Reincarnation Of All: I Can Infinitely Superimpose The Halo Of The Protagonist

Chapter 45 He Is Only Six Years Old, Full Marks Are All Right? (Ask For Flowers)

Chapter 45 He is only six years old, full marks are all right? (ask for flowers)

Science camp.

On this day, the school held an enrollment meeting.

With young faces and schoolbags on their backs, they stepped into the school gate.

They are all top geniuses from all corners of the country, about fourteen or fifteen years old, entering the examination room with their admission tickets, and preparing to face the most difficult battle in their lives.

The science training camp questions are ridiculously rare. It is said that only by answering more than 80% of the questions correctly can one be qualified for admission, otherwise the talent is not enough, and getting in is a waste of time.

All candidates know that this exam may change their life destiny, open the threshold of scientific research and lead the future of mankind!

When everyone entered the examination room, they found a small figure who seemed out of place with other people.

A kind big sister stepped forward and said with a kind smile:

"Little Brother, are you lost, are your parents not around?"

Jiang Ye looked up at the other party, picked up the admission ticket in his hand, and said, "I'm here to take the exam."


Regardless of big sister's astonished eyes, Jiang Ye calmly walked into the examination room.

His figure immediately attracted the attention of the people around him.

"Hey, why is there a kid who looks like he's in kindergarten in the exam room?"

"Could he be lost... Wait, he passed the test from the invigilator?"

"That is to say, this kid who is only about six years old came to the exam with us!"

"Huh? How old is he? Can he do these questions well?"

"There won't be another child prodigy, it will kill me!"

The teenagers nearby were completely dumbfounded when they saw Jiang Ye entering the examination room!

They have faced countless tests, and of course they know how high the threshold of a science training camp is!

If it wasn't for being out of tens of millions of peers, he wouldn't even have the chance to take this exam.

Candidates present here are indeed young, but they have won various trophies in mathematics, physics and chemistry, and their scores have been occupying the top of the list in the region all the year round.

Of course, they stand at a higher level, knowing that there is never a shortage of geniuses like themselves in this world.

But now a child less than half their age ran out...

This is the rhythm of killing people!

at this time.

Someone seemed to recognize Jiang Ye's figure, and quickly explained: "He seems to be the son of Professor Jiang, and he should just try to take the exam this time."

"I see!"

Everyone showed a sudden look.

Professor Jiang is about to become the most legendary scientific researcher of this generation, and countless teenagers dream of it.

With Professor Jiang's contacts, it is certainly not uncommon for his son to take the exam and exercise in advance.

Knowing this, everyone's mentality was at ease, and they even felt that it was quite interesting to take the exam with such a young child!

I don't know if this little guy will cry in the examination room when he sees such a difficult test paper?

Jiang Ye has delicate features, fair face, red lips and white teeth. He is a cute boy at first glance.

Wouldn't it be cuter if she cried?


As the examination bell rang.

According to the seat number on the admission ticket, all candidates found their own seats, and the test papers were distributed one by one.

The smiles on their faces disappeared, and they fell into deep thought.

This time the topic is too difficult!

Even though they have studied a lot of special training, the flexibility of the professors' questions is far beyond everyone's imagination!

Many changes need to be dealt with calmly in the examination room, and the difficulty has increased by a factor compared with previous ones!

The exam time is only one and a half hours.

But after half an hour, there are many candidates who have not finished one third of the multiple choice questions!

The later argumentation questions will test the time even more, which makes many candidates look desperate.

at this time.

Jiang Ye stood up with his hands raised, and handed in the test paper calmly.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was completely dumbfounded.


Who handed in the paper early?

When they saw Jiang Ye's figure clearly, relief expressions appeared on their faces again.

Well, it should be because the child saw that the test paper was too difficult and didn't want to be tortured, so he handed in the test in advance, right?

Fortunately, people just came to experience it.


Facing this kind of problem is a double torment of mind and body, and every minute and every second seems so long!



After the test paper is submitted.

Professor Lin and Professor Chen came over one after another to correct the test paper.

Multiple choice questions will come out soon.


After comparing the two, they found that the multiple-choice questions were all correct?

"How is it possible that it is all right?"

"Won't this test question be leaked again?"

"No, one or two hours before the exam, we announced to the public that we were using the A paper."

"When the exam is about to start, it will be replaced with the temporary B paper!"

"Even if it's Professor Jiang, it's impossible to open up a relationship for Jiang Ye in such a short time, let alone memorize the answer!"

The two professors looked at each other one after another, and they both saw the look of astonishment in each other's eyes.

Judging from their arrangements, there should be no possibility of this test paper being leaked!

Eyes shifted to the big topic...


There has been a change from the standard answer!

Professor Lin was overjoyed. Seeing this change, he was basically sure that Jiang Ye hadn't cheated. He couldn't help laughing:

"Haha, I'm just talking about such a difficult question, how could this kid do exactly the same as the standard answer..."

However, when his eyes were on the steps of the argument, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared!

This is a completely different way of arguing!

As if never seen before!

But every step is extremely rigorous, and the conclusion is fully deduced!

At first, Professor Lin wondered if Jiang Ye got the standard answer, but he only memorized the result of the argument, but couldn't remember the process.

But as he studied carefully, he found that the essence of the argumentation process was the same, only improved!

He tried to prove it several times by himself, and the shock in his pupils became more and more intense. He turned to Professor Chen and said:

"What this kid did is right, and in a way different from the standard answer, even I have never seen it!"

Professor Lin picked up the test paper and looked it over carefully. The astonishment on his face was no less than that of Professor Chen.

If it is said that the previous multiple-choice questions were suspected of cheating, but the process of this demonstration topic is completely innovative!

How could this be a possibility of cheating?

As the two professors corrected the test paper, the shock in their eyes continued to increase!

Do it all right!

In this almost The Underworld-level test, Jiang Ye actually got a perfect score again?

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