Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1622: Suppression (on)

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"No wonder I can't catch this person. This person is an earth-breaking master. The person who has created the creator is placed in the 3,300 world. He is already the overlord of a world. I actually thought this person was a little kid. The thief is really ridiculous. Such a master, in one thought, may be able to level our entire Mingyue Zong to the ground. "

In the life of Xu Zhifei, only the founder of the founding master, Han Siyuan, the king of Izumo Divine Kingdom.

He had also seen Han Siyuan's greatness. At that time, Han Siyuan had brought up all the rivers in the long river in one thought, and he was so astounding.

And when Tianmoxing attacked their Mingyue Sect, they forced the entire Mingyue Sect to almost be destroyed. Xu Zhifei had also heard about this.

However, he later heard that a mysterious master helped Mingyuezong suppress the heavenly demon star, and when he turned his hands, he eliminated the heavenly demon star and completely resolved their crisis.

And that mysterious master is the earth-shaking creator.

Whenever he heard this, Xu Zhifei had a longing mood for Xiao Naihe.

After seeing a real person now, Xu Zhifei is like a fanatic believer, looking at Xiao Naihe!


Xiao Nai was sensitive. He could not notice Xu Zhifei's thought fluctuations, but he didn't care, but said: "I know where the Meteor Continent is, but the small island you mentioned is worth pondering."

"If Senior Xiao doesn't mind, I can let the little girl take you past."

"So best."

Baili is superb and nonsense, beckoning, Shen Nian suddenly flew out.

Almost in a few breathing time, suddenly a scent came from the void, and diffused to this side.

Xiao Naihe's eyes moved, but he saw a woman hurried over.

The woman wore a dark-brown aquarium-patterned dress with a straight collar brocade. The plum skirt with a plum-lined brocade skirt slightly wobbled, and she wore a camel grey feather veil.

The black hair is bright and the hair is chic with a chic auspicious cloud bun. The lightly curled cloud temples are filled with Chijinshou characters to fill the bluestone victory.

At the waist is a milky white butterfly knot long spikes five-color girdle, with a lake blue silver thread embroidered lotus sachet hanging on her feet, wearing light-white embroidered cloud head embroidered shoes.

With a face like Bai Yuyan and Zhao Hua, stepping out slightly, Xiao Nai could feel an ingenious atmosphere from this woman.

"Empty power mansions are twofold in the upper boundary."

Xiao Naihe just glanced at it, and was able to carefully study the woman's cultivation.

In this woman's eyes, a flash of electro-optical light bursts out all the time. This is a kind of strength that reaches the double realm and the electric power.

If placed in the world, such a woman is indeed a master in a master.

"Little girl Bai Libing has seen Senior Xiao."

Bailibing's voice came out slightly, and her voice was like a natural sound, which made Xiao Naihe's calm state of mind feel very sweet.

But in the realm of Xiao Naihe, no matter how good the voice is, it is impossible to touch him.

"Xu Sheng Electric Mang, the double realm, it's really good, I will bother you this time."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly.

"No trouble, seniors please follow me."

After hearing Xiao Naihe's words, Bai Libing looked very calm, neither humble nor overbearing.

Taking Xiao Naihe's current strength as a person, and appraising the cultivation behavior of a cultivator, the other party would be respectful and respectful.

However, Bai Libing was neither humble nor overbearing. This performance also made Xiao Nai take a look at him.

"Let's go."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Nai moved his hands, and there was an extra carriage in the void.

This carriage was originally obtained by Xiao Nai from the Night King. The four BMWs in the front were all flames, but they were almost extinct in ancient times.

A distance of tens of thousands of miles a day is almost nothing on this carriage.

After Xiao Nai revealed the carriage, everyone at the scene changed color. Even Bai Libing was a little surprised, and then entered the carriage in a clever way.

After a while, the figures of the two men had disappeared.

As soon as the carriage was driven, it flew directly to the horizon.

"It seemed to be the BMW of fierce fire in the ancient times, but I didn't expect that I could actually see that this person, Senior Xiao, deserved to be the creator of the world."

Baili Gaotu exhaled slightly.

This time he arranged his daughter, but he actually had his own thoughts. If Bai Libing can get Xiao Naihe's favor, let Xiao Naihe give a few words, it must be a great opportunity for his daughter.

But where would Xiao Nai not see these superb ideas?

He brought out the fiery BMW, but he also had his own ideas.

At this time, they had already left the Kingdom of Izumo God, left Mingyuezong, and flew over Jiehe.

"Senior Xiao's carriage, if the little girl was right, it should have been the long-lost BMW BMW in the ancient times, right?"

"You have a very good vision. There is a place called Tian Luo Huo Hai within the distance from the Meteor Continent to the Izumo Kingdom. Even if I want to pass there, I don't have to use a little means, but you are now training for It ’s not enough, I ’m going to take you forcibly, it ’s also a little troublesome. ”

"It turns out that the BMW BMW of Fire has been through the sky, and if it passes through the sea of ​​fire, it will be able to ride through smoothly, without any trouble."

Bailibing nodded.

How did Xiao Nai go through this day of Luohuo sea, in fact, it is not a difficult problem, but there is a pure yang skyfire power in the sea of ​​fire, even if the master of the triple realm gets a little breath, it will bring great body to his body burden.

Not to mention Bailibing, a cultivator of the double realm.

But in this fierce BMW carriage, there is no such trouble.

"Your age should be less than thirty, but you can practice to the highest level of duality, the virtual life of the mans, it is a genius character, but the last time I was in the Mingyue Sect, I never saw you."

