Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1469: Breakup

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Although the blood son is powerful in the late eighth layer, he dare not say that he can kill all three of Xue Fugui in one move.

This child borrowed the power of the magic tablet to crush it.

With this method, the blood son was frightened.

"It is definitely the eighth peak, and it is the level of Wushenyi, Zhengjunzi and Long Tianlong."

The blood son now has no doubt at all, Xiao Naihe's strength has surpassed himself.

If you say that Xiao Nai is the reincarnation of the ancient "Holy", I am afraid that the blood son will not have any doubts.

"Wait, there is a misunderstanding between us. If the two of us cooperate, we can definitely get this treasure. You alone want to fight against other cultivators. I am afraid that it is impossible to easily obtain different treasures."

The blood boy thought quickly, and said quickly.

"Really? If Xiao Nai wants to get this strange treasure, one person is enough. Since you want to kill someone and win treasure, you have the consciousness of being killed."

Xiao Nai snorted coldly, and his murderous opportunity was undoubted.

The cold air penetrated into the void, and the core of the underground was obviously heated by the heat wave because of the sulfur in the melt.

But the blood son can feel the frost all over the void.

With little hesitation, the blood boy turned and ran.

This strange treasure, he now has no intention to snatch. If life is gone, then what use is this baby getting.

"Fist of human dragon, light of divine read."

Xiao Nai's voice sounded like water, and he was not surprised.

His boxing intentions, however, seemed to communicate with the ancient real dragon and integrate Jiangshan Sheji, which was extremely heavy.

With a punch, the fairy Buddha is angry and the ghosts cry!

"Want to catch me, it's not that easy!"

The blood boy was also inspired by Xiao Naihe, holding the idea of ​​burning jade and stone, the blood on his body surged, forming a burst of wind, directly rushing into the sky, and Xiao Nai that one Gu Quan was swallowed up.

"Huh, San Xiu Shengzi, but that's the case."

Seeing the big opportunity, the blood boy could not help but show joy.

But the smile on his face had just appeared, and he suddenly froze.

"Since you said that I am the Son of Three Cultivators, don't you think I can only use one kind of magical power?"

Xiao Nai showed sarcasm at this time. At this time, the four main sources of power in his body were continually fused together, and the sudden surge, the shock flow formed, suddenly washed away.

These four forces, Daozhong Avenue, seem to cover everything.

The blood gusts of wind excited by the blood boy are all in the power of the four roads, which are completely swallowed.

"This is not Sanxiu Avenue ... this is ... four kinds of Avenues ..."

The blood son's voice was shocked to the extreme. In front of him, it was not only three avenues, but four avenues.

But just after his shocked voice spread, it suddenly turned into despair.

"Chaotic days!"

The chaotic phantom behind Xiao Naihe was immediately suppressed, and the whole blood son was pinched in the palm of his hand. The monument of sin and demon quickly rushed over, and suddenly the blood son's body was slammed into a huge hole, widening the internal space.

Countless magic weapons all fell out at this time, Xiao Naihe did not hesitate, reached out directly, and ingested it fiercely.

In his realm, he no longer needs to borrow Xiaonan's space ingestion ability, he can forcefully blast away anybody's internal space and **** the accumulation in the space.

At the same time, the blood son's 500 billion goddess was taken by Xiao Naihe.

These late eightfold supernatural thoughts are extremely precious and can be used to refine magic weapons and Taoism. They may not be of much use to Xiao Naihe, but they are very useful for cultivators like Yun Weixue who are not the creators.

After killing these four people, Xiao Naihe charged the "Sin Demon Monument", and suddenly the thought was shaking again.

"That thing is just under the ground."

Xiao Nai's body was tumbling with blood and blood, and he punched out, and violently directly hummed towards the ground.


There was an explosion and the dust was scattered, and Xiao Naihe's figure was wearing, and he was already drilling towards the bottom of the ground.

The closer to the bottom, the more obvious that kind of soul tremor is.

"Almost coming, almost coming."

For some reason, Xiao Naihe felt closer to the mysterious green light of the ground, the closer it was, the inexplicable familiar and strange impulses in her heart became more and more obvious.

Even at the position near the core, Xiao Naihe seems to sense something, and there is a calculation between them.


The prohibition of tearing the surface of the core, Xiao Naihe saw the strange treasure that slowly faded the green light deep in the ground, the strange thought in his heart became more and more obvious.

On both sides of his forehead, there were obviously blue muscles, and he was a little nervous.

The fists were clenched tightly, and the whole person was solemn to the extreme.

"No ... is it really ..."

Xiao Naihe's brows were almost knotted. He looked at the strange treasure that faded out of the green light, and the whole person shivered.

This has never happened since Xiao Naihe was reborn.

During his nearly four years of rebirth, although he has encountered many dangers, he has never been afraid of danger. Even no matter how powerful the enemy is, such as Tianzun, Nalan invincible, Tiandao avatar, etc., Xiao Naihe has never been afraid. Ever.

However, when he was facing this "Treasure" now, he didn't find the excitement of the baby, but it was an unexpected horror.

That is not a horror about life and death and unknown dangers. On the contrary, Xiao Naihe has vaguely guessed what this thing is.

That's why, the closer he gets to the truth, the more scary he feels.


As Xiao Nai gritted his teeth, his hands sighed slightly, and a fresh breeze turned into a sudden wind.

At the same time, Xiao Naihe suddenly appeared a book above his head, which was the root of his cultivation practice in the two worlds.

When this demon script appeared in the scriptures, each character floated out and surrounded the ‘unusual treasure’ in front of it.

Soon it will be hot, a piercing light suddenly punctured, as if the magnificent divine light is fused into it.

Even the golden sun in the archaic period did not have this brilliance.

And Xiao Nai reached out his hand, and the heat wave that shone on the light suddenly faded, and it seemed that the blood in his body was mutually sensing.

In particular, Xiao Naiho ’s soul, at this time, actually merged with the ‘Yibao’.

Presented in front of Xiao Naihe is a white round rosary. After looking at the rosary, Xiao Naihe's expression moved, and his voice was calm to the level of terrifying terror.

"It's really six flesh bodies condensed into rosary beads, my true body powder!"

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