Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1759: Unexpected

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When this burst of knife lighted up, the entire void was as bright as daylight.

The energetic circling around, like a vortex rushing into the sky, catching the endless snow mountain directly.

But for a breathing time, I only saw Xiao Naihe turned his head, and a blue light suddenly appeared in his eyebrows.

After this blue light split, it split like a spider's web, almost in one breath, and immediately swayed.

The mountains and rivers are cracking, and the world cannot tolerate it!

A knife, heaven and earth!

"Oops, this Xiao Naihe still has such a knife in his body."

Zhao Feiling was shocked, and when he looked at Xiao Naihe, he saw a figure suddenly emerge from Xiao Naihe. This figure was no one else but the night king who came out of the world inside Xiao Naihe.

That's right, the night king.

Xiao Naihe deliberately left the Night King's avatar in his body when he came to Loulan mainland.

Although the Night King is not as good as himself, after all, he is the master of the nineth peak.

The same is the peak of the nineth layer. The strength of the Night King is almost the same as that of Beimingxie, which is three points better than Zhao Feiling.

Zhao Feiling's whole body of attention was on Xiao Naihe's body, and he never thought that there would be another person out of Xiao Naihe's body.

I saw the avatar of the Night King, his eyebrows were condensed with light, and a dark breath condensed together, pointing out with one finger, forming a long black knife.

The sword is overflowing like a demon!

Huh huh huh ...

There was a violent wind, and I saw three words slowly from the mouth of Ye Wang: "Ye Wudao!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a loud bang.

The air of the sword condensed from the finger of the night king suddenly flew out and chopped down directly towards Zhao Feiling.

A master of the Ninth Peak, suddenly and suddenly killed, how powerful is the blow that gathers the body protection force to exert?

Earth-shattering and earth-shattering.

When the sword of the night king flew out, he came to Zhao Feiling, almost within an instant, the sword light spread and waved out.

Killed directly in front of Zhao Feiling at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

The Night King was fierce, and the spiritual power in the body was similar to the invincible spirits. He cut it fiercely, actually driving the spirits around him, so that the breath around him suddenly collapsed.

"not good!"

Bei Mingxie knew that the situation was dangerous, but in this case he had no time to save Zhao Feiling.

Mo said that under his current lack of strength, even if Beimingxie was still at its peak, Beimingxie couldn't stop him in the face of such an attack from the Night King.

In the distance between the three positions, the Night King condensed with the dark air, and the knife air condensed with the spirit power of Shennian seemed to be self-conscious, tightly locked on Zhao Feiling.

"Operation is true, and the air is more powerful."

The spiritual power in Zhao Feiling's body was working quickly at this time, and the strength of the whole body was also raised at this time, condensed into a vestment, and wanted to stop it reluctantly.

But a cold killing broke out in the eyes of Ye Wang. If Zhao Feiling could survive in this situation, he could go home and grow sweet potatoes.

At the moment when this burst of knife gas spread, the next moment was already a long dark river, and a river rushed forward, breaking the vestment of Zhao Feiling's entire body.

In an instant, this vest became a fly ash.

When the sword light of the Night King sounded, it fell down fiercely, actually smashing Zhao Feiling's flesh and his soul together.

It is a pity that a master of the ninth peak, the elders of the Loulan Palace Hall, was so severely crushed by the Night King that the soul was physically beaten.

"But this Zhao Feiling is really powerful. If you are not the master of the Ninth Peak Summit, if you don't attack in my body, you will kill him. Even if this Zhao Feiling can't resist, you can definitely escape."

Xiao Nai said secretly.

If it were not for Zhao Feiling's whole body on Xiao Naihe and neglect to guard against others, he would not be severely killed by such a violent blow by the Night King.

A master of the nineth peak, and only a master above the level of the nineth peak, can really be completely killed.

But such a master, but now died in the hands of the night king.

Rao is a master like the Night King. Although he has practiced for so many years, there are many masters who have died in his hands.

But there are very few masters at the top of the nineth layer.

Now killing a Zhao Feiling, even the look of the night king has changed for a moment, but quickly calmed down.

"It's a pity. If I can use supernatural powers and supernaturalistic powers to inspire Zhao Fei, then I will be able to increase the combat power."

Although the use of Buddhism's probation magic power consumes his own power very much, if Xiao Fei Ling's faith can really be put away, he can completely get rid of it, and Xiao Nai can earn no compensation.

Looking at the night king, you know that if he is the only person today, and at the same time dealing with Zhao Feiling and Bei Mingxie, it is difficult to say.

However, some night kings help in secret, even as strong as Zhao Feiling, they can be killed at once, this benefit is already self-evident.

"Who are you? Actually able to run the power of darkness, only the Night King of the Nine Heavens Realm can use it in the world. But now how can the Night King be by Xiao Naihe, Xiao Naihe, you actually killed my woman. If you do n’t frustrate you, do n’t be a human being. ”

The murderous energy of the whole body burst out at this time, and a strong ruddy gas appeared in Beimingxie's eyes.

The spiritual power of the mind above the body is even more cold and unmatched. The temperature of the entire snow mountain is nothing compared to the current Beimingxie.

Suddenly, I saw this Northern Mingxie caught in the void, a blood surging out, breaking the vacuum position.

When that courage was soaring, it flew directly towards the night king.

"I come."

Seeing the power of Beimingxie, the Night King did not retreat. Instead, he was eager to try, and his whole body was full of war.

I saw Ye Wang's two fingers, and there was a black gas in his eyebrows. When the black gas condensed, it merged directly.

Then a dark star suddenly appeared, floating in the void.

Suddenly, the dark star hit hard, as if Mars hit the earth, and slammed into Beimingxie's body.

