Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1726: Extremely dangerous

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The golden light that appeared in the entire void seemed to fall down on Huangbi from the upper blue, and when that kind of momentum was crushed, all the surrounding airflows were compressed together, forming a ball.

These **** exploded directly when they flew out.

Boom! Boom!

When the strong explosion wave came out, there was already a crack above Xiao Naihe's head on the next side.

Not only that, but at this time, a figure emerged from these cracks.

This figure appeared, and Xiao Nai recognized it anyway.

Because this person is none other than Beisongyang.

"Xiao Naihe, I want you to die."

Bei Songyang's eyes erupted in a cruel light, and the whole person looked a little bit distorted under this surge of power, and his whole body was murderous.

Although Beisongyang is not out of the half-step passive peak period, it has degenerated to the nineth peak, but like Xiao Naihe, he is a top presence among the nineth peak, which can be compared with the masters of the half-step passive state. Too.

That is why North Songyang dared to attack Xiao Naihe.

If anyone in the world is remembered by Beisongyang, it must be calculated at all times, then that person will definitely not live long.

Who is Beisongyang? The inheritance of the ancient family to the present day, the accumulation of itself is not under the head of any super-sect.

If you want to secretly attack a person, what a horror.

Unless it is a master of the unity of origin, it is very likely to be calculated.

It's like Xiao Naihe now. If you don't take everything into account, it will be terrible.

It can be said that even Hua Xiang and Jun Yongye will have strong fears.

Otherwise, Jun Yongye and Hua Xiang teamed up to attack Xiao Naihe just now, and Xiao Naihe would not feel such a strong murderous opportunity.

If it is normal, even if it is a secret attack by Bei Songyang, Xiao Nai is at most a headache, but he will never be defeated by the other party.

But now under the attack of Jun Yongye, Bei Songyang's shot made Xiao Naiho feel the danger.

"The Great God Wheel, all around!"

Almost at that dangerous time, Xiao Naiho vacated one hand, only to see him turn one hand, a huge divine wheel appeared at once, continuously turning in the void, suddenly making all the airflow around Back pouring in, it looks like a vacuum form.

At this time, the surrounding airflow was all extracted, and the danger did not disappear, but became more intense.


When Xiao Naiho split up his thoughts and managed to deal with Jun Yongye and Beisongyang at the same time, suddenly the third force also rushed in.

There was a flame from a distance, as if it were the Skyfire Avenue.

The fire was ringing out, and the vacuum patterns in all directions suddenly swelled and became more and more inflated.

"The Taoism of the Hong Ancestor!"

Xiao Nai should have expected it long ago. The ancestors of the Hong family and Bei Songyang were together, there was no reason why only Bei Songyang appeared

I'm afraid that another Hong family ancestor has been secretly observing the battle situation.

"These two people must have known that Jun Yongye and I were working early in the morning, and had been waiting for the opportunity. When I was the most unfavorable, I was the most relaxed and alert, and then shot me. I'm afraid this North Songyang is just a guise The person who really wants to strike me fatally should be the ancestor of the Hong family. It ’s really a good calculation, a good calculation. "

Xiao Naihe now faces the most dangerous time in history.

He was also attacked by Jun Yongye, Hong's ancestors, and North Songyang at the same time. If it was not for the annihilation that stopped Hua Xiang, I was afraid that there would be another Hua Xiang at that time.

The four top masters besieged themselves at the same time, and Xiao Naihe was even more powerful, as long as he did not step into the passive realm, the original unity, he was afraid to drink and hate the spot.

Even so, Xiao Nai now faces the siege of three people, and it is extremely dangerous.

At this time of danger, suddenly, a light appeared in Xiao Naihe's eyebrows.

The moment when this light fluttered out, it seemed that the two streamers flew out with their own spirituality.

Between the fingers, two babies appeared in front of Xiao Naihe.

"Fate lock, fate chain!"

When they felt the danger, these two Taoist devices finally came out automatically to protect Xiao Nai.

At this time, Destiny Sky Locke gave out a purple glow, forming a boxy cage.

But in the past, the Destiny Sky Lock was trapping the enemy. Today, the cage formed by the Destiny Sky Lock has formed a Taoist weapon to protect Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naihe's whole person was wrapped in this fate lock and deeply protected.

"This is the fate lock of Jiuwu Youhuang?"

Hua Xiang's eyes lit up, revealing a trace of shock.

The ancestors of the Hong family and North Songyang shot Xiao Nai at that time, and Hua Xiang and Shi Yu were also not expected.

They didn't do it. Originally, they were suppressing the flower phase, but now, in reverse, they are forming the flower phase.

