Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1648: Underground Palace!

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At this time, Xiao Naihe had already released his consciousness into the ground. His consciousness was searched in the eight thousand underground, but he did not expect to find another thing.

A wave of strength appeared in the ground, like a sword, constantly colliding with Xiao Naihe's consciousness, so that Xiao Naihe's consciousness seemed to have a feeling of being pierced.

"This breath is very peculiar. Is there anything else that is not easy to stay here?"

Xiao Nai **** raised his eyebrows, as if he had thought of something.

Although Beisongyang has removed the entire secret realm, there is obviously something in this ground. It seems that there should not be anything in this ground in Beisongyang, otherwise no such thing will happen.

"What's wrong, master?"

The Night King looked at Xiao Naihe's look, and found that Xiao Naihe's look was very strange. He thought of it all at once and asked very keenly.

Xiao Nai nodded, he did not hide the Night King, but said, "There seems to be something in this ground, it should be very simple, even my soul is felt, I want to use my soul to see it in the ground , You help me protect the flesh. "

"it is good."

At this moment, a ray of light appeared on the top of Xiao Naihe's head. After the ray was derived, it formed Xiao Naihe's physical form, constantly rotating.

At the last moment, the flesh entered the space at once.

The sea of ​​his consciousness was scanned in the ground, and in a flash, a huge space appeared in Xiao Naihe's mind.

"Strange, I just felt something was there, why can't I feel it now?"

Xiao Naihe felt very strange. His consciousness had just penetrated into the ground. He clearly discovered something, even his own soul and soul showed some temptations, but now he has not found anything at all. Xiao Naiho felt very strange.

But he did not initiate, but to operate his magical powers.

At this moment a glimmer of light flashed beside him.

"Spirit is immortal, magical power is infinite."

Ever since Xiao Nai has cultivated the indelible magic in the Dust Witch Book, even if his spirit floats out for a few years, there will be nothing like the flesh. Even if it is heavily hit, it can be resurrected in situ.

There is no pressure on him when he moves in the underground.

After going deep into the ground of 10,000 miles, Xiao Naiho's soul once again appeared a little trembling.

"Sure enough, it's a bit weird. Not only that, but I felt it after I showed my magical powers. Can the ruins of Jiuwu Youhuang also be left in the ground?"

Xiao Nai said in surprise.

However, this possibility is very high. After all, Xiao Nai is playing the Yuchen Wushu. If all his spirits feel a vibration, then there is something in this space that is probably related to Jiuwu Youhuang. .

At this time, Xiao Na couldn't help but feel shocked, and the whole person once again went deep into the ground.

The spirit of his operation is immortal. At this time, it has already reached 13,000 miles underground, and it has directly entered the range of the earth's center.

But what he appeared was not in the earth's heart, but in front of Xiao Naihe, it was actually a huge palace.

Inside this ground, there is actually a huge underground palace.

"In this place, is there really a secret realm about Jiuwu You Huang? If it is true, then Beisongyang can really miss it. What secrets are there in the underground palace?"

A trace of fineness flashed in Xiao Naihe's eyes.

At this time, suddenly two voices appeared in the whole palace.

"What? You can come down? We clearly set a kind of prohibition in the ground, even the master of the nineth peak, it is impossible to come down, how did you get down?"

"Yes, yes, when your soul appeared just now, the two of us were already running magical powers, and moved this underground palace a bit, but did not expect that you can still be chased down."

When these two voices appeared, Xiao Naihe suddenly saw two figures appear in the air.

The two are a man and a woman.

There was a burst of blood on the man's body, ice-blue eyes were affectionate and indifferent, a tall nose bridge, a blue brocade, his skin gleamed with luster, and a thousand kinds of glaze flashed in his eyes. Shine. And this appearance, this kind of wind instrument, has already surpassed all human appearances.

This man seems to be a man who is more beautiful than a woman, just like he was in the sky. A man who can attract anyone's attention.

The other woman has smooth hair, a chic chic bun, and jade hairpins in her temples. She wears a red gold long-life lock bracelet on her skin like a creamy hand.

