Reincarnation Of All: I Can Infinitely Superimpose The Halo Of The Protagonist

Chapter 40: Descending To The Three-Body Problem, A Template For Full-Level Luck (Seeking Flowers)

Chapter 40: Descending to the Three-Body Problem, a template for full-level luck (seeking flowers)

[0 years old, grow up safely. 】

[At the age of 1, you learned to walk, talk, and communicate with others smoothly, showing intelligence beyond your peers. 】

【2 years old, keep growing! 】

【3 years old, keep growing! 】


[At the age of 11, you were admitted to the Capital University with excellent grades, and you were hailed as a genius boy. The seniors of the Academy of Sciences have high expectations for you, and hope that you can be the pillar of the future scientific research realm. 】

[13 years old, successfully passed the postgraduate entrance examination. 】

[15 years old, with rich research results and knowledge, advanced to doctorate! 】

[At the age of 18, he went to the Capital Academy of Sciences to work. 】

[At the age of 20, he began to engage in aerospace dynamics research. 】

[25 years old, improved the universe spacecraft, achieved sub-light speed breakthrough, and became a new star of contemporary scientific research. 】

[30 years old, serving as the dean of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. 】

[40 years old, successfully developed a curvature-driven spaceship! 】

[50 years old, engaged in nuclear controllable fusion to achieve breakthrough, promoting human energy to achieve a leap! 】

[At the age of 60, the research and development of biological Realm began, and the anti-aging technology of cells without side effects was realized, and the human life span was extended to 300 years. 】

[68 years old, the era of deterrence ends, the sword bearer is replaced by Cheng Xin, the Trisolaran fleet launched an offensive against humans, you were attacked by water droplets in the space station and perished. 】

The direction of fate in the reincarnation world this time can be said to be much longer than that in the Zongwu Continent!

Even if he follows this template, Jiang Ye's achievements will hardly be lower than A grade.

But if you want to score A+, it seems a little not enough...

After all, there are only sixty-eight years.

With the lifespan of an ordinary person, being able to live to sixty-eight years old is already pretty good.

But the lifespan of human beings in Trisolaris is longer, and thanks to the development of science and technology and the existence of hibernation technology, this time can be extended!

If you have the opportunity to travel through the black domain, you may even witness the end of the universe!

Jiang Ye's eyes immediately set on the last line in the script.

According to the trajectory shown by the [Wheel of Fortune], the changes in my life that I have encountered should be related to the entire great era.

In the 70th year of the Era of Deterrence, human beings did not thank Luo Ji for electing a new sword-bearer——Cheng Xin, to take over the authority that could destroy two civilizations.

The Trisolarans figured out that Cheng Xin would not press the broadcast button, and immediately launched an attack on human civilization at the moment the power was handed over!

Since then, mankind has entered the post-deterrence era and suffered a devastating blow!

Even if Jiang Ye doesn't go to the space station, he will probably lose his life in this world-destroying blow!

The trajectory of fate does not change a little trace to reverse the situation.

In the era of deterrent era, the short-lived peace is coming to an end. When the troubled times come, anyone's life is just a grain of sand in the torrent of the times, and no one can be spared.

"The progress of human technology is not enough."

Jiang Ye couldn't help frowning slightly.

Since Trisolaran civilization sent sophons to humans, technology has been blocked for too long.

Only a few decades to develop, it is still too reluctant!

Even if human technology has undergone a wave of explosive growth during this period, it is still difficult to match the foundation of the Trisolaran civilization.

What's more, the two civilizations are in conflict, and both sides are developing rapidly in science and technology.

Three-body technology is not static, and it will usher in great progress during this period!

According to the information known by Jiang Ye, the Trisolaran civilization is not the most powerful among the many universe civilizations.

The "singer" who arrived here later has a two-way foil that almost makes the entire universe tremble, commonly known as "dimension reduction strike"!

Even if the Three-Body Problem is just an ant-like character in the eyes of the "singer".

The broadcast signal sent by Ye Wenjie is likely to be captured not only by Three-Body World, but the possibility of being captured by Singer and other civilizations is not ruled out!

It was only because the Trisolaran civilization was the closest to the Earth civilization that it was captured first.

As for civilizations farther away in the deep space of the universe, the impact may not be seen until hundreds of years later!

Therefore, there is not much time left for human civilization!

Ever since Ye Wenjie pressed that button, Pandora's box has been opened!

The Three-Body Civilization is just a part of the magic box.

Even if we can find a way to take over the power and extend the time of the era of deterrence, the development of human science and technology is the fundamental solution to the problem.


"I'm just a baby now."

"You can't start developing technology when you come out of the mother's womb, right?"

Jiang Ye sighed helplessly in his heart.

Even if he can use the martial arts True Qi stored in the God's Domain space to improve his body development, develop rapidly, and obtain a better body than ordinary people, it is impossible to grow into a grown man overnight.

In the world of science fiction, people still have to follow the biological laws of science.

Time is running out.

Jiang Ye had no choice but to start from now on and plan for the future strategy.

Well, if Jiang's father and Jiang's mother know that Jiang Ye's baby is actually thinking about these things under the surface, I'm afraid he will suspect that he gave birth to something!


Humans don't have a communication organ like Trisolarans, so what Jiang Ye is thinking in his heart, naturally only he knows.

At this moment, Jiang Ye suddenly discovered that there were several gray torrents of luck in the air, as if they were spreading information in a dark and silent way!

"Is this... the Three-Body Civilization?"

Jiang Ye narrowed his eyes, and made an instant judgment on this gray and gloomy image of luck.

Generally speaking, this kind of luck phenomenon has some dark and ulterior secrets, and it will show this color when it is spread in a way that cannot be known by conventional means.

Jiang Ye observed his surroundings and found that the halos of luck on the heads of the people around him were normal.

So what does this mean?

It is very possible that the source of this phenomenon of luck is not human beings at all, but the Trisolaran civilization!

After all, the Trisolaran civilization can communicate directly in the way of thinking, and transmit information by forming words in the human field of vision!

"Wait, can my Thief skills be used on Trisolarans to steal their ability to communicate?"

A bold idea suddenly appeared in Jiang Ye's mind!

As long as you can steal the thinking organs of the Trisolarans through the [Stealer], you will be able to connect with the civilization of the entire Trisolaran world!


As a reincarnator, Jiang Ye can seal this organ in some specific ways.

It is equivalent to saying that he can get in touch with the thoughts of Trisolarans at any time, but in turn, he can also block other people's perception of own thinking!

This is equivalent to directly unlocking the technological civilization wealth of the entire Trisolaran world!

As long as you have this knowledge, you can save a lot of research time, and use ready-made theories to push human civilization to a level equal to the three-body civilization!

In the next second, Jiang Ye chose to release the skill of [Thief] without hesitation!

Steal the mind connection organ of Trisolaran!

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