Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1387: Opportunity

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"Are you practicing like the Buddha, the 1,118 hole tricks you opened up?"

Nalan invincible gave Xiao Naihe a glance. In his fist, he felt a very strong and invincible breath, as if all the powers of acupuncture were stacked on it.

This kind of breath is the kind of breath that let Nalan Invincible compare with the Buddha a long time ago. The strength is strong and the blood is exuberant. The dragon fist that Xiao Naihe is now blowing is indeed humane. There is a power of Taoism among them, but what he developed is the method of acupuncture in Buddhism and Taoism.

Therefore, Nalan Invincible recognized the power of Xiao Naihe's acupoints, and recognized them as soon as possible. This power is the power of the acupuncture practiced by Buddha.

Speaking of which, Nalan's invincible body moved again, suddenly advancing, and there was a kind of ripples on his body that could be seen constantly spreading.

Subsequently, his body turned into a Mars, his fists closed, and his five fingers crushed.

At this moment, his extremely arrogant fist intention became extremely hot, as if he wanted to burn all the existence in the world.

"this is……"

In the distance, Nalan Rong saw his father turned into a meteor, exhibited powerful Taoism, and suddenly felt extremely horrified. There was a horror between his looks.

She seemed to recognize the Taoism that Nalan invincibly exhibited, and this Dafa also surprised Nalanrong.

Instead, Xiao Naiho's voice came from above: "This is King Huo Luo's 'Star Fire', I didn't expect Mr. Naran to do it. With King Huo Luo's temperament, he will never pass his Taoism to People without blood. If I am not wrong, Mr. Naran should have learned this trick. "

"Do you even know the" Fire of the Stars "of the King Huo Luo? It is worthy of the Son of Sanxiu."

A hint of admiration flashed in Nalan's eyes, and then he laughed, "Yes, I did learn the law of King Huo Luo secretly. At the beginning, he performed at the God Realm Conference, and I was tight. Is kept in mind. I have learned this 'fire of stars' for three years before I learned a bit of it. "

Huo Luo Wang was originally a master of the Nineth Peak, and any kind of Taoism he played was definitely a nineth level.

But Nalan Invincible is just a glance, you can understand the essence from it, not to mention three years of practice to learn a little fur, even if you have been practicing for thirty or even three hundred years, you can learn the state of Nalan invincible. , That is simply an excellent talent.

But Nalan Invincible should be shortened to three years. This kind of talent alone, not to mention God Realm first, is definitely one of the few talents in God Realm.

How did Xiao Nai not dare to say that he could grasp the essence of Taoism without a glimpse of Taoism before he got the power of heavenly power.

It can be seen that Nalan is invincible.

"The Huoluo Dharma is powerful, but if he cultivates his Dharma, if he does not know his Huo Luomen Heart Sutra, even if Mr. Nalan understands this skill of his" Fire of Stars "thoroughly, he still cannot exert his true strength.

Xiao Naihe shook his head, and then he exhaled all over his body again. This time instead of performing the ‘human dragon fist’, he shook his body, and a huge **** wheel turned behind him.

"The Great God Wheel of the Heavens, the law of life and death!"

In the magic wheel, mana is boundless.

It seemed that the square space was gathered in it, and even Naranrong, who was standing in the distance, felt that the soul was shaking.

"This Xiao Nai, how many days have he worked with him, he has grown to such a point that with his current strength, he can no longer be said to be one of the creators, but the general existence of the eightfold master."

Nalanrong looked terrified.

"Xiao Shengzi, I originally thought I already knew King Huo Luo very well, but I didn't expect you to know better than me. Who the **** are you?"

At that moment, Nalan's invincible face changed slightly, then calmed down.

But when he heard Xiao Naihe's words, he knew that Xiao Naihe was definitely not as simple as the simple Yantian Pavilion practitioners. Maybe the three sons who had practiced before had also been to the Nine Heavens.

"Did you be a powerful reincarnation? No, you don't have that kind of stolen and desolate taste, definitely not a reincarnation!"

Nalan's invincible brow furrowed slightly.

But even if Nalan Invincible wanted to break his head, he would not know why Xiao Nai was reborn in a very strange way of rebirth.

"Or to say ... after you killed Han Yinkuan, you have already absorbed his memory? Only this is possible!"

Between the words, Nalan's invincible tone became extremely affirmative.

Mars, transformed into his body, had already hit Xiao Naihe's **** wheel, sending out a strong shock. Even the entire mysterious space produced countless cracks in this shock wave of impact.

"Han Yinkuan is Mr. Nalan's future son-in-law. Does Mr. Nalan want to avenge Han Yinkuan?"

"Ha ha ha, Han Yinkuan I felt good before, but over time I saw his true face. Although he is the son of Huo Luo Wang, but he was not born out of good luck, how can it be worthy of my daughter. He is not my son-in-law now, why should I avenge him. "

Nalan shook his head invincibly, converging the light of his own flames, as if waiting for the next blow, and retreating to the back.

"Hey!" Nalan shook his head invincibly, and sighed, "Unfortunately, Xiao Shengzi, after all, you are the three sons of Xiu Xiu, and the characters of the ancient" holy ", and their talents are also excellent. You and the little girl join hands, but it is a beautiful thing. Unfortunately, you offended the two people of Huo Luo and Ye Wang, otherwise you can definitely grow up to the state of 'holy' after you grow up safely. "

Speaking of which, Nalan's invincible tone is extremely regrettable.

But at the back of Nalanrong, when he heard his father's words, he was slightly stunned, and then his face became extremely bright, as if a red cloud passed by.

She did not expect that her father would give herself a red line at this time, but in her deep thoughts, she did compare Han Yinkuan with Xiao Nai.

But Xiao Naihe didn't move. Hearing Nalan's invincible last sentence was like hearing a ridiculous joke. He laughed loudly, turning back and forth, revealing a strange situation: "Hahaha It ’s ridiculous, Naran is invincible. Do you think I offended the two people, the Night King and the Huo Luo King, will you definitely die? "

"What does Xiao Shengzi mean?"

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