Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1348: Wronged you, not discussed

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Xiao Naihe's method is no longer the level of the creator, but the supremacy is eightfold. Only after the thunder and the master of nine thunders, can they be exhibited.

At the same time, "The Great God Wheel of the Heavens", "The Great Torrent of the Heavens", "The Handprint of the Great Sun" and "The Humane Essence" are exhibited.

Xiao Naihe at this time, the strength of his body has reached an unavoidable extreme state.

If he did n’t have the heart to kill now, otherwise he exhibited the “Promise against the Current” and increased his mind. I was afraid that even if Lin Tianfeng was even more powerful, he would be hit by Xiao Nai. No doubt will die.

"Huh? This is ..."

Who is Lin Tianfeng? He cultivated to the top of the Seventh Level of the Supreme Realm, and began to understand the meaning of the Eight Levels. One foot has stepped into the Eighth Level and thundered the Nine Tribulation.

It can be said that if there is no Xiao Nai, Lin Tianfeng can be called the first person among the creators, even if the end of the conversation is a bit different.

On that day, Dao Tong did not have the main form of Lin Tianfeng.

But the person that Lin Tianfeng met was a freak. Xiao Nai and Si Xiu Avenue converted the power of the four highways freely.

Not only that, the three sources of energy he absorbed can be called the first person in the world.

No matter in what era, Xiao Naihe absolutely dared to say that he was the first to condense the power of three different sources.

This kind of achievement is not as good as Xiao Nai even if it is a ‘sacred’ or a white element.

That is why Lin Tianfeng felt the danger when he confronted Xiao Naihe, the prestige of Taoism and the law of torrents.

"No, if I really hit this trick, I will definitely die."

Lin Tianfeng raised his eyebrows slightly and his body, breaking the void, and in a blink of an eye, torn the cracks in the space, revealing a long corridor.

And his figure flickered in mid-air, escaped into the void, and through this long corridor, he reached the space that I don't know how much.

"Ninety-nine heavy aperture, ninety-nine to one! Not only that, if the old man is right, you should practice the orthodox Buddhism handed down from the last era of heaven and earth, and the big sun is like a handprint!"

Jade Pot cleared his eyes and suddenly said in a very calm tone.

"The old gentleman has good eyes."

"The old man had heard that there was a monk named Xuanji monk in Tantra. He practiced this skill. However, a few months ago, the monk Xuanji was dead, and the tantra lineage was destroyed, even the evil behind him. The Buddha has never appeared. The old man is wondering who is so powerful that he can destroy the evil Buddha tantra. "

Yu Huqing gave a slight pause, and he did n’t have the slightest expression in his eyes, as if he had cultivated something too oblivious to Taoism, but his tone became more and more serious: "A good son of the Three Cultivators, Xuanji Monk, should have died. In your hands. The reason why the evil Buddha did n’t shoot, I ’m afraid I ’m not sure to deal with you. ”

Xiao Nai He smiled and did not answer.

Evil Buddha did not fail to shoot, but Xiao Naihe had been counted for a long time, but when he entered the secret realm of the magic tablet, the evil Buddha attacked himself and the white fox. Offended the evil Buddha, I am afraid that Xiao Naihe may not be able to go back to Yantiange alive at that time.

"But speaking of that, the evil Buddha already knows my depth. With his ability, he should soon organize the next action to deal with me. Why has n’t I felt the evil Buddha ’s hostility to me for so long? ? "

Suddenly, Xiao Nai moved.

At this time, the promenade tens of thousands of miles away suddenly turned off the light, so that the ray of light stayed in front of Xiao Naihe.

Lin Tianfeng's expression was somewhat moving, and he laughed: "Good three saints, who are said to be asking the truth, and at the end of the genre, sitting in the heavens and earth. Before and after the" holy ", there is you. I don't know your lord How to call it. "

"Yan Tiange, Xiao Naihe."

"Yantian Pavilion!"

Lin Tianfeng, Jade Huqing, Queen Sister and others are all pondering this force, but they do not have the slightest impression.

You can't blame Yan Tiange's power is too small.

In the past, the Yantian Pavilion replaced the Wushuang Sect, and it was only spread on the Wushuang Continent, and it did not reach a farther place.

Secondly, with the means of the Nantang Chamber of Commerce, it would naturally not pay attention to the remote world of the Wushuang Continent. It is not surprising that Yantian Pavilion is not known.

"Xiao Naihe, Xiao Naihe, I remember your name. You and I are indifferent up and down now, unless I can step into the Supreme Realm of the Seventh Level and thunder through the Nine Tribulation, otherwise I will not be able to do anything with you again. I will find it. After the super celestial holy, enter nine thunders, and fight you again. "

Lin Tianfeng laughed loudly, showing his courage in his tone.

Xiao Nai He moved in his heart. If it wasn't for Chaotian Dasheng who was hacked by him, and there were many babies in this demon's hand, Xiao Naihe was really willing to intersect with Lin Tianfeng.

"Mr. Xiao, that super sage has taken away a lot of things from our Nantang Chamber of Commerce. Those things are the treasures of my Nantang Chamber of Commerce. If the young man is willing to provide clues, we will definitely be grateful."

After knowing that Xiao Naihe was the son of Sanxiu, the elder sister did not dare to be too pretentious. She put away her prejudice against Xiao Naihe and said quickly!

"I know, to be honest, the super celestial holy means is not in the sky, nor is it his opponent with my strength. After entering here, he seems to be taken away by someone, breaking the void, and seeing no vacuum. I am not their opponent. , It didn't appear again. "

Xiao Naihe didn't lie with a red heart.

Next to them, Na Lanrong, Li Wenwen and Tang Hailong, if they didn't know the truth from beginning to end, they might have been cheated by Xiao Naihe's tone and expression.

I have to say that Xiao Naihe ’s deceptive skills are indeed first-class. Whether in expression, tone, attitude, or performance, they are perfectly seamless, and there are no flaws to find.

Even the two masters, Yuhuqing and Lin Tianfeng, did not notice why Xiao Na was deceiving them.

"Received by someone? Isn't there a companion for the Super Celestial Saint?"

The elder sister could not help but scream.

Lin Tianfeng nodded, his face dignified more and more: "It is very likely that the Chaotian Dasheng was so bold that he attacked our chamber of commerce and dealt with his brother. Naturally, he has a back hand. I don't believe he will be prepared at all. Someone is answering outside, otherwise he will not be able to leave the million-mile surrounding Nantang mainland. "

"I don't know who Xiao Shengzi saw the answering person?"

Why did Xiao Nai make a reminiscent expression: "I remember two people who came, one of them was very young, and was called ... Talking at last!"

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