Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1623: Suppression (below)

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"As long as all the memories in this person's soul are searched out, you will know."

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Nai He forcibly took the leader's soul and grabbed all his memories.

But at this moment, there was a burst of glare from the void, and the light seemed to be countless sword qi, long appeared, like a river, pouring out.

Huh huh huh ...

The sound of the wind ignited, and Xiao Nai's body moved, and the whole person seemed to become nothing at that moment.

And the spirit in his hand was all smashed and cleaned in a moment under this blaze of sword.

"This is a one-hundred-dollar method, Ninth Master?"

Xiao Naihe frowned, his eyes moved, as if it were a sword, and stabbed in the past.

This is a kind of magical power in the Buddhist temple, called King Kong anger.

"Great, did not expect that there is such a master in Mingyuezong."

From the void, suddenly a voice came out, and inside this voice, very calm, a hoarse voice came out.

But Xiao Nai could feel that the breath above the sound was very familiar.

"I must know this person, I have heard this voice."

Xiao Naihe raised his eyebrows, his eyes flicked, and he locked his eyes directly in the void.

This person shattered the spirit of the Sixth Cultivator, who should be willing to let himself know something.

"I don't care who you are, you dare to come out now, don't want to leave."

Xiao Naihe doesn't care whether this person really came to sneak in to count the hundreds of miles of ice. Those people just wanted to count themselves down just now, and Xiao Naihe won't let them go.

Obviously, this person must also be a companion of the seven people.

"is it?"

"Do you want to try it?"

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly. His body was like an electric light, and he wore it out in an instant. It was like a double fire and a strong shock.

Not only that, Xiao Naihe originally disappeared behind the Great God Wheel, and once again showed that between the rotation of this huge God Wheel, it bombarded to the front, just like a flying star, and hit the front.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

Suddenly, a violent sound of riot came from all over the world. The mysterious man standing in the void, although he did not show his true face, but his body suddenly retreated under the bombardment of this **** wheel. Going out, flew to the space outside Wanli.

"Bai Libing, come to me."

Xiao Naihe grabbed in the void, actually caught Bailibing across the air, the whole person seemed to be like a ray of light, and suddenly merged into Xiao Naihe's eyebrows.

Soon, Bai Libing's figure was gone.

And when Xiao Naihe breathed the next time, the God Wheel behind him appeared again, forming the Dafa Wheel of the "Life and Death Form", as if it were a Hades Wheel in Infinite Hell.


In the moment when three consecutive broken words shouted out, a long sword light in thousands of miles directly smashed the entire Shenlun quickly.


There was a loud noise, and the smell of sulfur in the void seemed to be bombarded directly from the ground, sending out a volcanic eruption.

"You still don't want to go?"

A little golden light appeared in Xiao Naihe's eyes, and a moment later, the power of a hundred apertures condensed on the top of his head.

The moment when the hundred apertures floated, it directly turned the entire void into a golden ocean, and behind Xiao Naihe, a huge Buddha image was condensed, the moment this Buddha image appeared , The outgoing Buddha power is magnificent, like an ancient god.

"The supreme bodhi must be spoken, self-knowledge, self-knowledge, perpetual immortality, in all times, contemplation of self-seeking, all things are stagnation, everything is true, all realms are as easy as Such as the heart is true. "

"There is no rest. There is no superior business. Do not seek results. Know the realm. Like a dream. Like a shadow. Like changes."

"Wisdom Boxing Seal, Law Definition Seal, Vajra Realm Seal."

After these three great seals appeared in the void, they merged into the huge Buddha statue behind Xiao Naihe.

Then the Buddha statue opened his eyes and burst into a sky-high power, which was suppressed severely. The whole world seemed to be given life at this moment.

"If you come to the handprint, Xiao Naihe, your cultivation is more refined."

In this voice, it seemed very deep. When he spoke, Xiao Naihe's heart moved slightly and his eyes flickered.

"Are you the ancestor of the Hong family?"

This voice must be the ancestor of the Hong family. Xiao Nai did not expect that he would see the ancestor of the Hong family at this time.

When the old ancestors of the Hong family now dealt with Xiao Naihe and Jun Yongye, Xiao Naihe calculated it, causing many things in the ancestors of the Hong family to rob Xiao Naihe of the past.

Not only that, the soul of Hong's ancestor was also badly hit by Xiao Naihe.

Although Xiao Naihe knew that with the powerful existence of the Hong family ancestor, there would certainly be no danger to his life, but for this period of time, he had not heard about the Hong family ancestor.

"I didn't expect that the ancestral Hong family ancestors, who passed on from the ancient family to the present master, would actually attack me Xiao Nai like Xiao Xiao."

"The old man didn't think it was you, a thief, but you are not a simple young man, Xiao Naihe, but you are the three sons of Xiu Xiu, the old man must kill."

The ancestors of the Hong family also showed their bodies at this time.

Xiao Naihe glanced, but found that the ancestor was similar to before, and the mind was breathing into a very stable state, the level of the nineth peak.

But if you look closely, you can see that the ancestors of Hong's ancestors faintly remained pale.

"But yes, Jun Yongye and I had calculated the Hong ancestor ruthlessly, and even forced the Hong ancestor to escape with the cost of a little dignity. If the injuries he suffered did not have hundreds of years It is difficult to recover. Unless he has the same chance as me. "

Xiao Nai thought secretly.

The Night King and the immortal elders were more seriously injured than the Hong family ancestors, but they only took decades to conceive in Xiao Naihe ’s space-time world.

Of course, that is the speed of time in the space-time world. If the ancestors of the Hong family could cultivate in the space-time world of Xiao Naihe and absorb the vitality of the ancient Leichi and the rice of all things, they would be able to return to their original state within a few decades and hundreds of years.

"Hong Family Ancestor, you are here, there must be no good thing? When I take you down and examine it carefully, you will naturally know the ins and outs."

"It's you kid? If it wasn't for Jun Yongye's presence, you wouldn't take advantage of the old man. Today, the old man will capture you and refine you!"

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