Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1647: chase! chase! chase!

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"The two of us are chasing over and seeing what Xiao Nai wants to do? He is progressing so fast, there must be a great chance in him. If the two of us can get his chance, maybe the Lord Danting will compete in the future. War, what turnaround can you really get. "

At the moment when these two people disappeared, Xiao Naihe and the Night King no longer knew where they were flying.

As for the two people here talking about things later, Xiao Naihe could not hear.

He and the Night King now have a speed of tens of thousands of miles between them. At the peak, they breathed 100,000 miles away.

"Is this the relic that appeared in the memory of North Songyang?"

Xiao Naihe and Ye Wang appeared at a time at this time.

After disappearing from the wild continent, he and the Night King entered another world.

This world is also hundreds of worlds away from the wild continent.

For almost two hours, Xiao Naihe and the Night King came down.

Now Xiao Naihe and the Night King are the pinnacles of today's 3,300 worlds. It is not impossible to pass through 3,300 worlds in one day.

"The breath above this world is very weak. Are there any masters here?"

The Night King did not know who Xiao Nai wanted to deal with, but even Xiao Nai called himself, so it was definitely not an ordinary character.

So when the Night King stepped into this world, he kept an extremely cautious look.

His gaze turned slightly and circled.

The consciousness was released and spread in this small world.

This small world is equivalent to the Wanqing small world. There are several big kingdoms in the world, and there are some large and small sects, at least about a dozen.

But the most powerful thing is nothing but the breath of God's main realm.

When these weak breaths came from this small world, the night king even thought Xiao Nai was in the wrong place.

"Nothing wrong, this is the place."

Xiao Nai was expressionless, but his heart was slightly weird.

There is no strangeness in this place at all, and even the breath of North Songyang does not appear.

Except for the breath of tens of millions of people in the small world, no other breath can be felt at all.

"What kind of master will you be in this world?"

Night King's eyes turned to Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naihe didn't answer. Suddenly a celestial star chart appeared in his eyes. After the star chart flickered, it kept converging into the void.

A trace of fine light appeared in the void, as if a meteor had evolved, and finally formed a stream of light.

"No, come with me quickly."

For the first time, Xiao Naiho's face appeared trembling, and his body moved, and a moment of thought suddenly rolled up, and the night king and the two disappeared in the sky instantly.

The two of them came to a huge area one after another.

When Xiao Naihe came here, did his face become very ugly.

The mountain range that originally appeared in Xiao Naihe's memory was completely invisible at this time.

The endless stream of mountains and forests at least 30,000 miles away disappeared at this time, leaving only a huge tiankeng.

When I saw this tiankeng, a strange look also appeared in the look of the night king, and said in surprise: "This tiankeng is so big that it can do such a thing. At least it is in the realm of the nineth peak. There is no such thing. There is actually a master of the nineth peak on the small world, which is really extraordinary. "

The Night King finally knew why he had to draw himself here.

However, the Night King did not know why the 3,300 world is so powerful. The masters of the Nineth Peak have appeared more and more.

"Unfortunately, let him go, and even that secret realm was taken away by him."

There was a trace of regret in Xiao Naihe's voice, shaking his head.

Originally in the memory of Shennian in Beisongyang, I also saw the holy ruins of Jiuwu Youhuang, and Xiao Na thought that he could grab the ruins by his unexpected blow.

But now it seems that it is a wrong step.

North Songyang was afraid that when he first came back, he had a hunch and removed the entire secret realm.

Looking at the empty pit now, Xiao Naihe felt helpless.

I hurried myself over and wanted to join the Night King to take down Beisongyang, but I didn't expect that Beisongyang didn't see it, and even the entire secret area and old nest were removed by Beisongyang.

"This man is not a master of the Nineth Peak. He is a half-step passive existence, but after being seriously injured by Huang Lin, his strength should be at the level of the Nineth Peak."

"What, half-step passive? Is it Jun Yongye, or the sky demon, or Hua Xiang?" Ye Wang's voice suddenly became shocked.

