Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1609: Magic barrier

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"Can I compare with Pan Lingzi?"

After hearing Linglong's words, Xiao Nai He gave a slight meal, but was not surprised.

The strength he now shows can indeed be compared with Pan Lingzi.

Even Xiao Nai thinks that if he and Pan Lingzi play against each other, there is at least a 70% chance of defeating each other.

I thought, in less than a year, in the world of ancestral gods, Xiao Nai had to look at Pan Lingzi's face, and was afraid of the strength of King Huo Luo.

But now Xiao Naihe has stepped into the realm of the Ninth Peak, and there are four major avenues as the mainstream, the ultimate enemy experience.

Now Xiao Nai is placed in the Four Realms and is already a top-level master.

Of course, compared with the masters such as Hua Xiang, Jun Yongye, and Yu, who are almost close to the passive state, they are still a little bit worse, but they are not too much.

How proud of Linglong, Xiao Nai is very clear. This woman believes that her master is a versatile person, and out of Bai inorganic and Humengwu, almost none of the nine days is that she thinks she can compare with her master.

Neither the Night King nor the Huo Luo King.

But now, Linglong actually put Xiao Naihe on the level of Pan Lingzi, you can see how powerful Linglong has been hit.

"Linglong, it's useless for you to say this to me. Can I have no interest in comparing with Pan Lingzi. But you and Wu Shenyi and their idea of ​​beating my buddies, if I don't punish them, it might seem I have too little prestige. Even if I look at Pan Lingzi's favor, I can't kill you, but for a while, you should stay here. "

Xiao Nai waved his hand and adjusted his clothes.

"Xiao Naihe, I regret it. If I knew that you would grow to this point now, when I was in the secret realm of Miao Miao Shenkong, I should do everything I could to kill you. Wushen thought that you 'S growth is because of the former master of the nineth peak, if I am not wrong, your current strength is also at the level of the nineth peak. "

"It's a disciple of Pan Lingzi."

Xiao Naihe smiled secretly.

Linglong at this time is unabashedly concealing his regret and murderous intention.

If it is really foreseeable that Xiao Nai will grow up to this point in the future, she should do everything she can to kill Xiao Nai.

"There are not so many ifs in this world. If everyone has this kind of ability, then everyone is a **** and everyone is a dragon. I can look at the face of Pan Lingzi and not kill you for the time being, but neither I will put you back. If Wu Shenyi comes to the door again, I will not let him go. "

In Xiao Naihe's tone, there was a hint of murder.

Obviously, now he has acted to kill Wu Shen, but it is also that Wu Shen has troubled Xiao Naihe three times and four times. In the past, Xiao Naihe did not succeed because of his strength, and because of Huang Lin, Xiao Naihe did not use Wu Shenhe Too big means.

But now Xiao Naihe has stepped into the realm of the Ninth Peak, and has seen Huang Lin, and even played with Huang Lin. Xiao Naihe also feels that the other party is no longer so mysterious to this Lord of Court.

That's why Xiao Naihe didn't have many fears. If the next Wushen moved again and again, Xiao Naihe would never be merciless.

"Hopefully my sister can see clearly. I believe she will be able to guess your true cultivation behavior and will not let her and Wushen die."

Linglong looked at Xiao Naihe in a complicated way, and sighed slightly.

"You can do it yourself."

Speaking, Xiao Naihe waved his hands, and he no longer ignored Linglong. The figure seemed to be a black shadow flashing, and it instantly went outside the gourd.

At this time, Xiao Naihe's body seemed to slowly become larger and jump out of the gourd.

The gourd floating in mid-air was grabbed by him with one hand and moved slightly. Immediately, the income went into the eyebrows and disappeared into the inner world.

"I don't know if Wu Shenyi has any way to deal with me now? But obviously, he must not be so kind."

Xiao Nai murmured twice, closed his eyes, and pondered carefully.

A person like Wushen is overbearing and can't stand a little grievance. Once grieved, I feel unhappy. Once a little emotion has developed in your heart, it will be as lingering in the heart as the demon.

Think of an invincible master who has always been a victorious general, but one day he failed once, and once that failure could not be resolved, it would be as lingering as the shadows, and finally a deadly heart demon .

Wushenyi is such a person. He has always won for a long time. He has always been invincible. Suddenly Xiao Naihe broke this situation, and his heart will have emotions.

After a long time without resolution, it will eventually become a demon, which will bring a great influence on Wu Shenyi's cultivation path.

Xiao Naihe could have predicted that now Wushen Yi must hate himself, and even wanted to kill Xiao Naihe first.

If you can't kill yourself, you can't solve this uncomfortable obsession in yourself. At that time, Wushen will have a hard time practicing, and it is almost impossible to move forward.

Xiao Naihe's grasp of Wu Shenyi's psychology was very accurate. With his eyes closed, he could think of Wu Shenyi's madness.


At this time, in a secret room, the lights were shining, but a huge sky curtain appeared on the ceiling. This is not an illusion, but a certain kind of Taoist refining.

This secret room is like a small world made by hand.

Different from the small world inside the gourd imprisoned by Linglong, the world inside this secret room has a strong sense of craftsmanship.

In the secret room of this small world, two figures flashed slightly.

If Xiao Nai is here, he can surely recognize that these two people are Wu Shenyi and Tianshui Yi.

At this time, Wu Shenyi, the eyeball turned, as if it were a blood bead, extremely grim.

His face is more like an ancient heavenly demon, practicing humanity, but his whole body reveals a killer and cold air that is more domineering than magical.

Watching Wushen grabbing and shrinking with his fingers, holding an iron bead made of black iron in his hand, it turned into ashes in an instant.

