Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1470: Jealous

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Xiao Naihe's true body is not his real body.

Xiao Naihe is not dead yet. His body is still alive, and it is naturally impossible to turn it into powder.

However, when he was in the Nine Heavens Realm, he broke through to the unity of the origins, achieved the true body of the Six Ways of Truth, and cut off the power of the future. His real body was really smashed in the world.

"After the battle between Hua Xiang and I, I temporarily achieved the six physical phases of the real body, relying on the power of the real body to fight against Bai inorganic. In the end, I missed half the trick, but lost all the opportunities, and I will definitely lose. Finally, I explode The golden body and the real body have also become powder, and it is impossible to truly spread it in the world. "

In Xiao Naihe's voice, all the traces of coldness at the beginning were gone, and turned into a deep sigh.

"The six real bodies I cultivated, once stepped beyond the real body level of heaven, and the monsters of the heavens became great, the soul of the gods was immortal, and the true body was undefeated. But the" Taiqing Divine Record ", which can be practiced by others, has no way The power of the real body made me miss the chance of victory. Although I blew the gold body in the end, there are six powers in the body, and the powder will never disappear. "

Xiao Nai also understands that when he was still the sky monster Beinanyi, after Jiutian God Realm exploded the golden body, the powder formed by his body did not really drift into the 3,300 world.

Instead, these powders gathered constantly, and slowly turned into a rosary during Xiao Naihe's rebirth.

However, Xiao Nai did not expect that he would happen to be at this point. In his downfall of the ancestral **** world, just this rosary was formed. I do n’t know how many empty and cross-flowing spaces had traveled, and finally reached the ancestral **** world.

"This is a rosary from my last life."

Xiao Naihe's current state of mind has gradually calmed down, returning to the original appearance.

This rosary was formed by his golden body turned into scum powder when he was in Bei Nanyi in his last life.

But he is now reborn, and the appearance of his last life has no meaning to him.

A monk who resolves and reincarnates means that he has no relationship with the previous life. In the words of Taoism, that is, just like ordinary people, they are reincarnated, reborn, and cut off any reincarnation.

After Xiao Naiho figured it out now, he didn't feel much.

This rosary Xiao Nai is impossible to use it to refine any Taoist or immortal medicine, after all, this is the true powder of his last life.

Although Xiao Nai knows, if he directly refines this rosary and turns it into a panacea, after taking it, he can immediately raise his six real bodies to 80%.

But Xiao Naihe did not have this idea. He intended to integrate this rosary directly into his own space-time world and bring a kind of vitality to his world.

In this way, Xiao Naihe's internal space can not only expand, but also the soul and physical strength will return to the peak state of the previous life.

"Hey! If I didn't come to the world of ancestral gods today, after my rosary was obtained by others, I was afraid that I would be refining Taoist and elixir, and it would also affect my soul and form a heart barrier.

Xiao Nai thought a little, if the rosary fell into the hands of other people, such as the blood son, the man would definitely refine the panacea and take it by himself.

Xiao Naihe could n’t imagine the feeling that his previous life was transformed into a panacea and was taken into the stomach.

Once Xiao Naihe knew it, he was so arrogant that he would immediately create a magic barrier.

With such a thought, Xiao Nai suddenly felt a little scared and a little lucky.


At this moment, a burst of qi and blood wolf smoke suddenly burst out into the void, surging towards Xiao Naihe.

"Come here, I feel the baby's breath is here."

"This baby is mine, no one is allowed to **** it."

"Huh? Why is there someone else here? Is someone taking the lead, who is this person?"

"Look, there seems to be something in his hand. I feel the wave of divine power, which is the fluctuation of the" different treasure "that I felt before."

"This person actually took the lead to **** my baby away."


At this time, all of the hundreds of practitioners came in. In fact, after these people entered the ground, Xiao Nai felt it long ago.

But his mind was in a state of being attracted by rosary beads, and he did not do anything.

Among these hundreds of cultivators, 90% of them are creators, and the remaining ten are masters of the Eightfold Realm. Most of them are the eighth and eighth middle stages, and only two of the eighth final stage. .

However, these two late eighth cultivators did not have the strength to be masters such as Wushenyi and Wanyuehua, at most to the level of blood son.

"Xiao Shengzi!"

At this time, Yu Huqing's voice was mixed in the crowd.

Not only him, even Mu Han was shocked when he looked at Xiao Naihe, but his eyes turned toward the rosary in Xiao Naihe's palm, but he showed deep greed.

"He just followed the gentleman before, and mentioned the three sons."

"Daoyou, is this thing in your hand a strange treasure from your birth?"

Xiao Naihe's expression remained the same. When facing so many masters, he had almost no fear. His mind was so calm that he was so terrified.

You know, the hundreds of practitioners here are almost one-fifth of the top forces in the 3,300 world.

Gathering thousands of the world's top cultivators, and Xiao Naihe got this rosary, and he became an enemy with these thousands of world's top cultivators.

Xiao Nai said lightly: "Yes."

"In this case, please hand over this baby."

"Hand it over, this thing is mine."

"Your? Hahaha, it's kind of interesting. Those who have the power of heaven and earth can get it. Don't say that this thing is not yours, even if it is yours, spit it out to me.

A master sign from the late eighth layer came violently, and there seemed to be countless thunders in the sound, and there was an endless impact.

This thunder sound seemed to burst Xiao Naihe's soul.

"I will say it for the last time and leave me alone!"

These people actually wanted to rob him of the true rosary of his last life. Even Xiao Nai, even a gentleman, was already a strong murderer.

Besides, Xiao Naihe is not a saint himself. Now when he sees the faces of these people, the killing intention brewing in his body is more and more violent.

"Don't pay?" The Yae master sneered coldly.

Xiao Nai sighed: "Since this is the case, I have no other choice."

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