Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1350: Think (below)

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"If it was really Na Danting who did it, even if we came forward to talk, I was afraid it would be difficult to get back those things that robbed the past. As for Xiao Nai, it would not be easy."

"Yes, Dan Ting itself is already far above our Nantang Chamber of Commerce. No one knows the number of creators in Dan Ting, let alone the giant owl of the Eightfold Realm. And their supreme leader God. And no one knows his true identity and real strength. "

Yu Huqing thinks he is expressing all the sighs in his life today.

"If it was Xiao Naihe ... it would not be easy to do it. It would be nothing if this son was an ordinary creator, but a son of the Three Cultivators would be dangerous. Unless before Xiao Naihe did not become the creator, If we can solve him, it is not difficult. But the other party has become the creator, there are many ways to save his life, once let him escape, we offend him again, and bring us the disaster of Nantang Chamber of Commerce , Must not be ignored. "

At that moment, both Lin Tianfeng and the elder sister felt that it was not easy to do right and left. Whether it was Xiao Naihe or the end of the talk, whether it was the super celestial lord received, it was a very difficult character.


"Xiao Naihe, you are really doing, not only counting Chaotian Dasheng, but also the Nantang Chamber of Commerce, and actually talking about it. Our God Realm has also heard of the existence of Danting, if this is Danting, People, it is too powerful. "

At this time, Nalanrong and Xiao Naihe are communicating with divine consciousness.

The "Overlord Shenzhou" summoned by Xiao Naihe traveled across the sky of the Jiehe River, a million miles a day. Although it was not as powerful as the creator's full flight, it was easy after all.

Before and after, they had already left the Nantang Chamber of Commerce and headed towards the Wushuang mainland.

"Oh? You God Realm also know that Danting exists?"

Xiao Nai was surprised.

"That is nature, really, but for our God Realm, any force in the 3,300 world is known."

"I know that in your **** realm, every eighth and nineth **** has control over a world, but that Danting itself is no longer comparable to a single world. I don't know how much your **** realm knows about Danting?"

If Dan Ting grew up in just a few years, grew into an unpredictable force, and became the most powerful existence in the 3,300 world, then no one in this 3,300 world can really live Know the origin of this Danting.

To be able to inquire clearly about the power of the entire Danting, there is only a behemoth like the Nine Heavens.

"The existence of Dan Ting is too mysterious. I also knew some things from King Huo Luo. Dan Ting showed signs a few years ago. When he came out that year, countless cultivators and creators turned to each other. Their mainstream is various Alchemy, alchemy, beast refining, but since this time, there seem to be other forces rising. Seriously, I do n’t know much about Dan Ting. "

Nalanrong also forgot the prejudice between herself and Xiao Naiho at this time. She also had an extremely strong interest in the mystery of Dan Ting.

Especially after seeing how powerful the talk was, Nalanrong became more interested in Danting.

"Dan Ting appeared a few years ago? Why don't I know?"

Nalan Rong said lightly: "You may not know it, but I know it very well, because when we had a very important event in the Nine Heavens Realm, and then Dan Ting was founded, it was really weird what happened during this time. , I will remember so clearly. "

"What happened to the Nine Heavens?"

Xiao Nai froze for a moment, and suddenly there was a very strong hunch in her heart, knowing what the woman said.

"At the time, the first person in the realm of demon world, Tianbei Beinanyi challenged to the God Realm, and against the nine strong men, even Huo Luo was not the opponent of that day Beibeiyi." Na Lanrong slowly Recalling the original thing, the tone slightly changed, and immediately sighed: "Unfortunately, the adult finally took the shot and took off the Nan Nanyi. And the legendary Bei Nanyi seems to be a blasting gold body, and it has already Dissipated in the world. "

Beinanyi, Bai inorganic!

The things that happened a few years ago, Xiao Naihe is now vividly remembered. Baiju has a gap, and Shaoguang is perishable, just like what happened at the beginning, but it happened only yesterday.

After hearing about his previous life, Xiao Nai and He Xinshen also slightly shuddered, but calmed down in an instant.

In his realm, even if he hears something shocking again, it is impossible to arouse his Dao heart and make him lose his mind.

The reason why he was uneasy was that he just remembered some things in the past.

"That day, the demon Bei Nanyi can be regarded as a creative character, but unfortunately my life is not in time, but I still can't fight Bei Nanyi, otherwise I can compete with him, which is also a big joy in life. ! "

Nalanrong's face moved slightly.

Xiao Naihe also stopped speaking. Nalanrong suddenly felt bored and could not help saying: "Xiao Naihe, how much do you know about Dan Ting?"

"I don't know more than you. I don't know what the origin of Dan Ting is." Xiao Nai closed his eyes.

His relationship with Dan Ting is now more and more complicated. He and the world have snow, and the conversation has already had grudges. In the future, Dan Ting will certainly deal with himself.

But the mysterious level of this Dan Ting, even Jiu Tian God Realm did not figure it out, Xiao Naihe did not know.

"Evil Buddha, Buddha Buddha, there is snow in the world, Tan Moran, and Dan Ting, mysterious God Buddha, Heavenly Dao, Bai inorganic, etc., I have to face the enemy, which one is not stronger than me, more powerful than me. Nowadays, only by continuously increasing one's own strength can one contend. "

At that moment, Xiao Nai suddenly had a strong thought, and wished to transform all his accumulation and digest the Divine Spirit in his body.

Once he can integrate the divine personality, Xiao Nai can immediately achieve the ninth peak and enter the number of one yuan. At that time, even if Heaven, Taoism, and other people arrive, Xiao Nai is not afraid.

However, Xiao Nai knows that it is impossible to integrate the divine personality now, and things must be done step by step.

"First refining the demon monument, and then, there will be a demon monument of sin, and there is a snowy world. Even in the face of the eight-folded giant owl, I have the power to fight and be invincible."

Xiao Nai thought a little, and suddenly thought.

Overlord Shenzhou flew at a very high speed, and quickly entered the distance! Enter the Wushuang Continent.

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