Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1709: Can you run away (on)

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"Does Xiao Shengzi and Wushen have any grievances?"

Everyone was taken aback, all of them were elites. When they saw the performance of Wu Shenyi, how could they not see that Xiao Naihe and Wu Shenyi had been so messy.

As soon as Wu Shen had a murderous intention in his heart, he was pressed down by him, and he no longer looked at Xiao Nai, but said in a deep tone: "Brother Xiao's words, we still wait until after the banquet today. Come on. Please all guests, please enroll! "

As soon as the voice fell, Wushen waved his hand, carrying Nalanrong, and dozens of other beasts followed him.

Xiao Naihe's expression was indifferent. At this moment, there seemed to be a slight change in his face, only to see his gaze slightly turned and looked towards the front.

In the blink of an eye, even Ling Xiao seemed to realize that Xiao Naihe's eyes were looking behind him.

But that's why, at the moment when he felt Xiao Naihe's sight, Ling Xiao felt like he was blown up, and the pores all over his body seemed to be shocked in an instant.

Xiao Naihe's original expressionless face also showed a smile at this time. Looking at the figure in front of him, the smile on his face became more and more obvious, and suddenly burst into a cry: "North Songyang!"

This sound is like thundering for nine days. Anyone in the field who has heard Xiao Naihe's voice shakes his body instinctively, and his eyes are locked in the front.

At this time, a burst of qi and blood was exploded by Xiao Naihe, and the breath emerging from the body became a line, which actually formed a qi and blood smoke, and rushed into the sky.

Thousands of qi and blood and wolf smoke rushed into Yunxia at the same time, what a spectacular scene.

But Xiao Naihe didn't target those people, but the shadow behind Ling Xiao's body.

The black shadow was looming. After hearing Xiao Naihe's words, I saw the other party's black clothes move violently, as if a black wind blew away, and flew towards the front.

In a flash, it was gone.

However, Xiao Naihe's gaze did not disappear, because at that time he captured the disappeared black shadow, and at this time, he flew towards the front.


I saw Xiao Naihe chasing the disappearing shadow, and rushed out in a flash.



The voices of Mr. Liu Xiu and Mr. Long passed on, and they did not expect Xiao Naihe to pass all of them in a flash, chasing the mysterious shadow.

"Who was that just now? Did you see that?" Liu Xiu looked around and could not help asking.

Mr. Long shook his head, but Xiao Nai He Gang called "North Songyang" at the end. This person's name is familiar.

Everyone didn't know who Xiao Naihe had just called, but when he saw Xiao Naihe chasing him out, the look on his face suddenly became strange.

Even Wu Shenyi, looking at Xiao Naihe's disappearing back, a strange look appeared on his face.

In an instant, Xiao Naihe chased the shadow at this time and flew out of the manor, and he drove directly towards 100,000 miles away.

After a while, there was almost a time of incense sticks. The two people had entered the void of the sky,

In the cross-flow of the void, all kinds of gang wind and meteorite flows are revealed at this time, and the scene is extremely dangerous.

But these two figures are flying at extremely high speed, and they don't feel any danger in this cross-flow of void.

Xiao Nai laughed aloud, and there seemed to be an extremely strange power in his laughter.

"North Songyang, do you think you can run away? You are dressed like this, hiding your qi and blood thoughts, hinting next to Ling Xiao, really think I can't see it!"

Between Xiao Naihe and his laughter, the blood on his body suddenly burst out, and all of the 18 acupuncture points in the body were working at this time, as if the endless spiritual power was soaring.

At the moment when the drink burst out, the black shadow in front of it seemed to be hit by the thunder in a flash, and he was shocked. There was a tendency to be bombarded.

And Xiao Naihe also followed this momentum, and his body's acupuncture once again exploded into a very powerful power. The true dragon essence and blood in the body also burned at this time, becoming extremely hot.

In the blink of an eye, I saw Xiao Naihe's boxing intention has burst out, punching out, as if to smash the whole world.

"Human Dragon's Fist, break through!"

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

Suddenly, this fist burst out of Xiao Naihe's head. At this time, the original black shadow was slammed down by Xiao Naihe's fist, and there was a kind of torn between body shapes. feel.

In the space, it was suddenly twisted. I saw Xiao Naihe at this time. When the punch fell down, the black shadow at the front was also moved, and the black robe on his body was smashed by Xiao Naihe. Clean.

"Xiao Naihe, you are really aggressive, are you really a bully in Bei Songyang?"

At this time, the man in black finally showed his identity. This person was none other than Beisongyang. At this time, Beisongyang flashed a fine awn in his eyes.

At this time, the spiritual power of the whole body also burst out like a waterfall, and the momentum was intense. The spiritual power of the body on the body turned into a long river, and in the blink of an eye, it was covered towards Xiao Naihe.

Bang bang bang bang ...

At the same time, Xiao Naihe's outbreak of boxing was hit by the force of Bei Songyang.

Between the fierceness, Xiao Naihe's punch had a feeling of being pulled away.

But for an instant, Xiao Naiho's body also moved suddenly, and behind him suddenly appeared a huge Buddha statue.

When this Buddha statue appeared, it released a golden light. When these golden lights were working, the consciousness formed a huge net of light.

In the blink of an eye, the light network was already enveloped on top of Beisongyang. Not only that, but Beisongyang's figure was under the light of the light network, and there was a feeling of being shot away.


A burst of fine light erupted in Bei Songyang's eyes, and he punched out again, and there was a clicking sound all over his body, as if his blood and bones were hitting at a rapid speed, and there was a loud noise.

Then the huge Buddha statue behind Xiao Naihe was also photographed by a palm print and printed on it!

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