Universe space station, research headquarters.

A brand new ship appeared in the cabin.

The scientific researchers present collectively showed serious and solemn eyes.

this moment......

Perhaps it will once again break human history!

"start up!"

Jiang Ye's voice calmly echoed in the research institute.

With the roaring sound of the engine at the stern of the ship, the nearby space seemed to be distorted!

Immediately afterwards.

In an instant, the ship crosses the interstellar flight path like a flash, leading to the deep space of the universe.

Moreover, the speed is getting faster and faster, and finally it is about to break through the limitation of time and space!

Along with the entire hull of the spaceship, it became distorted - up!


Ordinary spaceships would split apart in an instant because the hull could not withstand such a strong resistance while running at the speed of light.

However, Jiang Ye used infinite deduction to find out a new aerospace material, and built a ship whose strength can fully support the speed of light, and even reach super-light speed!

At this moment, the sailing speed of the ship has already broken through the critical point of the speed of light!

About to reach the level of superluminal speed!

this moment......

The scientific researchers present here became tense!

If this spaceship can withstand the superluminal pressure, it proves that human beings will once again usher in a technological breakthrough!

Possesses the ability to travel through the universe!


"There is no problem with the FTL spaceship!"

"Visually, at the fastest speed now, it can reach 1.5 times the speed of light!"

"But in the actual flight, the time to cross the light year is shortened to one-third of the light speed spacecraft!"

"This should be due to the superluminal breakthrough breaking through the stability of the universe space, so that the actual speed will eventually be higher than the theoretical speed!"

"It means that we only need less than a hundred years to realize interstellar travel from the solar system to the DX3906 Star system!"

The monitor said in an exciting tone.

this moment.

All the researchers were relieved and looked gratefully at Jiang Ye.

That's right, the breakthrough of this FTL spaceship is still driven by Jiang Ya!

Every targeted technical breakthrough is almost the main discovery of Jiang Ye, breakthrough in one fell swoop!

Whether it is an order-of-magnitude calculator, a large-scale promotion of calculation capabilities, or an extremely precise material cutting technology, as well as the research and development of new aerospace materials...

Jiang Ye seems to have opened up the perspective of God. Every technology he leads is for the implementation of the Wandering Earth Project!

This kind of god-like ability, the more you understand physics, the more you will be in awe of Jiang Ye!

Ordinary people do not have access to such a large amount of knowledge, and cannot understand the breakthrough of a technology and theory, how many failures are needed to accumulate a success.

But it seems that once Jiang Ye starts research and development, the direction of his research will automatically go on the right path!

Totally avoids all mistakes!

In fact.

This is because Jiang Ye's infinite deduction has too much computing power.

He can calculate the experience of 10 million failures of human beings in just one day, through the calculation power of his mind!

After repeated deduction, the final answer is often the most correct!

【You broke through the FTL spaceship technology!】

【Achievement Points +1000W!】

At this moment, Jiang Ye has accumulated 40 million achievement points in Three-Body World!

With a ratio of 5000:1, the converted reincarnation points obtained reached more than 8,000 points!

It is almost catching up with the SSS rating of Zongwu Continent!

at this time.

Jiang Ye holds 18,000 reincarnation points.

And he saved a lot of reincarnation points through infinite deduction!

Originally, Jiang Ye thought that he needed to buy super-light spaceships, nose science, black hole principles and other top scientific technologies from the reincarnation mall.

But with the SSS-level aura of [Infinite Deduction], these technologies can be deduced by themselves.

It is equivalent to saving a lot of expenses on the reincarnation point!

The remaining reincarnation points can be used to buy more critical items!

"Open Reincarnation Mall!"

Jiang Ye's heart skipped a beat.

next second.

A dazzling list of shopping malls immediately appeared in front of Jiang Ye!

Select the search filter for Science Fiction Worlds.

A large number of props from the "science fiction world" suddenly appeared on the above, which can be purchased.

Of course, the options obtained by searching for "world" are generally props in the reincarnation world.

After purchase, it can be used for customs clearance in the current world.

Not transferable to real world use.


The list of unlocked shopping malls can only be the world that the reincarnated person has arrived in.

For example, Jiang Ye came to the Zongwu Continent in the first life, and came to the three-body world in the second life...

Then, the worlds that can be purchased in the reincarnation mall are limited to martial arts and science fiction.

Items such as Heavenly Spirit Treasures are usually only opened in the Fantasy world, and you need to descend to the corresponding world in the future to unlock them.


