Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1298: Regain your thoughts (Part 1)

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Xiao Nai He moved a little in his heart. This time, because of the battle with the evil Buddha, this Taoist weapon has already appeared damaged.

Even if Xiao Naihe has gotten many ancient miracles, it may not be able to repair.

However, he got the Sin Demon Stele, which is also a ninth level of good or bad, so Xiao Nai is not a loss.

"However, this Taoist weapon in Piaoxueren is indeed a good defensive magic weapon. It can't be wasted. It is necessary to find a way to repair this Taoist weapon."

Xiao Naihe had an idea in mind.

This time the battle for the magic tablet, this Taoist device in the Piao Xueren is indeed the biggest project.

It blocked the attacks of the infinite Tianzun and others, and also frightened the existence of the evil Buddha.

If the evil Buddha did not leave at that time, the magic tablet in Xiao Naihe's body might be forced to be handed over to the evil Buddha to save his life.

At that time, the drifting snow world was already damaged, and it was not enough to stop any attacks.

"Of course, if I can refine the Taoist weapon of the Sin Demon Stele, then it can be used as the most powerful attacking weapon at that time. In the face of any supreme opponent, I do n’t have to be afraid, even the evil Buddha Again, he can't get a point in my hand. "

What Xiao Nai differs from White Fox is that he has many ancient miracles in his hand, enough to restore the sin demon monument to its peak power of 70-80%.

"Xiao Nai He, this time is extremely dangerous, but the evil Buddha and the infinite Tianzun and others, once they come back to the gods, they will definitely swear to die. It would be better to find a place to practice again, wait for me to use this good demon monument to get through After the Eighth Heaven Tribulation, I believe that there will be no fear of confronting the evil Buddha. "

At this time, the white fox slowly came, a flash of fine flash in his eyes.

"That's the same, but now that we have the magic tablet, those few people certainly dare not act rashly."

"But you are in the 3,300 world. After all, there is a sect such as Yantian Pavilion. I am worried that they will have their hands on Yantian."

"Relax on this. Since ancient times, the cultivators have a cold temperament, even though those four people would think that I was cold and human. I now have the magic tablet, they may think that threatening me through Yantian Pavilion is not possible."

White Fox nodded, she knew what Xiao Naihe meant.

For normal people, if Xiao Naihe got the magic tablet, the opponent would definitely threaten Xiao Naihe with Xiao Naihe's family or Zongmen's family and hand over the magic tablet.

However, four people, including Dao Zun and Infinite Tianzun, are all suspicious characters and save people by their people. Considering that the cultivator's nature is cold, Xiao Naihe certainly will not surrender the magic tablet for the Yantian Pavilion. At that time, the people of the Yantian Pavilion will be moved.

When Xiao Nai He refined the magic tablet, he would seek revenge on them.

Therefore, unless Xiao Nai died, ask Dao Zun and others will not move the pavilion, so as not to cause an unsolvable life and death feud.

"But you said so, I will help you."

"Okay, nothing is possible."

The white fox laughed, and suddenly a beautiful light appeared in the beautiful eyes, and between the flow, the gesture of beauty appeared slightly.

Afterwards, the two of them broke through the space constantly, and broke through towards the cross of the void.

But for half an hour, Xiao Naihe and the two of them fell on an island above the Jiehe River.

There is no people in this island, but there is a forest of monsters.

The whole island was surrounded by a dollar of gold, revealing the prohibition.

While the white fox is floating in the air, the power of the whole body's thoughts has slowly spread.

"I didn't expect the power of the repressed Heaven Tribulation to come so fast. I thought it could be suppressed for fifteen days. Now, it seems that I can't even suppress it for three days."

White Fox thought for a moment, and was a little bit afraid. If the White Fox entered the galaxy and snatched the magic tablet, it was suddenly impossible to suppress the Heavenly Tribulation, and he would have to go through the Nine Thunder Tribulation.

At that time, the white fox was extremely dangerous, and anyone could threaten her life.

"Yes, you hurry up. With your current accumulation and the Pushan Demon Monument, you can definitely survive the Eighth Heaven Tribulation and break the Nineth Thunder Tribulation."

"Okay, I'll trouble you."

At this time, the white fox has completely treated Xiao Naihe as a person on her level, rather than treating Xiao Naihe with an elder attitude as before.


Suddenly, the white fox will explode all the forces of the Heavenly Tribulation that have been suppressed, and suddenly, the whole sky becomes dim, and a cloud of black comes from afar.

Fortunately, they are now small islands above the Jiehe River. Otherwise, the astronomical phenomena drawn by the white fox might be attracting the attention of many cultivators.


The white fox burst into a snorkel, like a meteor, and immediately broke through the space and flew towards the void.

After a while, it was already at a height of ten miles.

Xiao Naihe sat quietly on the ground like this, and did not move.

