Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1299: Regain your thoughts (Part 2)

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This thought flickered in Xiao Naihe's heart and was very uncomfortable, as if being peeped at.

"I am clearly trained to be the creator of the Seventh Level of the Supreme Realm, and integrating the celestial machine platform can already shield my own aura of celestial machine, but it can be deduced by people. Who is it?"

Xiao Nai **** raised his eyebrows, and he concealed all his life, even the characters of the highest peak of the nineth layer could not calculate all his true details.

But even if he understands, even if the secret is deeper, if others want to use the ninety-five phases to develop themselves, they can still find clues from the hexagrams.

I just don't know what the other party found in this clue.

"That evil Buddha is so profoundly evolving that he can deduce many signs of me. But he must not deduce many of my true secrets, and he can only find out part of my identity and cultivate it for luck. But the idea just now, It's totally a thought to delve into all my bottom line and want to investigate everything clearly! "

Xiao Naiho felt a little uncomfortable because of the mysterious thought just now. If a person is uncomfortable with Taoism, it is difficult to cultivate without comfortable thoughts.

It's like eating nausea like a fly when eating, eating is sick, and vomiting is sick.

Only by removing the disgusting things from your mouth and stomach can you feel comfortable.

Now Xiao Nai has to eliminate all such uncomfortable thoughts.

"Nine Zhou Yidao, Tianji Star Chart, one machine, two meetings, account!"

The little red stardust in Xiao Naihe's eyes is constantly flashing, dotted in the void, as if forming a stream of stars all over.

In front of him, those starlights converged, as if forming a tortoiseshell, with ninety-five ways and ninety-nine fatalities.

After the integration of Tianjitai, Xiao Nai has already penetrated to the extreme of the humane deduction of heaven and earth. Any trace of hexagram images can be seen.

"Show me clearly."

With a soft scream, Xiao Naihe's eyes were bursting into the void at the moment when the fine light in his eyes burst out, and he grabbed his hands and grabbed a real gas in the air, as if it contained everything and everything. .

At that moment, Xiao Naihe almost wanted to explore the existence of this group of essences.

Far away in a mysterious space in Jiutian God Realm, the Buddha's golden body was flying in the sky, and a large golden bowl in his jade hand suddenly made the sound of ‘Kaka Kaka’, as if some metal hit it.


The small mouth under Buddha's veil opened slightly, and the beautiful face that did not belong to any existence in the world suddenly showed a trace of surprise, and then a wise light circulated in his eyes.

Zhizhu is holding!

At that moment, the Buddha seemed to have sensed something.

"It's kind of interesting, this little guy actually came to me. Although my true deity can't come out during this time, otherwise I really want to compete with you once to see who is the real Buddha. Lord. "

Buddha's small mouth slightly curled up, but his face was slightly cold.


Her jade fingers were a little bit, and the golden bowl in her hand burst suddenly, bang!

The golden bowl immediately shattered and turned into fragments, and sprinkled into golden fragments of golden rain.

The extremely mysterious thoughts in my heart seemed to be all split at this moment, the calculations in a moment turned into illusion and disappeared.

The idea that had been calculated to Xiao Naihe was gone. Seems to be swallowed by a mysterious force.

At that moment, the golden light in the void was distorted, and the original mysterious thought disappeared at once, as well as the spiritual thought deduced by the Buddha.

The golden bowl in her hand is a unique seventh-grade Taoist implement, which can be transformed into an eighth-grade Taoist implement if it is tempered for a period of time.

However, in the eyes of Buddha, this piece of Taoism is broken, as if it is a piece of clothing that you don't need to wear once, you can throw it away, which is not enough to hurt your heart.

"Xiao Naihe, Xiao Shengzi."

Buddha Zun whispered these six words, and her beautiful eyes closed slightly: "In a family born in a small world, there was no slightest practice before the age of twenty. Suddenly, when there was a dying life, it seemed that I had changed my personal life. Soaring into the sky, three years, from the acquired realm to the creator! Sanxiu Avenue, even Taishuangtian and Liuyun died in your hands, are n’t you the real Xiao Naihe. But the legendary "holy" Overtaken? "

After finishing the speech, the glance in Buddha's eyes passed by, and then the figure disappeared and disappeared in the scorching sun.

"Hoohoo ..."

At this time, Xiao Naihe exhaled gently, thoughtfully.

He is using his power of heaven and earth, forcibly breaking the vacuum with mindful thoughts, traveling through time and space, to find this mysterious person who infers himself, but at that moment he was still interrupted by a mysterious force of the other party.

This means, even the evil Buddha does not.

"It ’s such a powerful person, this person alone is no longer under any superb giant owl. I originally thought that after becoming a creator, I could at least deal with a lot of existence, not afraid of any masters in the world. Now look Come, I am still too arrogant. Humanity is against the sky and changes a lot. In a few years, countless masters have fallen and countless strong men have regenerated. Today ’s world is not the time of the north and the south. Are all variables. "

Xiao Naihe was a little bright in his heart at this moment. He slowly closed his eyes and restrained all his strength. The soul of the whole person seemed to return to peace, and the origin was very indifferent.

