Reincarnation Of All: I Can Infinitely Superimpose The Halo Of The Protagonist

Chapter 54 The Wandering Earth Project Is Officially Launched!


Humans have built a spaceship at the speed of light, officially stepping into the ranks of Level I civilization!

This means that human beings can achieve long-distance interstellar travel, go to the deep space of the universe farther in the Milky Way, and mine various aerospace materials.

In just a few years, humans have continuously developed the use of new materials, which has greatly reduced the construction cost of Universe ships and improved their quality.

At this stage, the level of human civilization is not weaker than that of the Three-Body Civilization, belonging to the same level.

What is missing is the accumulation of an industrial base.

Excitement for all mankind!

In such a short period of time, human civilization has miraculously achieved such a great leap forward!

From the original level I civilization, now it has the level of I level civilization!

Greatly increased the world's good expectations for the future!

These confidences inspire more young people to devote themselves to the research and development of Realm.

The universe crew originally consisted of only a few thousand people, and they belonged to the elite of all mankind, so they were qualified to explore space.

But now, with the research and development of new materials, the output of Universe ships has exploded!

There has been a wave of recruitment expansion for pilots.

From the original thousand people, to ten thousand people, and then to one hundred thousand people......

The solar system seemed to be lit up.

The torch of civilization, from this blue planet, spreads its branches and leaves around the universe!

More and more people are beginning to study how to create conditions for human beings to live on other planets.

Although these attempts, most of them ended in failure.

But the accumulated valuable experience and the huge ideas born every day are undoubtedly adding to the foundation of human civilization!

"Fortunately, we humans have Professor Jiang Ye!"

"That's right, otherwise we wouldn't have seen this day coming!"

"Even if the Trisolaran fleet returns now, with the strength of our civilization, we can still make them come and go!"

"Humanity has really become stronger!"

"This is all thanks to Professor Jiang Ye!"

"Professor Jiang Ye, yds!"

"Professor Jiang Ye, yyds!"

"Professor Jiang Ye, yyds!"

Now, no one has questioned Jiang Ye's scientific research level again.

Since he took over Jiang's father's position, not only has the progress of physics not stagnated, but it has continued to grow explosively!

The contribution he made was greater than his father's!


Father Jiang's name was hailed as the greatest physicist in the past century a few years ago.

But now, the name has been changed to Jiang Ye.

This is the rhythm of green out of blue and better than blue!


It's not even half a point to win!

Some people have begun to believe in 830 that Father Jiang's theoretical breakthrough was probably really brought about by Jiang Ye!

After all, the time when Jiang's father's scientific research Realm career took off happened exactly after Jiang Ye was born!

And the talent and achievements that Jiang Ye showed later far surpassed the school!

It is impossible to say that this has nothing to do with it!


People thought that the birth of Jiang Ye inspired Jiang's father to become a good father, so there was such a breakthrough.

But now it seems that it is very likely that Jiang Ye helped his father take off all the way!

Immediately, these topics became hot topics all over the world, and everyone had a different point of view.

But when it comes to father and son, they all look in awe, dreaming that one day they can become such great figures!

After a few years, Father Jiang's body has recovered very well after being recuperated in the hospital.

The application of anti-aging technology has greatly extended Father Jiang's lifespan.

Compared with the limit lifespan of six hundred years of human beings...

This year.

Jiang's father was about forty years old.

Actually very young.

However, while anti-aging technology prolongs lifespan, it will curb the activity of cells to a certain extent.

The speed of thinking will be reduced to a certain extent, which has almost no impact on the daily life of ordinary people. After all, the current technology is mature enough, and all heavy physical labor is carried out by industrial robots, which liberates human hands.

However, scientific research Realm needs to operate brain cells, and generally scientists who are still working hard at the frontier will not use this technology too early.

Jiang's father originally wanted to return to the first post immediately after he was discharged from the hospital.

But he has witnessed Jiang Ye's legendary experience in the past few years....

Suddenly felt unnecessary.


This world belongs to true geniuses.

Just feel at ease and follow behind to enjoy the blessings.

On the day he retired, Jiang's father came to the Universe Research Institute on a rare occasion.

A few years have passed, and Jiang Ye has become a young man with a beautiful face. His appearance is impeccable even on the movie screen, and it is even more conspicuous in the research institute.