"No, he is called Beisongyang, and he is a great master, but he ca n’t find it now. This guy must have expected that I would come over from the beginning. Immediately, it was a supernatural power, and he took the whole place away. It ’s really a pity. "

Xiao Naihe shook his head, his mind suddenly moved at this moment, as if forming a network of light, and after spreading in the void, a meta-magnetic force was transmitted at once.

"Look if you can feel some breath of North Songyang, or find some clues here. This secret realm has existed for so long, and it must have left a breath on this piece of land, maybe it will be able to chase North Songyang. "

When Xiao Nai thought about it, she couldn't help but think of something.

Then his consciousness seemed to be a net of light, spreading out, directly enveloping the space of 30,000 miles.

After a while, the light that appeared in his divine thought penetrated into the ground, as if to trace some clues about the secret realm.

"Not found."

Xiao Naihe shook his head. His consciousness had already penetrated eight thousand miles into the earth's heart, and he didn't find anything in it. He couldn't help but feel disappointed.

If he can find some clues about the secret realm from the ground, maybe he really hopes to be able to chase Bei Songyang.

But now, it seems unlikely.

Just when Xiao Nai wanted to take back his own consciousness, suddenly, there was a trace of very subtle force fluctuations that appeared in the ground.

"what is this?"

Xiao Naihe raised his eyebrows, a strange expression appeared on his face.

When Xiao Naiho used his own consciousness to find clues in the ground, Beisongyang at this time had already taken the entire secret realm out and moved it to another place.

This North Songyang puts the entire mystery in a space. It seems to be an independent space, not belonging to the 3,300 world, but created by North Songyang by himself.

"Xiao Naihe, you must be able to search out my mind-body memory, maybe you should be in that world now, looking for my clues, and want to get the secret opportunity in me."

At this time, Beisongyang's eyes flashed with fine mans, and he sat in this void, and all his body released a burst of light.

This is when he practiced the Maori Taoism and reached a very powerful state.

After his five fingers flipped open, a burst of images derived from the void, like a dragon snake, circling continuously, showing a very mysterious breath.

In his secret realm, there are mountains and water, and the most peculiar thing is that the whole space is full of spiritual power.

North Songyang seems to be in a sea of ​​spiritual power in this spiritual power.

Before he was taught by Huang Lin, he was seriously injured and recovered from this sea of ​​spiritual power.

But now, he was seriously injured twice and it was not easy to recover.

"Xiao Naihe, you not only got some of my divine thoughts, but also robbed me of my two Taoist weapons. I will not forget this hatred."

As soon as the voice fell, Bei Songyang's eyes suddenly burst into anger.

With a little bit of his finger, he suddenly became a fist. When this punch went out, there was a kind of punch in the whole sky. When the punch of this wave fluctuated, almost the whole world Shattered.

And this independent space suddenly appeared to be almost collapsed under this punch.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom!

The violent fluctuations suddenly appeared. Under the Northern Songyang Boxing Intent, a huge high mountain in the independent space was all smashed and turned into powder.

But when the intention of Bei Songyang's fist was taken back, a trace of paleness appeared again on his face, as if he appeared very weak.

"I still suffered a lot of serious injuries. I want to recover in the sea of ​​spiritual power. It's not easy! Unfortunately, although I got the remains of Jiuwu Youhuang, I didn't find the personality of Jiuwu Youhuang, no Knowing where the Jiuwu Youhuang ’s divine personality is? "

Bei Songyang shook his head, his eyes moved, and said again: "The news I got at the beginning, after the Jiuwu Youhuang, the divine message, should have existed in a world, but I have not found anything in this secret realm Regarding the divine personality of Jiuwu Youhuang, this is not easy. If I have his divine personality, after refining, maybe I have now entered the passive realm. "

Between the words, Beisongyang's eyes flashed a hint of fineness, "At first I searched for eight thousand miles in the ground under the secret realm, but I didn't feel the existence of other things. Where will it be? "

When Bei Songyang was speaking, his body was once again thrown into the sea of ​​spiritual power.

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