At that moment, Xiao Naihe opened his eyes, took a breath, and then exhaled. The Lei Chi Jing Yuan in his body seemed to sublime, and suddenly a force of Yuan magnetic floated around him.

If someone is present now, you can definitely see a very powerful wave of mental thoughts around Xiao Naihe, which can absorb all the metallic objects within thousands of miles.

"It seems that my humanity still has some room for improvement."

Xiao Nai waved his hand.

At this moment, he moved again, looked at the inner world, and looked at everything in it, including the Taoist "Floating Snow".

This piece of Taoism was already damaged when it was dealt with the evil Buddha before. Unexpectedly, now under the idea of ​​Xiao Naihe, there was a little divine fluctuation.

"This Tao weapon is really good. If it recovers, then the defense will have a snowy world, attack the guilty demon monument, and encounter the eightfold existence of evil Buddha. I also have the ability to fight."

Xiao Naihe said that it can contend with the general eightfold realm, but that also belongs to the initial eightfold realm.

If he encounters the Eightfold Realm in the middle and late period like the evil Buddha, Xiao Naihe has more than enough energy.

Unless it is the Piao Xueren and there are sin demon monuments, these two Taoist instruments can be safely refined, and then Xiao Nai has the real right to speak. It can be said that any eight-level realm can be invincible. Ground.

Especially when I saw the mysterious deduction ability just now, Xiao Nai suddenly felt an uneasy state in his heart.

Since his strength has slowly recovered and increased, he has established more and more enemies, and some enemies even find them inexplicably.

It is not enough to create the master of the world alone, at least it is necessary to refining all the "Piao Xue Ren Jian" and the "Sin Demon Monument".

At this moment, a sudden burst of thunder came from above the sky.

Rumble rumbling!

A burst of noise, as if everything was crushed by the Thunder at this time, turned into ashes.

A majestic force, full of vitality!

At that moment, everything seemed to recover from destruction.

Recovering from destruction, this is the highest thunder disaster, the ability of nine thunder disasters.

In the Supreme Realm, if you have survived nine thunderstorms, once you have passed through, it means that even Heavenly Tribulation can't help you, and there will be no Lightning Tribulation and Heavenly Tribulation in the future.

"Huh? It seems to be over."

Xiao Naiho's heart moved, his eyes turned, and he immediately put it on the top, and looked into the air.

A round of Thunder's full power slowly spread, and Xiao Naihe only felt that the distance of his contact with the ten positions of the White Fox seemed to have an unusually strong attraction.

The white fox descended from the sky, and the power of the thunder in his body had not yet been fully refined.

Although this thunder force is far less than the Taikoo Leichi in Xiao Naihe's body, it is also the most mysterious thunder spirit in the world.

Not only that, before the white fox had not survived the nine thunders, the breath was still very rigid and soft.

But now seeing the white fox, this woman's breath is like a sword, which can stab people at any time, so that his counterattack is revealed.

"What a brutal force, Madam White Fox, have you refined the power of Jingyuan on the Pushan Demon Monument?"

When Xiao Nai saw this place, he still didn't know what was going on.

"Yes, I did refine the essence in the Pushan Demon Monument. I have thought about it. Although I have accumulated a lot of knowledge, I have to survive nine thunders and achieve the ultimate goal of thundering nine. My previous accumulation is at least 70% sure. But the nine thunders are extremely dangerous, and I still need 10% sure, so I use most of the power of the Pusan ​​Demon Stele to fill in my own insufficiency. "

Baihu said slowly, restraining the Shennian Thunder conveyed from outside her body.

"You are now refining all the essences and spirits of the Pushan Demon Monument into your body."

"Yeah, the Pushan Demon Stele has been extinguished, and the divine power is decreasing day by day. Instead of looking for many treasures that can fill the Demon Stele, it is better to integrate the Demon Stele into the body and combine them. "

White Fox is also quite troublesome.

Now the white fox is already in the presence of the supreme realm of Yae. She has just been promoted to the realm of Yae. The power of the Thunder cannot be well collected.

She looked up, and there was a little curiosity in her eyes.

"Xiao Naihe, I did n’t enter the Supreme Realm before, so I did n’t feel much, but as soon as I entered the Realm of Eightfold, I realized that this realm is terrible. The method is terrible. Even if I am now, I have just become the supreme realm of the eighth level, and the fusion of the stele is not enough to be able to drive away the evil Buddha. "

A flicker of fine awns in the eyes of the white fox is unfathomable.

At this moment when she spoke, the thunder in her body slowly disappeared.

Just like what White Fox said, she is now the supreme realm of eightfold, and she already fully understands this realm. She is also in the preliminary eightfold realm.

The evil buddha is the eighth realm in the middle and late periods. Xiao Nai could actually drive the evil buddha away at the level of the founder. This method, even the current white fox, can't do it.

