Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1610: Good luck

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As soon as this man came out, a breeze blew around him, with a scent of incense on his face.

Wushen recognized it with a slight look.


Tian Shuiyi's voice rang.

The person who appeared in front was the master of Tianshui Yi and Linglong, Pan Lingzi.

At this time, Pan Lingzi, the Danxiang all over his body continued to surround, as if every move, there was a charm beyond heaven and earth.

Although Pan Lingzi is not one of the Ninth Supreme Masters in Nine Heavens, her strength is definitely comparable to that of the Ninth Supreme Masters.

It's just that Pan Lingzi is good at refining Elixir, and she doesn't have much interest in fighting and fighting.

"I already know these things from Tianshui Yi, Immortal Elder, are you going to deal with Xiao Nai?"

After Pan Lingzi came out, he first asked about it.

"Exactly, Wu Shenyi now has a big loss in Xiao Naihe's hands, and has emotions in his heart. Now he has spawned a bit of a devil. To solve the ringing needs to be the bell man, as long as Xiao Naihe is killed Only then can this magic obstacle be solved, so that Wu Shen can continue to progress and become God. "

The Immortal Elder nodded and said again, "Don't you agree, His Excellency Pan Lingzi?"

Pan Lingzi and the immortal elder have a very good relationship. They have known each other for thousands of years, so there is no secret between life.

"Of course not. I know Xiao Nai and I was also a bit surprised at his strength. When I saw him, he was only a realm of eightfold. I even heard that he was about a year ago. Or the creator, this progress is really incredible. "

"You're right, if I didn't guess wrong, there must be a great opportunity in him. I heard that he cultivates three kinds of avenues, and the Buddhist path in it is still the origin of the Buddhist path in the heaven and earth of the last era The handprint of Ri Rulai. It would be great if he could be captured and asked the secret of Sanxiu Avenue from his mouth. "

Between the words of the immortal elder, he revealed his true thoughts.

"Not only that, he not only practiced the big sun like a handprint, his demon magical power, but also the" Everyday demon code "inherited from the heavenly demon Beinanyi. Jing Jiuzhong is in the late stage. It ’s not easy for you to catch him, and there is a master of Jiuzhong Peak beside him. ”

"It's nothing. The master of the Nineth Peak has already suffered a lot of serious injuries, let alone me, even a simple Nineth Layer post-cultivator can kill the other party. As for that Xiao Naihe, although a little bit of his own, but the old man is also a master of the Ninth Peak. Is he afraid that he can't win this kid? "

"Well, let's do it now. My linger Linglong is now taken away. Let me bring her back first. What will you do then, I don't care, how?"

Upon hearing this, the Immortal Elder thought carefully, his eyes rolled around, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Finally, he nodded and said with a smile: "Well, since it is you who spoke, I have no reason not to agree, but I only give you an hour. If you have no results after the hour, I will break into Yantian. Inside the cabinet, kill Xiao Naihe. "

Pan Lingzi also nodded, and then the figure seemed to be a flash of lightning, traversing in the void, and disappeared instantly.


In Yantian Pavilion, Xiao Naihe at this time, in the space-time world, in this small independent space, is absorbing the power of thunder in Taikoo Leichi.

And he still has a bowl of rice in his hand, which is everything.

When the smell of rice came out, it spread to thousands of miles away.

The Night King was sitting next to Taikoo Leichi. His injuries were slowly recovering.

"Night King, how do you feel now?"

Xiao Nai He stared at the Night King and suddenly asked.

"It's much better now. My current injury is at least 40% better."

Ye Wang said respectfully.

The Night King was originally a master of the Nineth Peak, and he is also a leader in the Nineth Peak, and his physical strength is extremely powerful.

But in the scene at that time, Wu Shenyi's long knife was released with a burst of knife gas, and he was actually seriously injured.

The ability of the Night King to suffer such serious injuries shows how dangerous it was at that time.

"But you did seem like that the long sword in the Wushen's hand was the essence blood with the imperial Lin. Between the swords, even the master of the nineth peak can be killed. You can survive in that sword. It ’s already great luck to come down. "

Xiao Nai thought deeply and shook his head.

"This is how powerful the Dan Ting God is. I know it very well. Even the two men Bai Feiwu and Fu Mengwu were very afraid of the Dan Ting God. I was able to survive under that knife, There is also a lot of luck. "

Although the Night King was transformed by Xiao Nai He in personality, his knowledge and experience are still there.

"Huang Lin, the realm of unity of origin, I have also dealt with him. His strength is too terrible. If you were replaced with me at that time, after the knife was cut, my situation might not be better than you are now. . "

"Master, did you actually fight that Huanglin?"

Ye Wang was shocked when she heard this.

"It was a fight, but he didn't really use his full strength. The strength of the original unity is too strong. Even he is more terrible than the average passive master. I can only say that this Huanglin's Strength is definitely not under Bai inorganic. "

Xiao Nai closed his eyes and recalled that when he played with Huang Lin, something happened bit by bit.

At that time, Huang Lin was really terrible. Not to mention one Xiao Naihe, even ten Xiao Naihe is definitely not Huang Lin's opponent.

"Really? The origins are united, the origins are united, but unfortunately I have to step into this realm, and I don't know if it will take tens of thousands of years? Not to mention these, or to all my injuries as soon as possible. "

The Night King shook his head and immediately focused his attention on the injury.

In the time and space world of Xiao Naihe, the Night King has been staying for more than two months.

And Xiao Nai forgot about it, he has been in the space-time world for nearly two months.

During this time, Xiao Nai had recovered all the energy he had previously consumed.

In the space-time world, there is no trace of Yun Weixue, because Xiao Naihe sent Yun Weixue into another independent space.