Where Xiao Nai is, the White Fox is also at ease.

She knew that as long as anyone was close to thousands of miles, Xiao Naihe would be aware of it.

"Okay, then I have to recover from my injury after fighting with the evil Buddha."

Xiao Naihe secretly said, suddenly there was a burst of fine awns in his eyes, and all the medicines and treasures of heaven and earth flew out of the invisible space. It was Xiao Naihe who had previously seized the accumulation of space in the opponent's body.


In a mysterious red cloud, the red cloud is constantly floating, and an idea is thousands of miles away.

A weird voice came slightly, as if some figure had pierced the space, and fell into a temple together.

The temple is covered with golden wall tiles on all four sides. The mysterious and forbidden enchantment is floating in the sky, showing a very powerful magical means.

Subsequently, a figure came out of the red cloud.

This person was the evil Buddha who had recently played against Xiao Naihe.

At this time, the evil Buddha was covered with shrouds and was damaged. He walked into the temple and immediately changed his clothes to restore his original state.

When sitting down empty, at this time the evil Buddha crossed his legs and crossed his fingers, constantly deducing what.

"Lao Qun made a mistake and made three consecutive mistakes. Isn't Xiao Shengzi's deduction method really much more powerful than Lao Qun?"

The evil Buddha's face is a bit ugly, he is good at deduction, but he did not expect that he actually encountered a setback on Xiao Naihe.

"Impossible, I don't believe that the deduction of this child can be so mysterious, but how did he break away from Lao's calculation?"

Recalling the mysterious defensive Dao weapon in Xiao Naihe's hands, the eighth-class Dao weapon, actually resisted his magical means.

Seeing that time, the evil Buddha knew that he could no longer take this one, and he couldn't get the three great monuments. He took the opportunity to leave immediately.

If Xiao Naiho is okay to say, but there is still a powerful role beside him, it is the white fox.

That woman is the real variable.

But now I can't grab the three magic tablets, I'm afraid I won't be able to grab it in the future. After Xiao Nai refining the magic tablet, he immediately became stronger.

At that time, it is even more difficult to deal with this fear.

"You can only blame Lao on the miscalculation this time. Lao has lost a doppelganger before deducing Tianji Avenue. Otherwise, even if this son has a defensive defensive weapon today, Lao can dare to fight."

The evil Buddha shook his head, because before he was playing on Tianji Avenue, it was regarded as a doppelganger, so his strength had retreated.

Otherwise, the creator of Xiao Naihe, even if he has a world of floating snow, can repel the evil Buddha.

"Holy Son, Son, the luck of this son is so good. At first, the character of" Holy "was because the luck was so good, and he struggled with Heavenly Dao to **** Heavenly Dao. Disturb humanity. Otherwise, the original Saint is really likely to create a seventh avenue. "

In the eyes of the evil Buddha, there is a flash of evil charm.

Unexpectedly, this monk actually told a big secret between himself and himself.

It turned out that the existence of the Holy Spirit did indeed have the opportunity to open up the seventh avenue. However, because it snatched the luck of the Heavenly Path, it was actually calculated by the Heavenly Path and influenced the humanity.

In the end, it was sitting in the heavens and the earth, without really opening up a seventh avenue.

Heavenly Dao is originally maintaining the order of this heaven and earth, although any creator can exist to fight Heaven and Dao. But unless the creator can go beyond the heavens and the earth, to other things, otherwise it will be affected by the heaven and earth.

Between the words of the evil Buddha, his expression suddenly moved, and he looked up fiercely, locking his gaze to the outside.

At that moment, he just felt that the breath around him suddenly became thicker.

It seemed that a pure white air flow was blowing, and the monastery that was originally like a cold **** immediately came a vitality and infinite spring.

That kind of power can almost suppress the breath of evil Dao on the evil Buddha.

"who is it?"

The evil Buddha's face became very cautious, even more cautious than before when dealing with Xiao Naihe, knowing that Xiao Nai has a unique eight-class Taoist device.

Between his speeches, the essence of his body was immediately working, and the ninety-nine heavy apertures on his head were continuously derived, and the same ninety-nine as Xiao Naihe.

But the only difference is that Xiao Naihe's ninety-nine heavy aperture is golden yellow.

The evil Buddha's ninety-nine heavy aperture is indeed a black form.

Now, there is a third form.

This ray of light from outside also showed a ninety-nine heavy aperture. After it came, it refracted a red light.

The dark red ninety-nine heavy aperture is not the evil Buddha, nor can it be that Xiao Nai.

"This is ... Lord Buddha?"

There was a trace of horror in the eyes of the evil Buddha, a slight shock, and slowly backed away, the tone became very cautious and fearful.

After this character walked in, there was a dark red glow rising and floating around him.

"Sure enough, it is Lord Buddha, why are you here?"

