Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1388: Opportunity (2)

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"Huo Luo King and Ye Wang are both one of the Nine Great Powers in the Nine Heavens Realm, and they have reached the highest level of the Nineth Chong Peak, which is one yuan. Compared with the masters who are also the Nine Crow Peak Vaguely stepped into the state of unity of the origin, and may become a passive master at any time. "

When it comes to unity of origin, even Nalan's invincible heart moved slightly.

With his talent, he has cultivated for thousands of years and achieved the eighth peak. It is definitely the top child of the previous generation of God Realm. Perhaps Nalan Invincible can definitely cultivate to the nineth peak.

But he dare not say that he can enter the mysterious state of the unity of origin.

Not only him, even the gods who practiced in the Nine Heaven Realm in the Nine Heavens Realm, almost no one dared to say that they could become masters of the unity of the origin.

Since the birth of Era and Heaven, and the hundreds of thousands of years until now, countless cultivators and nine masters are not a few, but they can cultivate to the unity of the source and become the existence of passive masters, but only a few. .

There is one white bait, and one can be regarded as the heavenly demon Beinanyi.

Perhaps that day there was the mysterious Dan Ting God who is also a master of the unity of origin.

Other masters of the nineth layer, even if they have been practicing for tens of thousands of years, have no way to enter that kind of state.

As long as you step into the unity of the source, it is equivalent to opening up your source and becoming a wonderful book.

The reason why Beinanyi was able to become a passive master of unity of origin was because he inherited the origin of demon.

Perhaps if Buddha Zun had all the roots of Buddhism and Taoism in him, he might also hope to become a master of the unity of the roots.

But ‘holy’ is different. This archaic legend almost opened up a seventh avenue. This kind of character is itself a wonderful book and a source!

"I know that there are at least a hundred masters in the Nine Heavens Realm, and there are hopes to become the masters of the unity of the origin. Only the nine strongmen, Huo Luo and Ye Wang can be regarded as one."

Although the Night King's skill is slightly inferior to the Huo Luo King, it is not far away. The combination of these two people is definitely a very terrifying force.

It is no wonder that Nalan Invincible will not be optimistic about Xiao Naihe.

"Just know it. If you didn't kill the apprentice of the Night King and Han Yinkuan, maybe Jiutian God Realm noticed you and put you in to let you grow up and strengthen the power of God Realm. Unfortunately now ... "

Nalan shook his head invincibly, his voice filled with regret.

"Hahaha, the Nine Heavens Domain contains me? What Huo Luo and Ye Wang, they are not masters of the unity of origin, can only say that they have a chance. Huo Luo Wang has been the peak of the Nine Heavy Thousands of years ago, but now He has n’t reached that step yet. If he can, he has already become a master of unity of origin. "

Xiao Naihe shook his head, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his tone: "Even if Huo Luo and Ye Wang become passive masters of the unity of origin, then what? I Xiao Naihe opened up multiple avenues, let alone the two of them, even if they are Legends such as Bai inorganic and Sheng, I will surpass the same. My life can only be controlled by me, Nalan is invincible, the real strong will not be afraid of any difficulties. In the Nine Heavens Realm, you have been in the wind and water for too long, In that case, today I will let you see if there is a big gap between us, the natives of the world and thousands of world cultivators, and your **** clan cultivators. "

When the words fell slightly, Xiao Naihe's whole body of qi and blood exploded at this moment, and all of the 18 points in his body were rioted at this moment.

Those acupuncture points seemed to be breathing in the air of the void, and Xiao Naihe suddenly made a violent sound, and his soul grew stronger at this time.

Not only that, his mind is slowly increasing.

"Promise countercurrent!"

Between the flow of Shennian, from 400 billion to more than 700 billion.

At this time, Xiao Nai and He vaguely seemed to have entered a familiar and unfamiliar state.

His soul seemed to escape into this invisible space, grasping that very mysterious feeling.

"Is this ... an opportunity?"

At this time, Xiao Naihe opened his eyes, the power of the mind in the body was already fused on top, the ninety-nine heavy aperture was continuously derived, and the **** wheel behind was also turning.

At the same time, the 1,118 acupuncture points are constantly breathing, making a strange sound.

Xiao Naihe stood there quietly, creating a very terrifying power, almost able to swallow up everything.


At this moment, Nalan looked up invincibly and violently. I don't know when, above this three-dimensional space, suddenly there were countless thunder lights. Between the flashes, there was a real dragon.


Nalan ’s invincible look changed, and suddenly his body shook, and his voice became a little unbelievable: “This is a precursor to the nine thunders. Did this kid gather all the momentum between his words just now, Having grasped this incomparably mysterious opportunity, it is necessary to make breakthroughs on the spot and become a master of the supreme realm? "

Nalan Invincible itself is a master of the Eightfold Realm. When he saw where he came from, he would not know what happened. His face changed quietly, and he clenched his fists.

"How many concealing methods does this show have not been exhibited? This kind of heritage, he has already been able to break through to the highest level, how old is he now?"

Speaking of which, Nalan's invincible words turned and his eyes became firmer: "No, he can't be allowed to seize this opportunity, and once he breaks through to the upper limit in the local area, I will lose."

This kid is already strong enough to be able to fight against the eighth master in the state of Seventh-level Creator.

If he really becomes a master of the eightfold, would n’t he want to be the first person in the eightfold realm?

"Come on and break through!"

Nalan invincible snorted, at this time, he did not hide anything, burst out all the strength of his body.

The contest between him and Xiao Naihe is not over. Although the two of them are not fighting in life and death, this kind of contest has already surpassed the fight in life and death!

No one wants to let the other party win!

The sound of Nalan ’s invincible blast was passed into the boxy three-dimensional space, and the whole person seemed to become incomparably tall. His fist seemed to be wider than it was changed!

In one breath, this fist meant to surround all around.

"This is his father's four-sided boxing intention. Xiao Nai actually forced his father to display his own boxing methods. How strong is he?"

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