The two came to the gazebo outside the courtyard together, put down all the work at hand, and enjoyed the time of tasting tea quietly.

In early winter, the tea mist rises densely, and light snow falls on the Parasol Tree outside the courtyard, making a rattling sound.

The whole world seemed to have become quiet.

Put down the teacup.

Father Jiang raised his head suddenly, looked at Jiang Ye with a smile and said:

"You boy, those little notes I found at home [must be written by you (cea)!"


Jiang Ye showed a bewildered expression and blinked his eyes: "What are you talking about, Dad?"

"Still pretending?"

Father Jiang laughed and cursed, and said, "Okay, I know your status is definitely not ordinary."

"In this world, there are many geniuses, but like you, you are born with scientific problems that cannot be solved by all human beings. That is definitely not something that can be used to describe it."

"The reincarnation of the gods? The future reborn? The time traveler in the novel?"

"Actually, it doesn't matter, no matter what your identity is, but you will always be my son, whether you are an ordinary person, like playing chess, music, or playing games...

"As long as it's not harmful to humans, then I will support you unconditionally, Dad.

"This is your destiny, I won't ask more questions."

"But no matter what happens, I will stand behind you unswervingly."

Many years have passed.

Father Jiang finally did what he wanted to do most.

The words that have been hidden in my heart for many years seem to melt slowly as the ice and snow drip onto the lake.

As a scientific researcher, he has too many careers to be busy, and he rarely finds time to spend with his own son.

This is probably why many outstanding scientific researchers have poor academic performance for their children.

Sometimes, education is very important.

Jiang's father knew exactly this, but when he tried to be a father himself, he found that the balance between career and family was more difficult than he imagined, and he often had to give up one in order to do the other well.

As for Jiang Ye, what he cherishes is more gratitude. This son not only grew up well and became independent, but even made such great contributions to himself and the cause of human science.

Everyone said that Father Jiang's education was excellent, but only Father Jiang knew very well that it wasn't that he himself did well, but that Jiang Ye was born different.

Now, this age should also retire, so that more resources will be in Jiang Ya's hands.

The future belongs to young people.

Jiang Ye picked up the teacup and took a light sip.

He didn't respond much to that.

But maybe.

A few years later, I withdrew from the Three-Body Problem and returned to reality

Will still remember in this world that he had an excellent father.

Thirty years.

The industrial foundation of mankind has been completely stabilized to level II civilization!

The quantum laser cannon has been developed, condensing a huge amount of energy, capable of destroying thousands of Universe ships in an instant!

Even if it is made of water droplets, it cannot completely resist the power of the quantum laser cannon!

To this stage of development.....

When the Trisolaran fleet sees human civilization, it must turn around every minute!

The explosive growth in the production capacity of Universe ships can be compared to the stage in the 20th century when the car was just built and the output increased exponentially.

In the past, space travel was like traveling to Antarctica for human beings.

But now, with the construction of the space elevator, most of the middle class even have their own universe ships.

Flying into space means leaving a province.

This series of achievements has greatly increased the information of human beings on their own civilization!

A lot of comments have emerged on the Internet, making more objective comments on the strength of the Three-Body civilization in the past.

"I feel that although the Three-Body Civilization is very powerful, but now with our human strength, we can completely beat it!"

"That's right, the Three-Body Problem should be regarded as a relatively powerful civilization in the entire universe."

"Even if the universe coordinates of human beings have been exposed, if we really encounter the blows of other universe civilizations, maybe we can also deal with it?"

"Even if you encounter a more advanced universe civilization, it is a civilization thousands of light years away. Crossing such a long distance, theoretically, there will be energy consumption, right?"

"Yeah, maybe at that time, with our human technological level, we may already be able to intercept these attacks!"

Just when all human beings are full of information about their own civilization.


Jiang Ye quickly released a message—

"The first batch of immigrants going to DX3906 Star will be launched, going to Blue Star.

After this news was announced, it immediately triggered discussions in the entire human society!

However, compared with the outcry at the beginning, there is another voice in the society.

"I don't think immigration is necessary."

"That's right, the solar system is really good, and humans have developed into a second-level civilization here."

"Even if it reaches the speed of light, it will take at least several hundred years to cross a distance of nearly three hundred light years.

"No one knows what unexpected things will happen during such a long process."

"Even if we can successfully migrate to the past, human civilization will definitely have to face changes in the environment and the loss of long-distance interstellar journeys.

