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Xiao Naihe didn't speak anymore, even though Nalan was invincible in front of him, he looked at Xiao Naihe quietly.

The two of them didn't seem to be the kind of rivals that fought for life and death, but instead looked like old friends who hadn't seen each other for years.

At the same time, Nalanrong was sitting on the side, pouring tea quietly for the two men.

Although his father is not as good as the nine-layer masters such as Huo Luo and Ye Wang, in the realm of the eightfold realm, it is definitely the top level in the **** realm, even if it is a character like Chaotian Dasheng, it is slightly inferior. .

As for the other aspect, although Xiao Naihe is the level of the founder, but he is expensive to be the son of the Three Cultivators, his strength has always been a mystery. Even Na Lanrong is not sure what Xiao Naihe's strength has actually achieved.

These two people sat immobile, like a mountain, as if the heavens and the earth were cracking and still did not change color. Such characters, even Na Lanrong can not grasp one or two of them.

In particular, Xiao Naihe, she and Xiao Naihe are the level of the creator, but in front of Xiao Naihe, Nalanrong always felt that this man brought him great coercion, no less than the powerful authority his father brought to himself. Pressure.

"Xiao Shengzi, please drink tea."

Na Lanrong's voice shook slightly. It was only a few months after she and Xiao Naihe played together. Xiao Naihe's strength has become stronger and stronger, making Na Lanrong more and more unclear.

Xiao Naihe was sitting here, and even Na Lanrong felt that he did not dare to breathe, and even changed Xiao Naihe's real name into Xiao Shengzi.

"Mr. Naran drinks tea."

Xiao Naihe did not speak to Na Lanrong, but instead gently pushed the tea cup in front of him.

"it is good!"

Nalan Invincible did not talk nonsense. He gently extended his hand and looked and acted very ordinary, without any weirdness, but when Nalan Invincible extended his hand to the tea cup, suddenly it seemed to become incomparably profound.

He grabbed it in one hand and was going to ingest the tea cup on the table.

A small teacup is not as heavy as a small stone, but Naranrong exploded with a terrifying power that could almost smash the strength of a vast mountain.


However, the powerful power of Nalan Invincible failed to ingest the tea cup in front of it. It seemed that the tea cup was sucked by gravity, and it didn't move at all, even Nalan Invincible could not be shaken.

"Come again."

A trace of fine flash flashed in Nalan's eyes, and that momentum changed in vain. From the kind of momentum that could smash the vast mountains just now, it suddenly turned into the power of smashing stars.

Even the chair he was sitting in was shattered at this time.

The tea cup held by Xiao Naihe was also swept over by Nalan ’s invincible momentum, shaking slightly, and sitting back, the chair turned into powder at that time.

The tea cups of the two people have no problem at all, but the stone chairs under the two are all shattered and turned into powder.

"I respect Xiao Shengzi for a drink."

Nalan's invincible voice was filled with an undoubted tone, raising the tea cup in his hand as if it were not tea, but wine in his hand.

"it is good!"

Xiao Naihe also swallowed the tea in his hand and gently placed it on the table.

At this time, the chair that Xiao Naihe sat down on was turned into its original shape, and the powder that had been crushed into it seemed to have a very profound magical power. After a slight circulation, it became a chair again.

It seems that there is no change from beginning to end.

Invincible Naran also stepped on the footsteps, and all the powder was turned into a chair, again.

The two looks were indifferent, as if nothing had happened. The two were still with the previous gang, like two old friends who hadn't seen for many years, but at this time, Nalanrong's look had changed slightly.

The magical powers revealed by Xiao Naihe and Nalan Invincible have already made her feel a little shock: "Kaleidoscopically changed into reality. Not to mention my father, I did not expect that even Xiao Nai would actually use this method. It is absolutely impossible to do this. Why did Xiao Nai do it? "

It was not just her, even Nalan Invincible was faintly moved in her heart, and suddenly a smile appeared on her face: "When I was in Jiutian God Realm, I heard Han Yinkuan say that the person who defeated him and Rong'er was a practitioner. To the Sanxiu Son of the Creator. I have been practicing for thousands of years, and the battles of different sizes have not been over a thousand times, but I have never competed with the Sanxiu Son. I do n’t know if Xiao Shengzi is willing to join me? "

"Whatever you want."

Xiao Naiho also laughed.

After competing with the top powerhouse of Buddha Zun, Xiao Nai He also looked to see how far the gap between him and the eighth peak had reached.

Nalan invincible is obviously a belligerent person, as the name suggests, invincible.

The two men had a strong heart, and their thoughts moved. They immediately turned into a rainbow of light, broke the void, and stepped into a vacuum tunnel.



After the tunnel disappeared, it was originally in Xiao Naihe's yard, and I didn't know how to change it into a mysterious independent space.

In the mysterious space, a cube in a box is like a huge space body that wraps the three of them.

Nalanrong stood in the distance, did not speak, a worry appeared on his face.

"The Divine Soldiers go to the sky and sweep the thousand troops!"

At this moment, Nalan ’s invincible voice was like a heat wave. At the moment of the eruption, a wave of waves came over, and Xiao Nai was involved in it.

This heat wave faded a trace of heat, showing Nalan's invincible and fierce fist.

His fist has a kind of meaning to break the world and conquer all gods under the fist.

"Is it humane fist? In this case, I also respond with humane fist, human fist!"

Xiao Naihe's whole body's acupoints burst out one by one, all the power was fused on his fist at this time, and there was a trace of trembling in the true dragon essence and blood inside.

His 1,118 acupuncture points are constantly making sounds. These sounds sound as if breathing like a real dragon, which has spread throughout nine days.

"Good job."

Nalan invincible laughed, his fist and Xiao Naihe's fist collided in the void, as if forming countless squeezes, they were crushed directly.

Then, the moment the two men's fists ran apart, there was a rumbling noise.


Nalan's invincible body pushed away slightly, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes: "The meaning of this acupuncture point ... Do you, like Buddha, have cultivated to a total of 1,118 acupuncture points?"

【Author's digression】: Thank you book friend Zhiyan for his support.

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