Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1439: Counterattack

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Xiao Naihe found that the acupuncture in his body now seemed to be a fusion of the divine personality, and the power of the ancient Thunder, forming a very strange power.

This kind of power, interlocking, as long as the power in the acupuncture hole is released, will be recovered again in an instant.

It can be said that the power of Xiao Naihe's 1,800 acupoints is almost endless, and can never be used up, and is in a state of continuous cyclical derivation.

"The Divine God is really wonderful, and it is almost as good as the Six Realms, and it can even be said to be equivalent to the Six Realms."

Xiao Nai sighed softly.

The power of his current acupoints, of the 1,118 acupuncture points, each acupoint is equivalent to a peak creator.

It can be said that all his acupuncture burst out in an instant, and a punch, a palm, is equivalent to 1,118 peak creators shot at the same time, exploding the divine personality!

How powerful are the 118 peak creators? Among the whole world, perhaps only Jiutian God Realm and Dan Ting have such power.

If these one hundred and eighteen peak creators blew themselves up at the same time, even the level of Nalan invincible and Martial God would have to avoid the edge.

Once really hit by the power of Xiao Naihe and all the holes, even the God of War will surely die!

"It's time to go out now. During this time, I have stabilized all the powers of the divine power, and there is one thing that has not been done yet!"

In Xiao Naihe's thought, a figure suddenly appeared.

Dark Heaven Taoist!

Since Liuyun, Taishuangtian and Dark Heaven Taoists united to calculate Xiao Naihe, these three people are the people that Xiao Naihe must get rid of.

Both Liuyun and Taishuangtian are dead, leaving only the Dark Heaven Daoist himself.

In the past, Xiao Naiho's own strength was not enough to fight against the entire Danting. Although he said that he has made rapid progress now, he is not arrogant enough to deal with the entire Danting. In the means of saving lives.

Dark Sky Daoist is also the time to solve it.

In particular, Xiao Naihe decided to use Liu Xiu to become the Lord of the Court of Ting, to come into contact with his own crisis and resist the Huo Luo and Ye Wang, then he must help Liu Xiu pull all other competitors down.

As soon as the Dark Heaven Daoist came under the powerful force of the world, secondly, Xiao Naihe himself had conflict with him. Under the current strength of Xiao Naihe, the Dark Sky Daoist will survive again and give Xiao Naihe the way A little shackle left in my heart.

"The Dark Heaven Daoist must be resolved. When I was in the Starfield, this Dark Heaven Daoist was already in a state almost about to enter the Eightfold Realm. If he entered the Eighth Realm, it would be greatly valued by the snow in the world. At that time, the Dark Sky Daoist was introduced into the Dan Court. If I were in a position, it would be too difficult for me to win him. "

Xiao Na couldn't help but estimate.

There is a mysterious God in the Danting, there is the Dafa King and the Elder, and Xiao Nai is not absolutely capable now to contend these three people, so the Dark Heaven Daoist must first solve it before being introduced into the Danting by the snow in the world Off.


Xiao Nai and a **** floating above his head, buzzing with his own strength.

Then, at this moment, Shennian entered the space crack, showing a space tunnel, and there was a void in front of it.

This void crossflow connects Yantian Pavilion with another space.

Xiao Naihe's current strength, the ability of Tianjixingtu calculation has reached an extreme, it can be said that there is no plan!

Where is the Dark Heaven Daoist, Xiao Naihe can use a little bit of calculus to conclude.

"Fortunately, it is not in Dan Ting. If it is in Dan Ting, I just want to solve the Dark Heaven Daoist. It is unlikely."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, and then plunged into the void stream.

In the blink of an eye, he had entered a mysterious island from Yantian Pavilion.

This small island is in the middle of the boundary river, and there is no land within 100,000 miles, floating quietly in the boundary river.

Under Xiao Naihe's calculation, the Dark Heaven Taoist is here.

Not only that, as long as the dark sky is where the Taoist people are, then there is definitely snow in the world!

"what is this?"

At this time, there was a sudden shock from the horizon, and the whole island seemed to be bombarded and cracked.

Not only that, at the far side of the sky, a fateful wolf smoke suddenly soared up and injected directly into the sky from the crater.

The wolf smoke is straight, showing a very strong state.

"Qi Yun Lang Yan, Jing blood abyss!" Xiao Nai's words just fell.


Above the wolf smoke, Yunxiao converged and formed into a cloud of thunderclouds, floating in the void.


After the thunderclouds gathered together, all the thunders suddenly gathered together and suddenly landed.

Not the Thunder God Realm Thunder, but the Eighteen God Realm Thunder!

"Huh? Is there anyone else who wants to enter the Eightfold Realm? Is there anyone other than the Dark Heaven Daoist who has to be promoted to the Eighth Realm and control nine thunders?"

Xiao Nai frowned slightly, and the calculation seemed a little bit beyond his expectations.

However, he knows that it is impossible for him to do everything before he really becomes the pinnacle of Jiuzhong.

Waving his hand, Xiao Naihe suddenly turned into a meson.

This meson is not the form of the meson he summoned when he changed into a space-time world.

Instead, it really changes its own body into a meson structure.

It can be said that if Xiao Naihe is willing now, he wants to become a stone, a bird, a house, or even a dragon.

And it's not that it's changed with a blind eye method, but because of a variety of changes, it really changes its own body structure.

The meson he became now is the real meson, not to mention the snow in the world, and the dark sky Taoist people.

Even if Wu Shenyi and Nalan are invincible, they may not find Xiao Nai in this state.

"The Eighth Peak is really good!"

For the first time, Xiao Naiho felt that his power was so powerful that he felt safe.


As soon as this thought moved, Xiao Naihe was already falling in the direction of the thunder.

After a while, Xiao Naihe's body stayed in front of the crater, and the figure reflected in Xiao Naihe's eyes suddenly appeared.

Not only the Dark Heaven Daoren and the world have snow, there is also a person in this mountain that Xiao Nai He knew!

"The end of the talk!"

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