The Buddha is dressed in a bean-green blouse, covered with a layer of honey-thin emerald green yarn and a set of golden-red cassocks.

The wide hem of the clothes was rusted with light brown patterns, and the long black hair was slightly pulled away. The rest hung on the neck, and a small light brown gem hung on the forehead, embellished just right.

There are five phoenix gold hairpins inserted in the head, and as the lotus step moves gently, there is a sound of dingdong.

This Buddha statue was actually a woman. When he and Xiao Naihe played against him, Xiao Nai thought that this Buddha statue was a man.

But at that time appeared in front of Xiao Naihe, it was indeed a man's breath.

Evil Buddha is the most clear. No one knows the true gender of this Buddha.

Sometimes Buddha will show an ordinary male form.

Sometimes it will show an ordinary woman's appearance.

Three hundred years ago, when I saw Buddha for the last time, Buddha was still a gorgeous character woman.

Now when I see Buddha again, this person has changed his face, and there is a magical power in her eyes that can predict 50 million years.

"Evil Buddha, the Jingyuan Buddha in your body is a bit unstable, it seems that you are already fighting with that person."

Lord Buddha spoke slowly, and his voice seemed like natural sound. Even the voices of White Fox and Yun Weixue were not as gentle as Buddha's voice. The syllables in this voice seemed to beat the evil Buddha's heart again and again.

Suddenly, the evil Buddha gave the Buddha a way to tear the opponent's clothes and occupy him.

Although the evil Buddha is practicing the demon Buddha Taoism, but he has also reached the eighth level of supremacy, and his state of mind is already extremely stable.

Unexpectedly, because of this sentence of the Buddha, my mind suddenly became extremely strange, and I was shocked. I quickly used the power of Buddhism and Dao to stabilize my Dao heart.

"The person you said ... who is it?"

"Who can there be, the remaining three true Buddhas in this world? You were your apprentice Xuanji monk. He is very hopeful to use the kingdom of God to achieve the creation of the Creator and the true Buddha. But a million people are gathered. In the body, the formation of the kingdom of God is still a foreign way, and it is not enough to truly become a true Buddha. "

Afterwards, the tone of the Buddha's tone slightly changed, and his expression turned, looking to the other side, and looking out the window.

"You mean ..."

"Yes, although you are not practicing orthodox Buddhism, but it is also a true Buddha. But by comparison, that man is a true Buddha, because like me, he inherits the origin of Buddhism and integrates the world, Achieve gods. "

The tone of Buddha Zun's tone, the aperture on his body once again radiated a dazzling light, and suddenly made the entire evil Buddha seem to be destroyed.

At that moment, the evil Buddha felt a terrifyingly powerful terror in the body of the Buddha.

You should know that the evil Buddha has now practiced to the highest realm, and it belongs to a very top level. Even Xiao Nai may not be able to get the other side.

But the evil Buddha actually felt a kind of danger and powerlessness in the Buddha. It can be seen that he knew how mysterious the Buddha's strength has been.

"Sovereign Buddha, Lao Kun knows that you have also integrated half of the source of Buddhism and Taoism. Your goal should be the remaining half of the source of Buddhism and Taoism of Xiao Shengzi. Once the source is complete, it will be truly transcendent when the true Buddha becomes the master! Influenced by Heaven. "

"Yes, my purpose is indeed for the origin of Buddhism and Taoism. I have waited for five thousand years, but I didn't expect to wait until this. This son is the three sons of the Holy Cultivation, and half of the origin of Buddhism and Taoism. Son, I am reluctant to kill him, obtain the source of Buddhism and Taoism in him, integrate it in my body, and achieve great power. "Buddha Zun sighed slightly.

Originally, Buddha's shock to Xiao Naiho was absolutely gorgeous, and it was a thought that he wanted to accept it as an apprentice.

But now it is impossible.

"He got the magic tablet of the three great deities. Today, he is afraid that his strength will be more and more powerful. Even if Lao Qian reappears, he is afraid that he won't be able to take it down. Lao Qin thinks that only Lord Buddha can take this place."

"This son is really good, he has inherited the holy heritage, and he has got three more monuments. But how about that, since I dare to say this, naturally there is a way to get this son. This son has actually done me for 5000 years I can't do anything, I found the fingerprint of Darirulai. If I can get this kind of fingerprint, then when the origins are united, even Bai inorganic can fight against the fight. "

Speaking of Bai inorganic, an evil awn that flashed in the eyes of the evil Buddha suddenly flashed.

At that moment, even a glorious glint flashed in the eyes of Buddha Zun, constantly revealing an extremely powerful qi and blood power.

