Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1710: Can you run away (below)

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Xiao Nai was so aggressive, the power in his body exploded in an instant, and the huge physiognomy that emerged behind him opened his eyes. The palm prints fell from the sky, and the seal fell on Bei Songyang.

Originally, when Beisongyang threw a punch, he felt Xiao Naihe's palms, and he was shocked in his heart. He quickly recovered his punching intention and jumped to the back.

However, when he jumped over, Xiao Naihe's gaze also followed, only to see his handprint as if locked in the North Songyang, no matter where North Songyang jumped, Xiao Naihe's palm print followed wherever he went. .

Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...

The wind sounded, and a violent gang wind came from above at this time.

Xiao Naihe looked up and saw that the gust of wind had completely wrapped up North Songyang's look.

"North Songyang, it seems that the injury that Huang Lin gave you was not recovered until now. Not only that, your current strength is at most the level of the nineth peak, and you have lost two pieces of destiny Daoqi. Why fight me? "

Xiao Naihe's voice passed through, and when North Songyang heard it, he was shocked, and a strong murderous opportunity was revealed in his eyes, and he stepped out to the front.

"Xiao Naihe, what are you doing? You just got the demon ceremonies of the North Songyang. At best, your luck and Fuyuan are better, and you cast a good baby, and you are born a three-repair saint. The magical powers, but what about that? I have faced big and small battles in North Songyang, and even faced the horrors of life and death. How could you, a child, realize this? "

Among the voices of North Songyang, there is a deep murderous opportunity.

Being forced to such a position by Xiao Nai, it is no wonder that Bei Songyang would hate Xiao Nai for nothing.

As soon as the voice fell, Bei Songyang's body moved like a wind and fire. The wind that was originally wrapped around him was caught by Bei Songyang with both hands, and it actually shattered the tears.

Afterwards, I saw that North Songyang was fierce, and the spiritual power of the body was running. Like a fire, his punching power could come down within nine days at a fingertip speed.



With a loud bang, Bei Songyang made such a move that after tearing apart all the wind, his fist was like a supreme dragon, and he was already bombarded in a flash.

In an instant, it has already come to the fore.

After a while, the huge golden Buddha that Xiao Naihe originally showed was smashed cleanly.

Bang bang bang bang ...

Pieces of golden light scattered all around, showing an extremely strange state.

However, after Xiao Naihe, the huge golden Buddha, was shattered, Xiao Naihe did not have any fear, only to see his eyes move slightly, and when he looked ahead, the spiritual power of the mind in the body quietly worked, and it was instant The room just broke out in front.


When Xiao Naihe gave a slap, the air suddenly made a strange sound.

Then I only saw Xiao Naihe's hands open, which was inspired by palms and palms. Then, above his head, countless streamers swirled up, forming a small vortex.

The vortex is like a huge oven between the rotations, showing an extremely powerful magical power.

"The big ovens!"

As soon as the oven moved, it fell down like a sky fire, and the force of the violent oven hit the North Songyang when it landed.

"Did the big ovens? Break me!"

After all, Beisongyang had also seen the magic of Beinanyi in the past. In order to retaliate Beinanyi, Beisongyang collected a lot of information about the Beinanyi Taoist law and knew the heavens of Beinanyi.

Not only that, Xiao Naihe before him also had a war, knowing Xiao Naihe's great.

As early as after eating Xiao Naihe's big loss, Bei Songyang had already put away his contempt, and dared not have any idea of ​​underestimating Xiao Naihe.

I saw Bei Songyang's two punches and one blow, the spiritual power of the body was working, and then the surrounding airflow was also poured back at this time, forming a huge vortex.

The whirlpool seemed to summon a tornado, and wrapped up the "Big Ovens" exhibited by Xiao Naihe.

"Hui Xiang succeeds, Emperor God, humanity comes first!"

Xiao Naihe slapped his palms, and a trace of light appeared in his eyebrows, like a halo in the shape of a lightning, running above the top of Xiao Naihe's head. All wrapped up and down.

"Break me."

During the speech, Xiao Naihe shot it again, knocking Bei Songyang into the back.

Bei Songyang was full of blood and blood, and was photographed by Xiao Naihe's palm. He suddenly felt a sense of inability to stand.

"This Xiao Naihe's strength is getting more and more powerful, even if it is not worse than when I was at its peak. And he is now only the ninth peak, actually has this strength? Is it possible for San Xiu Shengzi? Is it really so powerful? "

As soon as Bei Songyang moved, his body moved toward the front, and he would jump out of Xiao Naihe's siege.

He came over today, originally hiding in a dark place, instructing Ling Xiao to deal with Xiao Naihe and killing Xiao Naihe.

However, he did not expect that Xiao Nai was so mad, and had no influence at all. He did not take Ling Xiao's slaughter in his eyes. It was even more powerful and forced Ling Xiao to show his feet.

Not only that, Xiao Naihe finally saw where he was.

Bei Songyang knew that he lost to Xiao Naihe three times!

"No, I lost to Beinanyi!"

A move in Beisongyang's heart, Xiao Naihe inherited the demon ceremonies of Beinanyi. Counting, the person he really lost to was Beinanyi!

But where does Bei Songyang know, Bei Nanyi is Xiao Naihe, and Xiao Naihe is Bei Nanyi.

"This kid is very important, and he still has two Destiny Dao devices unused, so don't entangle him for too long."

After thinking, Bei Songyang will escape.

However, Xiao Nai was willing to let Bei Songyang escape, and only saw a huge **** wheel running behind him. This **** wheel absorbed all the airflow around him, showing the light of colorful glass.

Seeing here, Xiao Nai's eyes moved and took a step forward, and he was fierce.

The huge **** wheel behind it also turned at this time, and hit the direction of North Songyang's escape.

But at this time, a stream of light in the void was shining, and a smell of sulfur permeated, forming a huge fireball, which suddenly blocked Xiao Naihe's "Great God Wheel".

"It's you?!"

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