"Xiao Naihe, you actually gave me the woman who robbed me. Not only that, but it also left me with such an embarrassed impression. If I don't kill you, I feel uneasy. I will definitely not be able to move forward in the future.

In Wu Shenyi's voice, the words burst out one by one, and the killing potential is infinite. Between each word, a strong frost is revealed.

Tianshui Yi is also ugly, Linglong is her little sister, and the little sister she admires most. Now he was taken away by Xiao Naihe, this is the face of Pan Lingzi naked.

In the world, almost no one in the Four Realms dares to offend Pan Lingzi, but Xiao Nai, a small Yan Tian Pavilion, dare to do such a thing, can not help making Tianshui feel angry, but also angry There was some shock.

"Xiao Naihe, I have also known this person before, the three cultivation of the Son, cultivation of demon, humanity, and Buddhism. I originally thought that his highest level is also the eighth realm. 1. You did not lose to Xiao Naihe, but lost luck. "

After hearing Tian Shuiyi's words, Wu Shenyi also gradually calmed down, and the killing on his face gradually dissipated, showing a very calm and calm look.

"I really did not expect that this Xiao Nai actually grew to this point. Before, and less than half a year ago, he also just stepped into the eighth level, but now he has achieved the late nineth level, the strength is still high, still let me Some were unexpected. "

As soon as the voice fell, Wu Shen shook his head again and said, "This time I will not underestimate Xiao Naihe. I admit that now Xiao Naihe is indeed better than me. It is no wonder that Liu Xiu has progressed so fast recently. There is Xiao Naihe and the master behind him is supporting. But who is the master behind him? That should be the master of the nineth peak. The masters who can enter this realm in the world are almost few. "

Between the speeches, the looks of Wu Shenyi and Tianshui Yi both showed a very surprised and puzzled look.

"This person is definitely not an unknown person, but if I am not mistaken, the other party should be a rare Yin and Yang system in the world, a master of double cultivation of Yin and Yang."

At this moment, from the other side, there was a crack in the void, and a figure appeared.

This person is no other than the immortal elder.

The immortal elder changed his clothes, dressed in purple cloak, holding a whisk, like the gods and immortals in the ancient times.

However, the immortal elder is indeed a deserving master, and his appearance showed no sense of contradiction, but instead he seemed to be very fit.

As the immortal elder slowly walked in, Wu Shen grabbed a message in the voice of the immortal elder: "Yin and Yang constitution? This is said to be a rare physique in a hundred years? I have only seen a few, but It's amazing that someone can cultivate to the level of the Nineth Peak. "

"It's really great. If this person is in the peak period, even if I meet him, I am afraid that there is no certainty of victory. But now he is like this, even if I try again, I can easily take the other side down. "

The immortal elder breathed out a breath, like the immortal golden orchid, exploded in the void, and suddenly seemed to explode with a huge spark.

Wushen glanced around, turned his head, and continued to ask, "How to say?"

"The long sword you used to be was smelted out with your own blood. Once it is used well, even the master of the Nineth Peak can be killed if it is caught off guard. The other party is not dead, it is a manifestation Out of the other party's profound strength. "

Hearing this, Wushen nodded, his face a little ugly.

If he is right, the strength of the Night King is definitely the best among the nine peaks, and it is not comparable to one person.

"However, even the master of the Ninth Peak, even if he avoids the disaster and uses the long sword tempered with the blood of God, he is afraid that he can seriously injure the other party. He must now have a great injury and practice in a certain place. . If I could n’t take the chase at the time and did n’t quit in time, maybe the master could be taken down. ”

The immortal elder sighed slightly, and there was a trace of regret in his tone.

"This is not to blame the elders. At that time, you didn't understand the situation on the battlefield. I hurriedly summoned you over. I didn't have time to explain it to you. As soon as I felt the other person's breath, I stepped back in time. It is indeed correct.

Wushen said quickly.

At that time, the immortal elder was indeed summoned by Wushen in a hurry, although the immortal elder was able to connect most of the things in the field in a breathing time.

But the fact that the Night King was seriously injured by Wu Shenyi's long knife, I don't know.

So the Immortal Elder felt the night king's breath, and then immediately retreated. When I came back, I knew all the conditions at that time from the words of Wu Shenyi, and the immortal elder felt a little pity.

If the immortal elders persisted at that time, and they would fight with Xiao Naihe and Ye Wang, the ending would not be the same as it is now, maybe there is a real turning point.

You should know that Xiao Naiho at that time had consumed too much energy on Huanglin, and the Night King was even worse, and was seriously injured by the long knife of Huanglin's blood, and his strength once fell to less than 30%.

At that time, the night king sky had a momentum, but the immortal elder felt the strong momentum in the night king, and he even retreated and left with the **** of war.

Looking back now, if there was a little idea at the time, there would not be such a scene now.

"That Xiao Naihe is also powerful. He and Liu Xiu must have been cultivated by the mysterious master, especially Xiao Naihe, now he has reached the strength of the late Jiuzhong. It ’s because he could n’t please him, and he had a magic barrier in his heart. If I do n’t kill him, my cultivation will improve in the future.

Wu Shen shook his head and sighed softly.

"You do n’t have to worry about this, Wushenyi. If you ca n’t go further, I ’m going to have a headache. I ’m still waiting for you to go to God ’s place in the future and share God ’s promotion opportunities in the future. Then Xiao Nai He has become you I ’ll solve it for you. "

"Then thank the immortal elder."

Wushen bowed all over the body and said quickly. After looking down, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"Elder Immortal, are you going to find that Xiao Nai now? Wait a minute, I have understood all the situation."

Just when the Immortal Elder was about to move, he suddenly came out from the original position.

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