"Bai inorganic? This god, Bai inorganic, has already achieved the unity of origin in the ancient times, as the first person in the **** realm. This character, compared with the legendary saint, I am afraid that it is not much worse As the protagonist of the era of heaven and earth, Lord Buddha will never touch his mind unless he truly becomes the master of the true Buddha. "

Between the evil Buddha's speech, there was a deep fear in his tone.

"That's nature, that indifferent character, I know his strength, but these are all words."

Buddha Zun suddenly took a step back.

When the evil Buddha saw this, he immediately asked, "Sovereign Lord Buddha, Lao Kun did not know that you knew before that there was a part of the source of Buddhism in Xuan Ji's body, but why did you not **** it. If you were able to take the Buddha on Xuan Ji Dao Yuanyuan snatched it over, maybe today will not create a Xiao Shengzi. "

This is also the question that the evil Buddha always wanted to ask.

A gleam of light flashed in Buddha's eyes, revealing a trace of unfathomable light of wisdom: "Why? Hahaha, your apprentice Xuanji monk, has not qualified me to shoot. Unless that Xiao Shengzi, this son is the avenue Sanxiu, the character of the creator, barely has the qualification to shoot me. Once I shoot, I will be destroyed, and no one can win it, even if I want to get other sources of Buddhism, I will also fight against those who are truly qualified to fight me. . "

Buddha Zun laughed, and said again: "Unfortunately, I have already calculated the identity of this child before, and I have confronted in the vacuum of Buddhism. This one does indeed qualify me for the shot. The most regrettable thing is that I The present deity still has some things that cannot be dispatched. "

The evil Buddha was a little stunned. From the words of the Buddha, we can know that the body that the Buddha is now showing is just an incarnation, and the true deity of the other party is not here. It seems to be entangled by something.

At this moment, a very strange sound suddenly came out of Buddha's mouth. Suddenly, the whole world seemed to become extremely dim.

And a brilliant light came out of Buddha's eyes, as if forming a sharp sword, piercing the void.


At that moment, the spirit of the evil Buddha seemed to feel an extremely cold killing intent. When he was shocked, the fox would be torn apart instantly.

"Lord Buddha, you are ..."

"I want to see, how much doctrine of Buddhism did you get in the hands of Xiao Shengzi?"

Between the speeches, Buddha's hands immediately condensed a huge palm print, immediately photographed in front of him, and was directly crushed towards the evil Buddha.

"Bodhi self nature. Originally pure. But with this intention. Straightened into a Buddha. Although people have north and south. There is no north and south Buddha nature. Hunting body is different from monk. What is the difference between Buddha nature."

Evil Buddha is quickly turning the Buddha's light inside, and the power of Shinto, which is unified in nine or nine, suddenly burst out, as if the meteor pierced the world, and it was necessary to break the countless stars.

At that moment, there was still the power of Buddha flowing in the void, and he laughed, and the whole person seemed to be very crazy and fell into a state of selflessness.

Between the divine thoughts, the power of this Buddha's body has already spread. A Sanskrit sound seems to be the song of a real Buddha:

"Sarifu, don't have to be good at Genford's cause to live in another country. If you have a good man or a good woman, Sariputta, it is said that Amitabha holds the name."

"If one day, if two days, if three days, if four days, if five days, if six days, or if seven days, one mind is not distracted. At the end of his life, Amitabha and the saints are now in front of them. "

"The three great Buddha seals, born, deity, and deity!"

When the evil Buddha burst into tears, the whole person seemed to turn into a torrent, and suddenly rushed out, swept **** the body of the evil Buddha. At that moment, even the evil Buddha had a kind of irresistible resistance and was about to be attacked. The feeling of killing.

"Lao Qun has been practicing for 10,000 years, and when he reached Supreme Realm, he originally thought that it was similar to Buddha Zun, but he did not expect that she was not her opponent."

The face of the evil Buddha became extremely pale.

At this moment, this force was immediately withdrawn, the entire monastery suddenly calmed down, and the Buddha had disappeared.

"Evil Buddha, you are not as good as that Xiao Shengzi."

As soon as the Buddha's voice fell, the evil Buddha looked closely at the back of the Buddha.

By the end of the day, almost at the time of a joss stick, the evil Buddha's eyes suddenly burst out, as if all the eyeballs would fall out.

But the evil Buddha retreated sharply, and there was a horror in his eyes, as well as a kind of terror and anger.

"Buddhism, you actually made Lao Guan lose her heart. Lao Qun wants to regain his Dao's heart, just to retreat for a period of time. Buddha, you are too ruthless, you don't want Lao Qin to deal with Xiao Shengzi. Do you shoot? "


At this time, far away on a small island in the 3,300 world, Xiao Nai was sitting in a mysterious place on the island, exhaling the spirit of essence.

But at this instant, Xiao Naihe seemed to sense something, and his eyes opened sharply, locking tightly in front.

"Is someone just deducing my whereabouts? Absolutely, who is it? I can feel it so far away!"

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