achievement!

The accumulated achievement points can not only be converted into reincarnation points, but also increase the score at the same time!

Intelligence, benchmarking learning speed, comprehension ability, and upper limit of scientific research. Only with a strong enough intelligence can one thoroughly grasp the theoretical knowledge of science and technology and cope with various exams.

Creation, benchmarking scientific and technological research and development capabilities, transforming theory into practical scientific and technological products, and promoting human progress.

Deduction is similar to computer-like calculation ability, which is compared with the brain's processing speed of information.

For example, the computing power of the brains of ordinary humans is nearly ten times that of Trisolarans!

Any trisolaran, among human beings, is a top genius who crushes everyone!

The most important thing is that the information of the Trisolarans is completely transparent. All of their thoughts are connected together, as if forming a super huge computer, comparable to a terminal computer promoting the development of the entire civilization!


The average deduction of human geniuses is B-level, and the deduction of Trisolarans is S-level!

But human beings are not completely suppressed by Trisolarans in all directions!

In terms of creation, compared with Trisolarans, human beings can have an advantage!

Therefore, the Trisolarans would speculate that if human beings were given hundreds of years to develop technology, then their fleet would come at the pace of death.

So there was Sophon's plan to block technology.

It was not until the beginning of the era of deterrence that Sophon's blockade of technology was gradually lifted.

Jiang Ye used [Wheel of Fortune] to observe his parents’ panels, and found that their intelligence was at A+ and S level, their creativity both reached S level, but their deduction was around B level.

Even for top scientific researchers, the basic points are intelligence and creativity, and the deduction ability has only reached the average level of geniuses.

"My intelligence and creativity are even worse than my parents..."

Jiang Ye couldn't help complaining in his heart.

But luckily, intellect and creativity aren't exactly Innate's!

There is also room for improvement through hard work the day after tomorrow.

Jiang Ye's mind moved slightly, and he used the [Wheel of Fortune] to check the development direction of his next life.

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