At this time, Yun Weixue needs to be meditated, and Xiao Nai is not easy to disturb. He conceived in the Taikoo Leichi, and after eating a few bowls of cooked rice, he finally sat down and practiced carefully. .

At this moment, Xiao Naihe's eyebrows suddenly opened and smiled: "It seems that they are coming, Night King, you continue to cultivate, I go out."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Naiho's body was already out of this independent space.

Before leaving the inner world, Xiao Naihe changed his clothes and wore white clothes. At this time, Xiao Naihe did not look like a peerless master, but more like a deep-tempered great Confucian.

Outside the gate of Yantian Pavilion, two figures appeared, namely Liu Xiu and Mr. Long.

At this time, Xiao Naihe moved his hands and waved the space. A burst of blue light spread over, wrapped in the void, and finally a door appeared.

And Mr. Liu Xiu and Mr. Long also walked in through the door and entered Xiao Naihe's study.

Outside Yantian Pavilion, there is a huge mountain gate array, and Xiao Naihe deliberately launched it. Even an expert like Mr. Long could not easily enter.

However, Xiao Nai could send Mr. Long and Liu Xiu in one thought, showing his deep magical powers.

"Brother, I am really worried. Where did you go? I originally thought you had something, or what expert did you encounter, what happened."

After Liu Xiu saw Xiao Naihe, the first sentence asked Xiao Naihe's comfort instead.

With Xiao Naihe's ability, Liu Xiu's tone can be naturally sensed, full of sincerity, without a little pretentiousness, obviously he really regards himself as a good friend.

Since Xiao Naihe showed a powerful magical power, Liu Xiu has increasingly regarded Xiao Naihe as a level of existence.

Upon hearing Xiao Naihe's accident, Liu Xiu was really worried.

"I did play against the master, but something happened. After being led away, I didn't have time to go to Tianmen to keep it. I'm really sorry."

Xiao Naihe shook his head and said.

"This is nothing, but brother, what kind of person can actually lead you away, I am afraid that there can be such a thing in the world."

"It is indeed a master. The first time was that the master behind Ling Xiao shot to calculate me. He was the one who calculated me on the Central Continent for the first time at that time."

"Actually the person behind Ling Xiao."

Liu Xiu was taken aback and glanced at Mr. Long, then said: "I heard from senior Yi Du that the master behind Ling Xiao is not easy. Compared with Hua Xiang and Pan Lingzi Poor, do n’t know who he really is? "

Xiao Nai didn't hesitate and said lightly: "I don't know the identity of this person, but the level he cultivated to has indeed reached a very powerful level. If it was not the Dafa king who arrived in time, I was afraid It's easy to knock the other back. "

Bei Songyang is indeed very powerful, still three points stronger than Xiao Naihe, but it is indeed Qi Lian Songping who came over and helped himself in time.

Xiao Naihe did not say the identity of Bei Songyang. After all, there is a big secret in Bei Songyang. The less people know, the better.

"Really? But listening to Xiao Shengzi's tone, it seems that it's not just this person."

At this moment, Mr. Long next to him suddenly said, a little light flashed in his eyes.

"Indeed, the second person is God of the Dan Ting. He seems to know what happened to my Sanxiu Avenue and wants to see me."

Among Xiao Naihe's words, half true and half false.

But just after he said this, whether it was Liu Xiu or Mr. Long, the whole body was shaking, and there was a trace of horrified emotion in his eyes, almost revealing an unbelievable look towards Xiao Naihe.

Danting God? Who is that?

This Danting God can be said to be the first person in the 3,300 world, and even a character who dare not provoke even the Nine Heavens.

Even when Liu Xiu thinks of the Lord of the Court, there will be strong respect in his heart, which is caused by a kind of momentum and strength.

Now hearing Xiao Naihe's words, God actually received Xiao Naihe, how could this not surprise Liu Xiu and Mr. Long.

However, Liu Xiu was a person who had seen big winds and waves after all. When he practiced to the early stage of the Nineth Layer, his emotions calmed down in an instant, but there was a slight tremor in his voice: "Master God wants to see you? What is it?"

"I don't know, but he said a lot of things about Archaic Saints, Sakyamuni, and Beinanyi, maybe I was treated as a mantra of the three of them."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly, he did not tell the real situation at that time.

After all, he and Huang Lin played against each other. If that kind of thing was passed on, no matter whether Xiao Nai was a loser or a winner at the time, as soon as it passed, Xiao Nai and He would immediately become the hottest characters in the world.

Although Xiao Naihe's reputation is growing, he still has limited influence.

Mr. Liu Xiu and Mr. Long glanced at each other, knowing that Xiao Naihe certainly wouldn't joke about such things.

For a long time, I only heard Liu Xiu sigh softly, and said, "Master, I have only seen three sides now. And the total of the words said is definitely less than one hundred words. Instead, Brother Xiao Shi, you actually He was interviewed. Your luck is really good. "

Mr. Long nodded: "But I also expected that the" Demons of the Heavens "you practiced is the Taoism of the Heavenly Demon Beinanyi. The identity of Xiu Shengzi looks like that of Taigu Sheng. Even other people will connect you with these three people. "

It is not an accident that Taigu Sheng, Beinanyi, and Shakyam, who are not well-known figures, were received by God.

At this time, Mr. Long and Liu Xiu calmed down at once.

"However, you are now being received by Lord God. It's your brother's luck. You must grasp this luck well."

As soon as the voice fell, Liu Xiu stood up and smiled: "I came here today, but I just wanted to see your safety, Brother. Since you have nothing to do, I will go first. After all, I'm in trouble. , I have to hurry up and explain clearly, and I'll leave now. "

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