There was a kind of spiritual shaking in her eyes. When she walked slightly, there was a flow of power in the whole void, as if she wanted to blow away the whole world.

The breath of these two people is so strong that it is unfathomable.

Xiao Naihe saw these two people's bodies, and the flesh seemed to feel a danger, and the acupuncture points on his body were shaking.

"The two of you are not humans, but the" spirit "produced by something. It is really powerful. You, such a life, can actually cultivate to the nineth level."

There was a trace of surprise in Xiao Naihe's voice. The real meaning of these two people is not the existence of human beings, but a kind of ‘spiritual’ life, which does not belong to the existence of demon, demon, man and god.

And there are existences such as Qiling and Danling.

But these two men and women who are terribly beautiful have very strange looks.

Especially the man, when he saw Xiao Naihe, a flash of fine light flashed in his eyes, and he showed a kind of calculation.

"This man is very good. I guess his physical body must have been practicing the magical powers of the Wu people. Maybe it was the Taoism that the person had practiced before. If we can get this man ’s house, we can be reincarnated, integrated and truly reincarnated adult."

This man revealed his desire without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, this man actually wanted to get Xiao Naihe's flesh, as long as he occupied Xiao Naihe's flesh, he would be able to regain his life.

And it's not just that one spiritual life wants to capture Xiao Naihe's flesh, but that these two spiritual lives need to be integrated into one, and the two are one to capture Xiao Naihe's flesh.

"If the spirit gets the human body, it can indeed take the rebirth. But who is the person you just said? What I just showed is the magical power of the soul, can you still recognize it?"

"God's soul will not die? Yuchen Wuxu! You really ..."

After hearing Xiao Naihe's voice, the two spiritual lives of man and woman showed a shock in their eyes.

"The two of you know the Yuchen Witch Book. Sure enough, you two must have been derived from the spirit of Jiuwu Youhuang, otherwise how would you know my supernatural powers, it seems that you really have a big secret."

"Hahaha, I did n’t expect that the descendants of the Yuchen Wushu Book would actually come here. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. After we get your flesh, we will take the adult, and maybe we can become the second Nine Witch by then You're silent. "

This man's eyes suddenly showed a ferocious look.

"Help me."

The man yelled, and the female's spiritual life nodded. At this time, it was actually the first shot.

"I'm just a **** and soul descending now, and it's a magical power that can't be destroyed. You can't kill me. Even if I destroy my soul, my soul can be resurrected in place. And my body is in Above. "Xiao Naihe continued.

"It doesn't matter, we also know some of the cultivation gates in the Yuchen Wushu. We will wait until the two of us work together to suppress your soul, devour your soul, and replace your personality. Originally, I wanted to remove you The divine form is refined. But if you gather two of us and distill your divine form, you can really take your body. When you reach the ground, you will be able to successfully take the adult. "

The two of them shot, and suddenly the whole palace shook.

It turned out that these two people wanted to destroy Xiao Naihe's personality, they merged into one, and a new personality was derived to replace Xiao Naihe's current personality!

"I want to take away my flesh and refine my soul. I can't help myself."

Xiao Nai snorted aloud, and a burst of light appeared immediately above his head. Not only that, but after a huge Buddha image was derived, a voice spread like a Sanskrit sound:

"The supreme bodhi must be spoken, self-knowledge, self-knowledge, perpetual immortality, in all times, contemplation of self-seeking, all things are stagnation, everything is true, all realms are as easy as Such as the heart is true. "

"If you come to a handprint, press!"

The moment when this huge Buddha statue was derived, the hotness in the original void was all dissipated at this time, replaced by the gentleness of the Buddha statue from Xiao Naihe.

This kind of gentleness seems to be able to influence everything in the world and make anyone very gentle!

But this kind of gentle power suddenly turned into a sudden.

The 'Vajra Realm Seal', the 'French Definition Seal' and the 'Wisdom Boxing Seal' derived from that palace. Three different French seals are derived from the integrated Rulai handprint.

This is the moment when the handprint was pressed down, and the two men and women were suddenly suppressed from the void, and a violent noise was made, as if the entire underground world would explode.


Suddenly, the underground palace shook, as if the entire center of the earth would be exploded.

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