When the two forces were about to collide, Bei Mingxie's hands moved, his figure was like lightning, and he was already moving out in a breathing time. At the next moment, I saw his punch being attacked. At the time, it burst even more than the Thunder.

The entire void produced a strong wave of mind and mind, as if this wave of turmoil spread, it could smash the entire world.

The fragments of Zhao Feiling's mind are still floating in the void, but Zhao Feiling is now too dead to die, there is no chance of resurrection.

Beimingxi's fist of condensed fist struck the dark star, producing a strong spark that splashed out.

The two men withdrew and retreated.

But at the moment when the Night King retreated, the Night King condensed a stab of gas again, and came from the air, and came to the North Mingxie fiercely.


Under the spread of the sword light, the entire void is shaped like a fierce domain, and the flames are diffused.

Beimingxie's icy air was mixed with this flame, as if it were ice and fire, it was extremely uncomfortable.

He and Xiao Naihe had already consumed a lot of energy in the battle, and the Night King had no energy to wear out.

The force is violent, this force is surging down, the knife spreads, and even the whole Beimingxie is shocked by the tiger's mouth.

"If I had played with that Xiao Naihe and consumed too much energy, how could this unknown master be forced into this field."

Bei Mingxie screamed fiercely.

But at this time, three auras came suddenly in the void.

When these three auras were irradiated, they formed three different groups of wind and fire, which fell down towards the top of the night king's head, like a thunder and a majestic atmosphere.

"Brother, we are holding this person, you hurried away."

At this time Jinlulu three women finally appeared.

They are just the strength of the early nine, and they know that they are certainly not opponents of the Night King.

But if you want to hold down the footsteps of the night king, it is still a breeze.

Bei Mingxie did not expect that one day he would be rescued by his own woman, and she suddenly had a very absurd idea in her heart.

But he didn't hesitate any more. In an instant, his body seemed to turn into a stream of light. At the fastest speed, he rushed directly into the sky, tearing the void, and directly breaking the vacuum.

"We won't let you catch up."

Jin Lulu and three other women showed a look of death on their faces.

At this time, the three women stopped the whole night king, making the night king look like he couldn't do anything.

The Night King's expression remained the same, only to see him with two fingers, and the black gas gathered together, as if it was a sword collision, the momentum was fierce.

However, just when Jin Lulu and others thought that they could stop the Night King, a faster figure in the rear directly flew up, passing by the Night King, missing a few people, chasing Beimingxie Flew up.

"Don't go ..."

The fire phoenix was shocked, and Xiao Naihe was about to be held, but he was caught empty.

And Xiao Naihe seemed to step on the hot wheels, and flew towards the front at a rapid speed. In an instant, he was already in the sky.

I saw that the figure of Beimingxie had already penetrated into the depths.

At this time, the Beimingxie was already running magical powers, flying at speed, and there was a reluctance on his face.

Four of his own women saved themselves, but in the end he escaped instead.

This approach is as if you can't protect your own woman at all.

"Xiao Nai He, Xiao Nai He, I swear by Bei Xing Xie, if I can leave here and wait for me to regroup, I must slaughter you and destroy you, and let Yong Yan live in pain forever, let you look at yourself 'S fellow mate is in pain under me! "

The voice of Beimingxie is full of strong killing opportunities, and there is a cold breath between each word.

"I knew that you would definitely have such a killing opportunity, Beimingxie, do you really think that you can survive safely at this point?"

At this moment, Xiao Naihe's voice appeared from the void, Bei Mingxie raised his head, and immediately saw a golden light gather together, like a net of light, suddenly shrouded.

"Xiao Naihe!"

Bei Mingxie was shocked and afraid.

He never had such a strong killing intent on a person, and even had a strong fear.

Xiao Naihe is too powerful, and Bei Mingxie also has to admit that Xiao Naihe is indeed better than himself now.

I saw the golden net that stared above Xiao Naihe's head, which was directly covered. Beimingxie couldn't even walk, the whole person was shocked, so I wanted to be pulled away,

"Xiao Naihe, do you really want to force us to be incompatible?"

Bei Mingxie's voice suddenly came out. Under Xiao Naihe's powerful coercion and suppression, even Bei Mingxie felt a strong crisis.

"It wasn't me who forced you, but you who forced me. From the beginning when you were going to be seriously injured and assassinated me covering Su Caiya, we have been endless."

Xiao Nai said lightly. Between the words, he saw that an aperture appeared above his head.

The one shrouded in this aperture is directly shattered around, and that kind of momentum is too amazing.

After that, Xiao Naihe's acupoints in the body exploded with incredible power, and the power of the four avenues merged into one, bursting out with one punch.

Around the airflow broke, Xiao Naiho seemed to have entered a very mysterious state.

This state can't be described in words at all, but what we can know is that Xiao Nai entered the hand of this state. When the figure moved, the whole person seemed to have an unprecedented comprehension.

When the four different forces in his body merged, the **** sent the ghost to a punch, as if it was Shangqiangbi and Huangquan.

That punch broke the endless void and merged the surrounding airflow into one piece. The next moment, when the majestic and terrifying momentum was surging, it was involved in the body of Beimingxie, asking the whole person to be crushed Off.


Bei Mingxie finally showed a terrifying look in his eyes. Looking at Xiao Naihe, the pain was extremely high.

Finally, Beimingxie really knew that he was afraid.

When Xiao Naihe's fist came down, the airflow around him exploded, and it was directly bombarded. The Beiming evil figure moved. It seems that the whole person is completely unable to calm down under the fist of this fist. Wrapped in intentions, unaware of life and death, only to see the blood energy of Beimingxi's body became very weak.

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