"This senior has no idea. The last time I went out with Zongmen's elders, I didn't know about Tianmoxing. But the seniors helped me Mingyuezong, this kindness, Bailibing will never forget."

"It goes without saying."

"Speaking of it, Sister Han Wantong also told me about you, Senior."

"Han Wantong?"

Xiao Nai hesitated slightly, Han Wantong was Han Siyuan's daughter, and had a small relationship with Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naihe vaguely felt the woman's affection for herself, but she also refused very vaguely.

Now that I heard Han Wantong's name here in Bailibing, Xiao Na couldn't help but feel a strange thought.

Xiao Naihe touched his nose, smiled, and no longer spoke.

At this moment, Xiao Naihe's ears suddenly heard a burst of fine sounds, and it seemed as if someone was coming out of these sounds.


"I know that there are a total of seven people. These seven people are all masters of the supremacy, three are the supremacy five, and four are the supreme.

Xiao Nai waved his hand and interrupted what Bai Libing was about to say.

"So many masters? How can it appear here? But it may have passed by occasionally."

Bailibing raised her eyebrows, and hearing such a master, even Bailibing, a calm and calm character, could not help but feel a shock.

"Then it's hard to say ..."

Xiao Nai smiled.

At the moment when his voice came out, suddenly, the whole carriage seemed to vibrate, and a sound of wood touching came out,

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Between violently, a broken voice came from the void, and in a blink of an eye, several silhouettes were already coming and going, Xiao Naihe opened his eyes, his eyes stopped, and these silhouettes directly seemed to be a few huge ones. Like a meteorite, it hit the carriage and made a loud noise.


Suddenly, the carriage exploded directly in the void and turned into ashes.

"The goal is solved. Let's go, boss."

A man standing in front of him, his eyes gleaming with oil, like a viper.

These people looked at the ashes exploded in the void, turned their heads away, and turned away.

"Is it definitely Ming Yuezong in this carriage?"

"Yes, the breath inside the carriage clearly has a feeling of yin and yang turning. It must be a superb woman Baili Bing. This Baili Bing practiced the moon and moon technique, I will never forget it.

"If that's the case, let's go. But the fart in front of the carriage is a little weird, as if it were some kind of animal in the ancient times."

The leader gave a look and said.

"Don't you know BMW BMW? It seems that your level of cultivation to the supreme realm is sixfold, and the realm of void creation is nothing but futile."

At this moment, from the depths of the void, a burst of sound suddenly appeared, as if thunder and lightning flashed.


"No, let's go."

The leader felt only a weird noise, and the whole person seemed to perceive an extreme threat.

He turned around, grabbed a few companions, and left.

But at this moment, there was a sound of thunder blasting from the void, and the thundering thunder thundered, and all the two figures in front were suddenly blasted down.


These two people are masters who have reached the fifth level of realm. They were blown away by the gods and thundered in a breathing time, and all of them dissipated in the world.

"This idea is very hard, we are not opponents, go away."

A trace of decay flashed in the leader's eyes, and he was impressed to see that his companion was dead.

At the same time as the **** thunder sensation, a huge **** wheel appeared from the void.

The Great God Wheel turned up, as if converging all the thousands of miles of space into a vacuum world.

The remaining few people seemed to feel that countless high mountains were pressing on themselves. The kind of weight seemed to bear the weight of the whole world.

"What kind of Taoism is this?"

At the same time as the leader's voice rang, the divine wheel revealed from the void turned slightly, and finally came out of a person.

This person is Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naihe at this time, his whole body of blood seemed to turn into a smoke, straight.

The sharpness converged, but his magic wheel turned, and the space of thousands of squares turned into a vacuum area at once.

These people just attacked Xiao Naihe and Bai Libing, but did not expect that the other party would escape.

"Several of us united, and as long as we could block it, we left."

After seeing Xiao Naihe's power, the leader took a scream and united with the remaining survivors to perform magical powers and magical thoughts, and actually formed a huge circle of enchantment in the air.

"Not self-restrained."

Xiao Nai He sneered coldly, and between the rotation of the **** wheel behind him, the Dafa wheel of the 'Life and Death Wheel' was exhibited, hitting the enchantment.

Suddenly knocked the entire enchantment into smoke.

These masters, without exception, felt that their spirits and flesh were burning, and even the divine personality was extracted from this huge ** at that moment.

"This kind of realm ... Are you a groundbreaking creator?"

The leader showed despair, watching the few companions left beside him, all turned to ashes in the God Wheel.

"You don't want to kill me, I can tell my senior you about my intention."

"I don't need it anymore. When you die, I can extract all your memories."

Xiao Nai said coldly, that is, he caught in the void and immediately arrested all the spirits of the leader, grasped the flesh, and actually smashed them all away.

On the horizon not far away, Baili Bing watched this happen,

Especially when I saw Xiao Naihe breathing and killing all these people in a few breathing times, I was shocked in my heart.

"The seven masters are all in the realm of five to six levels of supremacy, especially the leader, whose strength is probably no less than the existence of the Devil Star. It was actually caught by this senior Xiao casually, all Kill it. Is this the groundbreaking strength? But even the creator, I am afraid that there is no such terrible magical power. This person is afraid that he has exceeded the level of the creator and stepped into the eightfold realm. Hijack the level. "

Bai Libing looked at Xiao Naihe's speech and killed all seven people. It was only a few breathing times.

Seeing myself swaying, I almost couldn't extricate myself.

"Soul Search Dafa."

Xiao Nai didn't pay attention to Bailibing. These people should come to kill Bailibing instead of killing themselves. If they really want to kill themselves, they will definitely not just send these seven little ones.

The opponents Xiao Naiho is now getting into, without exception, are all above the eighth level, and these seven people are too tender.

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