Because the war situation turned over, Xiao Naihe suddenly fell into a dilemma and danger. Now Hua Xiang doesn't let Emo shoot, but in turn does not allow Emo to act.

Hua Xiang originally thought that in such a battle situation, Xiao Nai no matter how powerful he is will certainly die.

But I didn't expect that at this time the change was rampant.

In front of Xiao Naihe, there are actually two pieces of Taoism, both of which are the magic weapons of Jiuwu Youhuang's original life, the "Fate Lock" and "Fate Chain".

The two pieces of Daoqi were flying out, and the fate lock had formed a purple cage to protect Xiao Naihe.

This fate locks itself is almost impossible to break unless it is shot by a master of unity of origin.

Even at this time, under the joint efforts of Jun Yongye, Hong Family Patriarch, and North Songyang, and bombarding the box of the boxy party in the past, none of them could shake the 'Destiny Lock' point. This fate is locked up.



Just under Xiao Naihe's scream, the 'Chain of Destiny' floating in the air was like a viper, rushing out directly, and bound to the North Songyang side.


Bei Songyang is the former master of these two Taoist weapons, and naturally knows the power of the chain of fate.

Flying in the chain of fate, Bei Songyang almost did not hesitate and withdrew.

He retreated very fast, almost between the fingers, tearing the void crack, then drilled in and disappeared.

At this time, the ancestors of the Hong family were also unable to achieve a single blow, and traveled thousands of miles.

On the surface, it seems to be chasing Bei Songyang to leave, but in fact the Hong family ancestors are also very afraid of Jun Yongye.

Jun Yongye's hatred towards Hong's ancestors is even greater than that of Xiao Nai.

In fact, at the moment when the ancestors of the Hong family shot, Jun Yongye had a little idea to deal with the ancestors of the Hong family.

However, the ancestors of the Hong family were very savvy after all. After the attack, they did not succeed and flew out immediately.


Hua Xiang was a little surprised to see here.

Unexpectedly, the situation reversed together, and the ancestors of the Hong family and North Songyang actually withdrew from the battle at this time.

But almost at that moment, Yuyao moved again. His body seemed to be a streamer, which was beyond the sight of Hua Xiang.

In the blink of an eye, it was already in front of Xiao Naihe.

"let's go."

Xiao Naihe was not allowed to speak, and his hands suddenly filled with a fascinating radiance, as if it were a colorful glaze, and surrounded him and Xiao Naihe.

"Want to go?"

Hua Xiang is also not an ordinary person. Although he was drilled by the attack, he reacted in an instant, and his body suddenly broke out with a strong murderous opportunity. In the eyes of Hua Xiang, there was a trace of fine light.

Subsequently, a huge palm spawned in mid-air.

"Humanity is the most holy, there is no giant palm!"

When this hand was stretched out, Xiao Naihe and the two of them were to be grasped fiercely, but at that moment they caught an empty one.

Swish swish!

Wind and sound transmission, Suddenly, Xiao Naihe saw a twist in front of her eyes, and the next moment brought herself, and the two seemed to jump into the endless time and space, constantly shuttle.

And Hua Xiang and Jun Yongye have disappeared at this time.

The two of them seem to be a million miles away from themselves, as well as several continents.

"Xiao Naihe, Sixiu Avenue."

At this time, Jun Yongye looked at Xiao Naihe ’s disappearing back, and Jun Yongye ’s face also showed a hint of weird color. He did n’t know what the man was thinking now.

"I didn't expect that Xiao Naihe's hands still have 'Destiny Heaven Lock' and 'Destiny Chain', but these two Taoist implements are the magic weapon of Jiuwu Youhuang, which was actually obtained by this son. With this son's current strength, Coupled with these two Taoist instruments, I am afraid that we have the capital to fight us. "

Jun Yongye shook his head and sighed softly. Instead of the fierce expression just now, he said in a deep tone.

Hua Xiang smiled slightly, and said lightly: "Although this son is powerful, but the background is not enough. Now, what if he got the fate of Taoism? At that time, he was as strong as Jiuwu Youhuang, but he was not given by that person in the end. killed!"

After hearing Hua Xiang ’s words, Jun Yongye ’s expression suddenly appeared strange, but it only appeared in an instant, and soon calmed down.

"As long as I step into the unity of the origins, I am not afraid of even Yuhuang, Xiao Naihe, and even Huang Lin. But now I still need the chance secret of Huang Lin. This flower phase also wants to get that secret, and has to Defense. "

Jun Yongye glanced at Hua Xiang.

Speaking of which, these two people are still competitors in disguise, but now they are only a temporary joint effort.

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