Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1349: Think (on)

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"What happened?"

Not only the Nantang Chamber of Commerce and his party, but even Na Lanrong was a little surprised.

However, Nalan Rong was a very intelligent person. After hearing Xiao Naihe's words, he immediately knew what the man was thinking.

Good guy, this Xiao Nai actually asked the thief to catch the thief and deliberately framed the conversation.

"At the end of the talk, I knew how Xiao Nai had captured Chaotian Dasheng. With the means of the Nantang Chamber of Commerce, if I wanted to find it out, it would not be possible to find it if I spent a little time and energy. Xiao Naihe must be suspected by the Nantang Chamber of Commerce. "

Nalan Rong secretly thought, and then thought again: "But Xiao Naihe is now wrong, and the conversation is over. At first, the Nantang Chamber of Commerce is difficult to distinguish. At least his current thinking is absolutely I tend to Xiao Naihe. What a Xiao Naihe, I didn't expect such a great strength, the city is so deep! "

Thinking of coming here, Nalanrong became more and more afraid of Xiao Nai.

This man was not as simple as she had thought before. Originally, Na Lanrong just thought that Xiao Nai He Gui was the son of Sanxiu, and was far stronger than other creators in terms of strength, but that was all.

However, this man is not only powerful, but also has a very terrifying level of city, character, and strategy.

This man is definitely the kind that can talk and laugh on the surface, but you never think that this man has been quietly cutting you, or even hitting your main point.

Nalan Rong shuddered in his heart. Sure enough, the masters of these 3,300 worlds were not the fuel-efficient lamps.

From the previous Tian Daotong, Chao Tian Da Sheng, Tan Mo Ran, to now Lin Tianfeng and Xiao Naihe, each one is no worse than their **** world children, even worse.

"Don't talk, Xiaohuang, do you know?"

Lin Tianfeng suddenly asked, he was not familiar with this person's name.

The Queen's eyes turned, and when she tried hard, she suddenly shook her body, and her eyes showed incredible: "I remember this person, he was a former guest of our Nantang Chamber of Commerce, and Tian Tiantong had snapped something. . "

"Oh? What is his origin?"

"At the end of the talk, I remember it was the elders of the branch hall in the Dan Court, who had reached almost the eightfold realm, almost at the level of Uncle Lin, this is my estimate. There is also a partner beside him. The stage of the Lord. "

The elder sister slowly remembered something about the end of the conversation, but every word she made made everyone in the Nantang Chamber of Commerce feel terrified.

"Actually Danting?" Lin Tianfeng was horrified. Even a genius like him knew what Danting was.

In less than a few years, Dan Ting has grown from an unknown power to the world's largest power, covering the world of 3,300. It can be said that there is a disguised form of Nine Heavens.

Such a behemoth, no cultivator will not be afraid of it.

Even if they are Nantang Chamber of Commerce, it can be called the top force in the world of 3,300, but compared to Dan Ting, it is too small.

The existence behind Dan Ting, no one knows exactly what kind of character it is, but it will definitely not be a simple eight-level realm, or even the legendary one yuan, nine-fold peak, or even a more powerful level.

"Chaotian Dasheng and Dan Ting are collaborating together? How is it possible? Although Dan Ting can't be called right, how can he collaborate with a demon like Chao Tian Da Sheng?"

The elder sister shook her head, seeming to disbelieve.

Another female founder sneered coldly: "There is nothing unbelievable. The Super Sage took away our things. Which one spreads out will not cause competition among many cultivators, even Dan Ting will be jealous." At the end of the conversation, maybe it's doing the mantis catching the cicada's cardinal. "

The others nodded and agreed.

Only Yuhu Qing's face was indifferent, but instead he exhaled softly, with an indifferent tone: "Don't tell anyone before things are clear."

Sister Huang and others sighed and stopped talking.

That Danting's power was too strong, if the talks really robbed them of the Nantang Chamber of Commerce and captured Chaotian Dasheng, I was afraid it would be difficult for the Nantang Chamber of Commerce to come back.

For a time, this group of people was speechless.

Lin Tianfeng sighed: "Xiao Shengzi, if you don't mind, it would be better to go back to the chamber of commerce of the Chamber of Commerce, let's discuss the road!"

"Thank you for your kindness, but I have something to do. Now that your chamber of commerce is so troublesome, I will not add any other troubles for you, so I will leave."

Lin Tianfeng did not block, Xiao Naihe's current strength, even if all of them want to stay him in the field, I'm afraid they will have to pay a heavy price.

The Nantang Chamber of Commerce has been unable to afford it.

After Xiao Naiho left, the jade pot shook his head and pointed at a dozen other people: "The three of you look for the east. You go to the northwest border to see. The three of me and my brother and the little emperor went to the front and continued to look for it. To find out the super celestial lord. "


Although they vaguely knew that it was impossible to retrieve the Super Celestial Sage, they still could not deny the order of Yu Huqing.

After the group of people left, Lin Tianfeng suddenly asked: "Really did that Dan Ting talk last?"

"It's possible, the little emperor said that the strength of the talk itself is comparable to yours, and there is also a creator around him. If you want to count the Super Heaven Great Saint, you have even seriously injured the Super Heaven Great Saint. impossible."

The jade pot has no expression.

They have done so many times in the Nantang Chamber of Commerce. They naturally know all the ways.


Lin Tianfeng gave a slight pause, and his tone suddenly became a little weird: "If it is Xiao Naihe, Xiao Shengzi, is it possible?"


Yu Huqing thought about it carefully, and the starlight in his eyes flickered, as if he was calculating something: "The old man can't count anything on him and can't understand it. But with Xiao Nai's strength, what do you think?"

"Although it is said that there is no distinction between top and bottom, but if it is a battle of life and death, my chance of winning is definitely less than 50%!"

Lin Tianfeng did not hide.

But the elder sister whispered, covering her mouth in a hurry.

"San Xiu Shengzi, and still the creator, does have enough power to count the super-celestial priest after a serious injury, then Xiao Nai can't believe it all. But if he really catches the super-celestial priest, why do I He didn't feel any fluctuations in him. "

Jade Pot shook his head clearly, puzzled.

The three calmed down and waited for Yu Huqing to sigh suddenly.

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