Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1727: Loulan

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Xiao Naihe and Shiyao stayed in the demon world after traveling through the space.

This is a small island not far from the wild continent.

Speaking of it, the barren continent is not far from the base camp of the demon world, that is, the territory within the control range of the annihilation.

Otherwise, at the beginning of the war, Xiao Nai would not suggest that Xiao Nai go to the wild continent to arrange it first.

"Xiao Naihe, I didn't expect you to even get the two natal Taoist weapons of the Nine Witch You Huang, but also, you have cultivated the Wu Dao yourself. If you have no chance, how could you practice Wu Avenue? The Dao Taoist should be in this opportunity. "

A trace of fine awn flashed in Di Yan's eyes.

Today's 殒 湮 no longer regards Xiao Naihe as his descendant, but as the same existence as himself, which is said in the tone of his peers.

Xiao Naihe's battle with Jun Yongye is also to let Yuya see the potential of this child and know that Xiao Naihe is powerful.

No wonder Huang Lin said before that he is most fond of Xiao Naihe. Even if Xiao Naihe turned to Huang Lin, maybe Huang Lin would really cultivate Xiao Naihe to the existence of the unity of origin.

Hearing what Huang Lin said at that time, even if you were in 懒 湮, I felt a little emotional.

He admired Xiao Naihe's ability to refuse temptation at that time, but he was not surprised when he recalled that Xiao Naihe was able to set the precedent for the four-cultivation avenue, which was a genius in itself.

The genius of this kind of genius will naturally not be willing to surrender to anyone, even if that person is a passive master who has stepped into the unity of the origin.

"This is nothing?" Xiao Nai waved his hand.

It's not known to the fact that the reason why he was able to obtain the Dao Taoist weapon was still snatched from the hands of Bei Songyang.

Speaking of Beisongyang, he did not expect that he would join hands with Hong's ancestors to deal with himself today. Xiao Naihe could not tolerate Beisongyang and Hongs' ancestors.

Between the thoughts, Xiao Naihe sighed softly: "If you weren't Mr. Yu, just now, I am afraid that under the joint efforts of those four people, I will not survive even if I am even more powerful."

What Xiao Naihe said is true. Originally, when Xiao Naihe played against the Hongzu ancestors and Beisongyang earlier, he had already spent a lot of energy. Not only that, but he had also dealt with the long sky before.

According to Xiao Naihe's state at that time, if he had to deal with those four people again, nine out of ten would have to drink and hate on the spot.

It is useless even if there is a fate of Taoism.

"No need to say this. You and I are now people on the same road. You are for your avenue, and I am for my avenue. Both of us have their own purposes, but it happens that our purposes are in line. A common enemy, so the two of us can work together. "

There was no hypocrisy in the fall, and she appeared as a benefactor.

Like Xiao Naihe, he is now helping Liu Xiu.

However, the help of Liu Xiu was because he wanted to borrow Liu Xiu's future power to get the chance secret in the hands of Huang Lin.

As for Xiao Naihe, the reason why he is helping Liu Xiu now is to use Liu Xiu's hand to deal with the enemies in his own court.

"Now that Huang Lin has picked everything out, whether it is you or me, or Hua Xiang, Jun Yongye, etc., are all part of Huang Lin's plan. To be honest, if you and I are separated, It ’s not enough for Huang Lindou. Hua Xiang and Jun Yongye obviously seem to have started to join forces, and North Songyang and Hong Family Ancestors are now joining forces. According to news, Pan Lingzi and Huo Luo King are also joining forces. By the way, if we do n’t join forces, then we can only be broken one by one. "

You can see it very clearly.

Mori is not an ordinary person, but if he is left alone to deal with Hua Xiang and Jun Yongye, it may not be a problem. .

Under such circumstances, Xiao Nai turned out to be born, but instead helped to help the difficult problem.

"Dan Ting these things, let's talk about it later, I still have some things to solve next, I have to go to a place."


"The Loulan Continent!" Xiao Naihe did not forget what Tian Daotong said before. Lou Lanzi, the founder of the Loulan Palace, was the heir of the last Yuchen Wushu.

"But this Lou Lanzi has also been a character five or six thousand years ago, and this inheritance has been too long." Xiao Naihe always had such a doubt in his mind.

But now Loulan Palace is Xiao Naihe ’s last clue to solve the truth of the destruction of the Wu clan. If this clue is broken, then the truth of the destruction of the Wu clan cannot be ascertained. Dust Witch Book 'selected.