"I just let it go. The evil Buddha itself is suspicious by nature. At that time, I only had a 10% chance of success. Fortunately, the evil Buddha was still too cautious and left immediately, so that we all have a new path."

"Also, I have now become the supreme realm eightfold. The power of the Jingyuan that I suppressed before, I am afraid that it will soon be sensed by the gods in the Nine Heavens Realm, and maybe the messenger in the God Realm will come immediately Come down and ask me if I want to go to God Realm. "

White Fox said slowly.

Any human cultivator, once cultivated to the creator, will cause a sense of heaven and earth, so that the gods in the **** realm will perceive it, lower the messenger, and ask if they want to enter the **** realm.

Since the Jiutian God Territory has suffered a great loss of power since the Sixth World Jihad, it lost seven men in the Jihad, so it needs to be filled by a new creator.

So God's eyes are placed on the new creator in the 3,300 world.

It's like flowing clouds and Taishuangtian. After practicing to the creator, he was induced by God Realm and sent messengers to summon the Nine Heavens to make up for the vacancy.

However, characters like White Fox naturally have their own ways to hide their Jingyuan Tianji after stepping into the creator, so that God Realm can't feel it.

Of course, after nine thunderstorms, this hidden method is useless. It is estimated that it won't take long for a messenger of God Realm to come down to find the white fox.

In the same way, although some angels of the **** realm come down to find the white fox, the white fox may not necessarily go to the **** realm. After the messenger of God Realm, he did not agree to go to God Realm, but remained in the 3,300 world.

After Xiao Nai stepped into the creator, he also used concealed means to conceal his Jingyuan Tianji, so that God Realm could not sense it.

However, the realm of Xiao Naihe is special. Although he is not the supreme realm of the eightfold, his own strength is no worse than the ordinary realm of the eightfold, and he may not be concealed at any time.

"If this happens at that time, just talk about it."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, suppressing all this thought to the back.

Bai Fox said: "What are you going to do now? You also got the Sin Demon Tablet, but it certainly needs a lot of talents to temper it. I don't know how to deal with it."

"I'm definitely not going to be refined into the body like you, and have survived nine thunder tribulations. Now nine thunder tribulations are still too early for me. It is better to refine the sin demon monument into an offensive weapon, It is more practical. "

"Alright, if you have any missing materials, you can tell me that during this time, I should stay in the 3,300 world."


Xiao Nai learned from the words of the white fox that it seems that the white fox can't stay in the 3,300 world.

The white fox seemed to know Xiao Naihe's thoughts, and smiled slightly: "Just as you think, I have just passed to the uppermost level, and my own essence and energy have been urged to the extreme. This 3,300 world is not enough. Let me stay, and there is no hope of further promotion. "

Sighing gently, the white fox shook his head.

Xiao Nai understands the meaning of the white fox, after she has cultivated to this state, it is indeed not enough to stay in the world.

A giant owl with eight levels of supremacy, and the capacity to expel the spiritual power of the world can already be comparable to the ten creators.

And the remaining heaven and earth spiritual power of the 3,300 world is indeed not enough to allow a supreme realm to realize a higher level of existence.

The white fox alone is already a feat from the Shinto to the creator. Now he has reached the eighth realm without any experience. If he wants to progress and break through to the realm of the supreme realm, he can only go to the realm of God. Found an opportunity!

Because the Nine Heavens God Territory is a giant owl with the supreme realm, and it is not a question of two.

"Xiao Naihe, I'm gone. My current thunder spirit can't be completely controlled yet. I have to find a place to practice well and stay closed for a while."

"Alright, it's time for me to go back. After I got the Sin Demon Tablet, I still have nothing to do."

Xiao Nai thought of the thought of his father who was a legacy of Wen Shi in his inner world.

Now that he has become the creator of the world, it is time to recapture this idea and temporarily gather the spirits to find out the truth about the destruction of the Wu people.

"There will be time in the future."

As soon as the white fox's voice fell, his body was like a meteor, and he immediately pierced the void and disappeared into the sky.

Xiao Naihe looked at the slightly disappeared back of the white fox, but also turned around, pierced the void, and went in the direction of Yantian Pavilion.

Since the destruction of Wushuangzong, Yantian Pavilion has become the first gate on the Wushuang Continent.

During Xiao Naihe's disappearance, many other sects came to He Xi, including the closely related Mian Yinzong, Xuan Ming Alliance, Shamanism, etc.

But Xiao Nai did not know these things.

These Zongmen, Sanxiu, and other big figures who came to Hershey are all to see the mysterious creator of this legend.

But now Xiao Naihe's identity is the highest in Yantian Pavilion, and even Xue Xingfeng and others dare not disturb Xiao Naihe easily.

On this day, Xiao Naihe returned to Yantian Pavilion and entered a newly opened independent space in his peak.

From independent space, step into the world of space and time.

"It's finally time to regain my mind."

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