"The downgrade of the civilization level is inevitable."

"In my opinion, there is no need for interplanetary migration at all."

"Yes, if there is any universe civilization coming to attack, at worst, we can intercept it, and then fight back and we'll be done!"

After the rapid development of science and technology in the past ten years, while human beings are progressing, their thinking has quietly changed.

The Trisolaran civilization, which once terrified all human beings, is no longer their opponent.

More and more astronauts are exploring deep into the galaxy, but there are very few habitable planets.

The birth of any life in the universe can be said to be a miracle among miracles!

Not to mention resisting billions of years of life evolution and evolving civilization!

Therefore, most people began to think that Trisolaran civilization and human civilization are quite rare, and civilizations that have developed to level II can be said to be one of the few in the universe!

Even if there is a more advanced civilization, the strength will not be too much


Facing the Wandering Earth Project launched more than ten years ago...

Divided into the leftist faction and the advanced faction.

The advanced school believes that this plan still needs to be carried out simultaneously. If the next habitable planet can be successfully explored and developed, then human beings will undoubtedly have an extra


But conservatives feel that long-distance interstellar travel is too risky at this stage.

Moreover, the three hundred years of interstellar travel must establish a society.

At least a few thousand people are required to migrate to Blue Star for small-scale development and build a human civilization base station.

But what needs to be paid is the danger of losing life at any time.


Arriving there, it is very likely that their descendants will complete the follow-up plan.

No one can predict what kind of variables will appear.

at present.

The pilots recruited by the migration plan are undoubtedly the top intellectuals and elites in the society.

Excellent knowledge and technology are required to ensure that there will be no problems during the long-distance interstellar migration.

With the rapid development of human civilization and the simultaneous improvement of materials, more and more elites are beginning to enjoy the convenience brought by technological advancement.


At the beginning of the migration plan, only a few hundred qualified pilots entered the interior for professional training.

However, the number of people who can start the Wandering Earth Project is still far behind.

In the research institute, some voices gradually appeared.

I want Jiang Ye to give up this plan.

Some people don't think it's necessary.

Some people think that if they don't even have enough people, then this plan is too difficult to carry out!

But Jiang Ye ignored these voices, continued to expand enrollment, and carried out related planning research.

Only he knows that the strength of the Trisolaran civilization is actually at the middle and lower level in the vast universe.

Civilizations that have mastered the two-way foil technology, such as singers and zero-returners, even have the ability to restart the universe!

Randomly hitting coordinates tens of millions of light years away is just a casual thing for these top universe civilizations!

This area, even in the eyes of advanced Universe civilization, will become a dead zone!

Avoid it!

The Three-Body Civilization understands this truth better than humans, so it ran away desperately.

But while human beings are progressing, they gradually become inflated and complacent.

Pride is the root of all destruction!

Just when everyone was sighing for Jiang Ye's persistence......

Suddenly, there was an explosion of sparks in the sky!

Even at such a long distance, all human beings can see the dazzling light shining in the night sky when they raise their heads!

An astonishing piece of news passed through the space station and passed on to the entire human society!

The Three-Body Civilization, four light years away, ushered in destruction!

Their planet was hit by what appeared to be an unknown object, and the ensuing near-supernova destruction!

Together with the entire three-body star system, it was completely reduced to nothingness!

The shining light lasted for a month, and every night was like a new moon, dazzling.

But behind it is the complete demise of a star system!

this moment......

Human beings finally recalled the fear of being dominated by the Three-Body Civilization that day!

But now, it is not only the Trisolaran civilization that destroyed them, but the entire universe!

Without witnessing history, human beings have never imagined that the destruction of a star system is as simple as eating and drinking water!

As if in the blink of an eye, the end has come!

The Trisolaran civilization has been destroyed!


The next person who is about to face the same fate is naturally human civilization!

"I agree with the Wandering Earth Project!"

"I hope that among the participants, there will be a list of me!"

"I want to join too..."

the next day.

The top scientific researchers are like crazy, robbing the Wandering Earth to participate in the plan!

They finally realized that if human civilization continues to stay here, it will be destroyed at any time!

And if we move to DX3906 Star, which is 300 light-years away, there may be a turning point!

At least not staying here waiting to die!

five years.

Jiang Ye made another breakthrough scientific achievement!

The Wandering Earth Project is officially launched!.

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