Moreover, Xiao Nai and He vaguely had a feeling that there might be a relationship between himself and ‘Yuchen Wuxuan’, otherwise ‘Yuchen Wuxuan’ would not choose others, but choose himself.

It is this kind of feeling that Xiao Nai wants to find out the truth.

"Loulan Continental? That is far away, Loulan Continental seems to have little noise now. More than 5,000 years ago, Loulan Palace was established among Loulan Continental. Loulan Palace at that time, compared to today's The kind of sect gate is very powerful. It can be compared with Danting, but since Loulanzi died, there is less and less news in Loulan Palace, so that now Loulan mainland seems to be closed, and almost no one can enter Now. "

Shi Dao froze for a moment, but did not expect that Xiao Nai actually wanted to go to the Loulan mainland.

As for the prestige of Loulan Palace, Xiao Naihe also investigated it. Although it is not very comprehensive, some news is still known.

Swish swish!

Under the rush to the road, Xiao Naihe and Shiyao had already entered the wild continent.

At this time, the two people entered the sky above Yantian Pavilion as if they were floating in the void.


Just as he entered the sky above Yantian Pavilion, Di Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

His eyes suddenly looked forward, because at this moment, suddenly Yu felt a dark breath filled in the void, coming from the Yantian Pavilion.

This breath even vaguely made Duo feel very powerful and unmatched.

What level is it that makes you feel powerful? The 湒 湮 is already a half-step passive state of existence. Being able to make Shao absolutely powerful and unmatched is at least the highest level of the Ninefold Peak.

"I'm gone, now, thank you for helping me today."

Xiao Nai nodded, and then, under that dark breath, disappeared.

After seeing Xiao Naiho disappearing like this, Xiao Na sighed and shook his head.

At first, he thought that the dark power had come to offend Yan Tian Pavilion.

But seeing this, he knew that the master of that force should also be the one in the Yantian Pavilion, and Xiao Nai knew each other.

"When did Xiao Naihe have such a powerful helper? With the performance of the force just now, the other party was at least at the peak of Jiuzhong. Whether it is the 3,300 world or the Jiutian God Realm, it can achieve Jiuzhong. There are not many people in the peak realm. But the master of the nineth peak is proud and arrogant, how can he be worshipped under a sect in the human world? "

Shao shook his head.

He found that there were too many secrets in Xiao Naihe, and even the current annihilation could not find out everything about Xiao Naihe.

Thinking of coming here, the whole person seems to have turned into a stream of light and disappeared above the Yantian Pavilion.

At the same time that the annihilation disappeared, the Night King and Xiao Naihe were already in the Yantian Pavilion and went to Xiao Naihe's study.

"Master, the spiritual power of your mind is so fragile, it consumes so much, what kind of person can actually make you consume it like this?"

Ye Wang was slightly taken aback, how powerful Xiao Nai was, Ye Wang could not understand more clearly, who could make Xiao Nai and Xiao Nai He look like this, who is it?

The dark breath just now was what the Night King showed.

The Night King is not an ordinary person. When he sees Xiao Naihe's face now, he doesn't know how powerful Xiao Naihe consumes.

"Fight against several powerful characters."

"It turned out to be the case, but the breath of the person who just came back with the master was so powerful that I even faintly felt that there was an aura that surpassed myself. The power of the **** Dao is so strong, if I didn't guess wrong, it should be heaven Let ’s die. "

"Yes, I and I are now temporarily united for some purpose. Not to mention these, I am now back in the Yantian Pavilion, one is to recover for a while, and the other is to look at Yantian How much Loulan information did the court investigate! "

Xiao Naihao waved his hand and twirled his mind for a while. The slightly pale face slowly faded away, and Xiao Naihe's fragile breath was already pretty good.

"These were sent before. They all have information about Loulan. Please see the master."

The Night King simply handed over the scrolls one by one.

Before Xiao Naiho left, he had already ordered Dai Jun's ancestor to check out the news about Loulan.

I didn't expect that Dai Jun's ancestors were so powerful, and they really investigated a lot of Loulan's news.

Seeing here, Xiao Nai nodded and grabbed all the scrolls in his hand.

"Dai Jun's ancestors were very effective in doing things. I didn't expect to find so much information in a short time. It seems that it is correct to give Yantiange's information and intelligence system to him."

Xiao Naihe now lacks an intelligence system that is not financial or power, but belongs to him.

The appearance of Dai Jun ’s ancestors helped Xiao Nai solve this problem.

"Huh? There is such a big weirdness in this Loulan Palace?" Xiao Nai said suddenly.

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