Reincarnation Of All: I Can Infinitely Superimpose The Halo Of The Protagonist

Chapter 44 Father Jiang: "I Just Said My Son Is A Genius!" (Seeking Flowers)

Chapter 44 Father Jiang: "I just said my son is a genius!" (seeking flowers)

"Professor Chen, take a look at this test paper."

Professor Lin is correcting the examination papers for this enrollment.


A test paper immediately caught his attention.

All the above questions are full marks!

Answered all the questions almost perfectly...

You know, they specially developed the questions to test IQ. Even after special training, it is difficult for the IQ of college students in the capital to make a perfect answer.

There are several questions among them, which are extremely tricky, and it is difficult to judge them through normal thinking logic.

Students who can do all the right things are either lucky or have extraordinary intelligence!

But the name who made this perfect test paper——Jiang Ye, has an extraordinary status!

His father is the current academician of the Capital Academy of Sciences. In the past few years, a miracle has exploded, pushing human science and technology forward several big steps!

the most important is……

This father is a child control that everyone knows!

Before, he researched the results of the top-level scientific research Realm, and he often claimed that it was made by his three-year-old son.

At that time, many jokes were made in the scientific community.

However, the majority of people later expressed their understanding of this, but they are just hoping for success.

However, the answer sheet submitted by Jiang Ye today is beyond the level of normal people.

Made all right!

Even if Jiang Ye's parents are well-known contemporary scientists, it does not mean that IQ can be completely inherited.

The children of many scientists did not show higher talents, or even disappeared from everyone.

Against this background, Jiang Ye submitted a perfect score, and it is hard not to doubt whether there is a shadow of cheating in it.

Professor Chen took a look at the test paper and couldn't help showing a serious expression.

The above answers are too perfect to find any flaws.

It's not like an answer sheet that a child can hand in at all.

"If Jiang Ye really has such a talent, then his stage is completely beyond the level of his peers."

"You can go to the science training camp exam."

"This matter needs to be discussed with Professor Jiang to see if he is willing."

Professor Chen raised his eyes and said.

Professor Lin was taken aback for a moment, and then realized what the other party meant.


If Jiang Ye really got a perfect score, then the school is simply not suitable for teaching students of this level.

The science training camp is a special school for people over the age of twelve, whose talents far exceed their peers in the realm of mathematics, physics and chemistry, and whose IQ is sufficient to engage in cutting-edge scientific research.

Specializes in cultivating talented youngsters.

But Jiang Ye is only about six years old now!

It's not too early to join science camp.


Professor Lin heard another meaning in Professor Chen's words.

This is actually a trial.

If Professor Jiang really wanted his son to become a success, he should have sent Jiang Ye to take the tougher science bootcamp admissions test.

But if it is rejected, it means that Jiang Ye is probably cheating.

Considering Professor Jiang's contribution to human scientific research, they will turn a blind eye to this matter.

However, the specific situation can be inferred from this, and some adjustments need to be made to Jiang Ye's education after entering the university.

Teach according to the real situation.


It really makes Jiang Ye at such a young age to solve problems that are difficult for top college students. Isn't it necessary to teach an autistic child every minute?

The next day, Professor Lin and Professor Chen came to the Capital Academy of Sciences and took the initiative to explain the matter to Father Jiang.

who knows……

Jiang's father's reaction was completely beyond their expectations, his eyes lit up, and he said immediately:


"My son was able to get full marks in the exam!"

"Hahaha, I just said that he should be a genius, and it's exactly as I expected!"

"Okay, just as you said, go to the science training camp!"

"We must not let down his talent!"

Professor Lin and Professor Chen couldn't help but look at each other, they didn't expect Jiang's father to agree so decisively!

Moreover, looking at his expression, it seems that he doesn't know about it at all!

His acting skills are good!

These days, isn't a scientist who doesn't want to be a baby daddy a good actor?

"Professor Jiang, you have to think carefully, that child is only six years old."

"But the scientific training camp needs to be over twelve years old, which is the normal registration age!"

"Also, after passing the test of the science training camp, one more assessment is required, and the eligibility for admission can only be determined after the scores come out."

Professor Chen's tone emphasized "one more assessment".

The test papers of the science training camp are different from the test papers of the colleges, and the questions are made temporarily.

It is almost impossible to get the answers to the test papers in advance.

Moreover, in addition to the competition, there is also an interview.

Only if you get high scores in both links, the professors in the training camp will make a comprehensive consideration and decide whether to recruit.

Every link is stuck to the death!

There is absolutely no possibility of fraud!

If Jiang Ye didn't rely on his own strength to get the perfect score in this test paper, then the score he got in the science training camp test would be absolutely horrible!

At that time, if there is such a big gap between the two test papers, Jiang Ye's perfect score will also be revealed.

"It's okay, my son is definitely not at the level of ordinary people, so you can rest assured that he will take the exam!"

Jiang's father said swearingly.

With his attitude, Professor Lin and Professor Chen couldn't handle it.

According to the original expectation, it was just to test an attitude and determine whether Jiang Ye's real strength.

I never thought of really challenging the assessment of the science training camp.

The current development of the situation seems to be a bit beyond imagination!

"Okay, this matter is almost settled like this. I still need to study the principle of dark matter movement. No matter what exams I have in the future, I will let that kid Jiang Ye take part."

Father Jiang waved his hand, indicating that he was going to be busy.

He is breaking through the trajectory of dark matter recently. This is the deepest principle of the universe that has not made much progress even in the Trisolaran world!

Originally, with the level of human knowledge, there was only speculation.

But the theories and hints that have appeared in the past few days have given Father Jiang a new understanding!


Jiang's father became more and more certain that the hints he received might have come from his son!

Just don't want to reveal it.

That being the case, my son can't even compare to a daddy, so what kind of generals are these exams?

Just let them out and kill them indiscriminately!

Leave the Capital Research Institute.

"What should we do? Are we really letting that kid take the test in the science training camp?"

Professor Lin asked in a daze.

Professor Chen also looked confused. Judging from the expression of the conversation just now, it seems that Jiang's father's attitude towards his son is not like an ordinary darling, but a look of admiration?

He couldn't help but start to wonder whether these breakthrough scientific principles were really invented by Professor Jiang and his son?

This is too absurd...

Professor Chen pondered for a moment, then said: "Since Professor Jiang himself said so, why not let that child have a try!"

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