Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1438: Counterattack (on)

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In Xiao Naihe's thoughts, this possibility constantly emerged.

"The divine personality, really powerful, I just absorbed a third, and actually raised the divine thought to 999.9 billion! If there is a suitable opportunity, can I not enter directly To the nineth level? "

This idea emerged in Xiao Naihe's mind, and it suddenly turned into an irresistible operation.

If Xiao Naihe can now control this opportunity and enter the Jiuzhong realm, it is definitely a matter of hand, because he has the experience of promotion, so there is absolutely no difficulty in entering the Jiuzhong realm.

With his current experience and background, he can definitely glance at the first glance.

If he really enters the Ninth Realm, he can once again absorb the power of the Divine Divine Personality, continue to absorb, and absorb the remaining two-thirds in most of it, directly approaching the peak of the Nine Heavy!

Thinking of this, Xiao Nai suddenly became fanatical.

But for a moment, the fanatical thoughts immediately cooled down, and the moving expression on his face had already calmed down, replaced by a very calm calculation.

At this point in his life, there is nothing that can make Xiao Nai lose his mind.

Even if Bai inorganic fell from the Nine Heavens God Realm to the Yantian Pavilion, Xiao Naihe would never break his mind, and it would have no effect.

Although he was taken aback by the progress just now, he was also expected by himself.

How powerful the divine personality is, only Xiao Naihe knows.

"Unfortunately, I entered the Eightfold Realm, and it was not long before I took control of that opportunity. Now I still want to get an opportunity to be promoted to the Ninefold.

Xiao Naihe shook his head and cut off the idea.

His present spiritual power is almost at the level of the nineth level.

But he knows that although he is less than the Ninefold Realm, his own Daoist experience and power, and the ability to have four more avenues, the original power can definitely deal with the ordinary Ninefold existence.

Perhaps it is not as good as the existence of masters such as Ye Wang, Huo Luo, and Hua Xiang, but at least it can deal with the general mid-nine of the nineth layer.

"Shen Nianyuan turns!"

Xiao Naihe thought, the power of the whole body's mind was suddenly turned into a blue smoke, which bloomed on his forehead and changed into a flower of essence.

This essence flower is a kind of ‘impurity’ that Xiao Naiho repels after she absorbs the divine power!


"Unexpectedly, my acupuncture ability has actually reached this point."

Xiao Naihe shook his fist against the void. This punch suddenly burst a crack from the world of space and time. This boxing intention did not know what space it entered after the crack of the void.

It can be said that with Xiao Naihe's current ability, under one punch, the power of Jingyuan is mysterious, traveling through the space of 100,000 miles, or jumping into the void, directly attacking anyone who wants to deal with it.

"Shen Nian and Acupuncture have absorbed so much power of divine personality, and it will take some time to settle. During this time, I will still stay in the world of space and time."

Xiao Nai did not leave in a hurry, but sat in the space-time world.

He is progressing too fast, many things are not fully controlled, and practicing in the space-time world for a period of time is also of great benefit to himself!

Yun Weixue put Xiaonan down slightly at this time, approached Xiao Naihe, and suddenly stopped at a distance of 10 feet from Xiao Naihe.

"Huh? What's wrong, Wei Xue?"

Xiao Nai froze for a moment.

"I don't know, I feel you have a very mysterious aura in your body, which isolates me. Or, it makes my Daoxin a little afraid and not dare to come close."

Yun Weixue's expression has changed a bit. Yes, as long as she is close to Xiao Naihe, she will be repelled by Xiao Naihe's natural aura, making her unable to get close.

"There is such a thing."

A burst of divine light flashed, Xiao Nai suddenly cut off all the aura, Tsing Yi white robe, wide sleeves swinging!

Now Xiao Naihe seems to be just a Confucian sage who has cultivated culture to a very high level.

If an unfamiliar person sees Xiao Naihe, I'm afraid that Xiao Naihe is a powerful son above Confucianism! I don't think Xiao Nai is a master who has reached the eighth peak.

"It turns out that I am in control of the moral rules of the earth and the earth after the divine personality of the flesh, so the aura of the whole body will change. This is really a little trouble to show, but I have already put it away, come here."

Xiao Nai beckoned and gently pulled Yun Weixue, and came to his side from ten feet away, and embraced Yun Weixue.

The masculine breath came immediately, and a thick emotion continued to radiate in the void. Yun Weixue's face was slightly red, and he said softly: "You have just been promoted soon, you need to rest!"

"If you don't take a break, I will stay in the space-time world for a while to stabilize and control some achievements. You can accompany you during all this time."

Since Xiao Naihe and Yun Weixue have been together, he and Yun Weixue haven't had much time to get together. There are too many enemies set up by Xiao Naihe, and he doesn't have much time to spend with Yun Weixue.

But every time he was with Yun Weixue, he felt that his body and mind were relaxed and in a very free environment.

Only when he was with Yun Weixue, he could feel, even in Yantian Pavilion, Xiao Nai didn't feel that way.

"Thank you!"

"Silly girl, do we need to say thank you between us?"

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly and hugged Yun Weixue tightly. The two just stayed quietly and felt the tranquility of the river at that time!

More than a year has passed, Xiao Naihe has spent more than a year in this space-time world, and only a few days have passed outside.

During this time, Xiao Naihe was also in control of the divine personality he had absorbed.

Don't look at Xiao Naihe's current mindset is incomparably huge. This part of the mindset is actually derived from the divine personality. It is not easy for Xiaonai to manipulate.

It was during this time in the space-time world that he directly refined all the divine personality into his own personality.

It is only today that it is truly completed.

"Dragon Fist!"


Xiao Naihe suddenly faced the Miao Miao Mountain with a punch. With the breath of a real dragon in his fist, the entire Miao Miao Mountain was wrapped in an instant. The space of 50,000 miles was all dragon breath!

"Finally sorted out."

Xiao Naihe made a smooth cry!

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