The spirit treasures of the heavens can be used in all worlds, including the real world and other reincarnation worlds, and the cost of reincarnation points is at least six figures!

Generally, only senior reincarnation points can buy it.


Xia Longwu promised that if Jiang Ye can achieve a grade of A+ or higher this time, the value of the gifted Lingbao will be as high as one million reincarnation points!

In order to inherit the aura of the SSS-level protagonist of [Infinite Deduction], and to show that he has enough strength, he can obtain a million-dollar treasure from the heavens...

Spending thousands of reincarnation points to buy props that can assist in customs clearance is naturally not a loss at all!

Among them, the schedule props have long attracted Ya's attention.

[Star Map: Record information about all the universe’s starry sky, including black holes, black domains, wormholes, dark matter, four-dimensional fragments, universe civilization distribution map, and universe material movement in the next hundred years. Reincarnation points: 4000!]


Jiang Ye chose to buy without hesitation.

next second.

A vast universe star map appeared in Jiang Ya's mind.

All he needs is to close his eyes, as if his divine sense can cover the entire universe, and he can see the infinite existence in the vast starry sky!

It's an amazing experience!

As if the consciousness is connected to God who created the universe, the whole soul is baptized under this wonderful vision!

It's like an ordinary person opening a four-dimensional perspective for the first time...

The whole world seems to be completely different in his own eyes!

For ordinary reincarnators......

In the second life, spending four thousand reincarnation points is not a small amount.

It is very likely that even if you take out your entire family, you will not be able to collect such a huge number of four thousand reincarnation points.

But Jiang Ye knows that for the three-body world, the star map is definitely not a loss!


It not only records the information of key points such as black domains and four-dimensional fragments, but also the distribution maps of other universe civilizations can be held in hand!

This is the supreme treasure of the entire universe!

Even the civilization of the zero returners may not be able to have such a star map!

In the universe of the law of the dark forest, Jiang Ye is the only hunter who can see all the prey!


In the star map, there is another extremely critical information——wormhole!

That's right!

Not only does it include the area where all wormholes are located.

Moreover, the location where each wormhole will cross is clearly written in the star map!

Even if human beings have superluminal spaceships, it will take at least a thousand years to explore all the wormholes in the Milky Way.

The star map purchased by Jiang Ye, just the wormhole information, is already equivalent to the information that humans can only obtain through continuous exploration in the next thousand years!

As for other universe civilization locations, that is a unique treasure in the entire Trisolaran world!

It can be said......

The value of the star map is even higher than the entire Trisolaran world!

It is possible to reach a 4D-level sci-fi world!

Afterwards, Jiang Ye quickly sorted out the information of the wormhole in his mind, and instantly drew a map of the shortest distance interstellar voyage.

Five light-years away from the solar system, there is a wormhole that happens to connect to the wormhole fifty-five light-years away in the DX3906 Star system!

According to the superluminal flight, it takes about half a year to cross the wormhole.

So, if everything goes well, according to this interstellar navigation route...

The time from the solar system to the DX3906 Star system can be shortened from a hundred years to two thousand years!

The radio era has probably passed more than ten years.

Although in theory...

The strike of the two-way foil will start a hundred years later!

But because of the whole process, it has been advanced by Jiang Ye...

It is impossible to predict whether the two-way foil attack on human beings will be advanced more!

Due to the emergence of unknown variables, it is necessary to ensure that human beings can migrate from the solar system to the DX3906 Star system within the next seventy years, which is the safest!

As long as all human beings can be moved to Blue Star within seventy years...


Human civilization will have enough time and space to face the threat brought by Universe civilization!


The number of people participating in the Wandering Earth Project has reached 50,000!

The appearance of the superluminal spaceship made everyone's eyes brighten, and they all saw hope!

at this time.

Jiang Ye announced the star map of the wormhole shuttle!

Among them, these bold ideas immediately aroused the shock of the entire scientific community!

"What? You can travel through wormholes?"

"Professor Jiang, we humans have never experienced the experience of traveling through wormholes..."

"Is there any danger in such an approach?"

Some professors couldn't help raising doubts.

Human fear often comes from the unknown!

Wormholes are somewhat similar to black holes.

It's like an existence that once you go in, you can never come out again!

But Jiang smiled slightly and said: "At that time, we can directly send an unmanned super-light spaceship to travel through the wormhole according to the calculated trajectory.

The minds of the scientists here eased slightly.

With the current human technology and the use of quantum control methods, it is possible to control the superluminal spaceship from a long distance even if it is separated by a long distance.

However, in the process of unmanned driving, various emergencies may be encountered.

...asking for flowers......

The professors here are not optimistic about this attempt.


Wormholes are inherently unstable spaces, plus the moving speed of the superluminal spaceship, there may be some accidents inside.

For human beings at present, the counterfeiting of a super-light spaceship is extremely expensive, even if the value of one ship is lost, it is incalculable for the entire human civilization.

But since it was Jiang Ye who raised this point, everyone here naturally wouldn't say much.

Two years later, the Wandering Earth Fleet arrived at the wormhole five light-years away for the first time.

Under the watchful eyes of all human beings, an unmanned super-light spaceship turned into a stream of light and escaped into the wormhole.

FTL spaceship

The internal communication equipment adopts quantum communication technology, which can be reconnected even if the distance is far away.

However, when the superluminal spaceship enters the wormhole, the signal is obviously interfered, and it can only run according to the preset course!

No one can predict what will happen!

If the super-light-speed spacecraft is completely lost, it will not only be a huge loss for human beings, but also undermine the confidence of long-distance interstellar migration.


over time.......

The quantum communication of the superluminal spacecraft is always in a state of being unable to communicate!

It seems that the scheduled time is almost over.

The members of the wandering spaceship fleet felt confused for a while, and suddenly began to doubt whether this path was correct.

But on that day exactly half a year later...

at this time......

The quantum communication of the FTL spacecraft has been restored on the other side of the universe!

When the camera is turned on, the surrounding Galaxy takes on a new look!

That is the Galaxy Realm that humans have never touched!

The distance from the solar system is about 250 light years!

This is also the furthest footprint that human civilization has ever traveled!



The members of the Wandering Earth ship burst into cheers!

The FTL spacecraft successfully passed through the wormhole!

This means that Jiang Ye's plan is totally feasible!

When this scene is played on the screen for all mankind to watch...

The earth suddenly burst into cheers!

"Oh my god, this wormhole project is actually feasible!"

"I thought the FTL spaceship had already been sent, but it ended up successfully reaching another hole two hundred and fifty light-years away!"

"With this technology, we go to the DX3906 Star and actually span fifty light-years or so!"

"It's just the speed of the FTL spacecraft, the whole process is only two and a half years!"

"I didn't expect to be able to accomplish such a miracle in two and a half years!"

"Well, upstairs, it seems to me that you are alluding to some great artist from previous centuries!"

"Wooooow, I didn't expect someone to remember his name, I'm so touched!"

Institute of Science.

All scientists stood up collectively to express the highest respect to Jiang Ye!

"Professor Jiang Ye, the interstellar voyage route you discovered is of great help to us!"

"That's right, if we only need this little time, we don't need to use superluminal spaceships at all, even if we build a large interstellar spaceship, carry billions of people, and go there in batches.

Blue Star is also possible!"

"The distance of fifty-five light years is not particularly difficult for modern human beings to navigate the universe."

"The Wandering Earth project is not only perfectly executed, but also a new home can be found!"

"This is so exciting!"

The scientific researchers present looked at Jiang Ye with gratitude!

These scientific feats are breaking the impossible in the eyes of ordinary people, making human civilization see more and more hope!


Few people will question Jiang Ye's decision!

Even most atheist scientists have begun to believe in gods!

And this god, of course, is Jiang Ye!

The sailing speed of a private universe spaceship can probably be advanced to sub-light speed, and the maximum can reach 5,000% of the speed of light.

But now, the private universe spaceship already has very comprehensive functions, which can fully support the survival of a family.

Many families with universe spaceships have begun to try to migrate to the blue star by themselves.

However, the news was quickly suppressed.

Because according to the report published by Jiang Ye, if the speed cannot reach the speed of light, traveling through the wormhole may still be risky!

Discourage most people from traveling through wormholes in private universe ships.

Just in the second year.

Flying boat, start the construction plan!

This is the largest light-speed spacecraft ever built by mankind!

If it stays above the earth, its size can almost be compared with Australia!

A light-speed spacecraft of this size was almost impossible in the past.

But at ㄐ Thousand Reincarnation Point, I bought the anti-matter compression power engine in the car mall.

No matter how big an object is, with the power of this engine, it is enough to push it!

Forty-two years.

The first migrants boarded the airship.

Nearly a billion people will pass through the airship, Celeste!

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