Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1760: Split

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"Xiao Naihe, don't think you can kill me. I have a magical power to separate my soul and flesh and break the void. As long as my flesh doesn't die, I have a chance to recover."

Xiao Naihe's power of punching mysteriously, the whole Beimingxie seemed to have entered a desperate situation that could not struggle out.

At this time, Bei Mingxie also knew that Xiao Naihe's momentum was now complete, and he had no chance to escape, and could only use other ideas.


Xiao Nai actually made such a punch under the envoy of God, and his power was infinite. The terror was so extreme that he directly hit the sky.

Under the crushing of this force, Bei Mingxie moved the figure, and suddenly a light flashed out of his eyebrows.

When this aura came out, it seemed to be a unique kind of life idea, condensed into one piece, for a while.

I saw that the soul and the body of Beimingxie were actually separated at this time. In the end, it seemed to be divided into two. The soul and body were automatically separated.


Xiao Nai was surprised.

Even if it is a master of the nineth peak, if his soul and body are separated for too long, it is very likely that he will not be able to return to his body.

Unless it is Xiao Naihe who cultivated the soul of the gods and the diamonds are not bad.

But Bei Mingxie actually separated his own soul and flesh from his own body, which means that the dog hastily jumped the wall.

But also, Bei Mingxie is now in desperation.

Afterwards, the souls and spirits of Beimingxie fled in different directions, and they had to escape.

"Want to go, how could it be so easy!"

Xiao Nai He sneered, only to see Xiao Nai He suddenly shot, a blue light appeared on the whole person.

Afterwards, the Great God Wheel spun out of the blue disc shrouded the surroundings, and all the airflow poured backwards, which seemed to produce a kind of life consciousness and gathered together.

The surging current.

"The Great God Wheel of the heavens, grab!"

Xiao Nai made five fingers, forming the Great God Wheel, as if it had changed into a big mountain. He was rolled over fiercely, and he captured the soul of Beimingxie directly in the void.

The four forces united together, even a master like Beimingxie, could not escape at this time.

"There is still a flesh."

Xiao Naihe raised his head, Bei Mingxie's flesh was already flying above, and he was flying directly towards the extremely high direction.

After a while, it has already reached a distance of 30,000 miles, and it will fly out of Loulan.

Where can Xiao Nai let Bei Mingxie's flesh escape?

I saw him holding up the entire Divine Wheel, and rolling it out, in an instant, a mana was condensed. This magic force was violently impacted on the body of the Great Divine Wheel that was formed, towards the North Mingxie, In the blink of an eye, it was already before the Beiming evil body.

The flesh is like a sky fire. When it fluttered out, it broke the countless voids. Almost no one could stop Beiming from evil.

In the blink of an eye, there is a constant situation.

When Xiao Naihe's **** wheel wanted to catch up, suddenly, the aura of the whole void moved four times. It was actually to capture the Beiming evil body, but I saw that this body was absorbed by a piece of aura at that time. Go in.

What appeared in the void was a compact disc.

"Space Dao!"

Xiao Nai froze for a moment, but did not expect that Beimingxie actually had such a Taoism. He finally understood why Beimingxi had to separate his own body and soul from the spirit and flew up in different directions.

It turned out that the Beimingxie was to give himself time, using the space Taoqi, to send out his own flesh.

Because Beimingxi knows that even if he separates the soul and the flesh, Xiao Nai will definitely take action on his own soul within the first time.

That's why he didn't leave this space device to his soul, but left it on the flesh.

Aura released, wrapped his own body, and in a flash, it was gone.

Xiao Nai He raised his eyebrows, and the acupuncture in his body suddenly exploded with blood.


With a binge, I saw that Xiao Naihe's acupuncture point was actually abruptly opening up the space cracks that had to be closed when bleeding gas broke out.

But at this time, Xiao Naihe still slowed down after all, this space crack finally closed slowly, and finally disappeared.


Xiao Naihe shook his head, and finally let Bei Mingxie send his flesh out.

At this time, Xiao Naihe has already consumed a lot of energy. Although his strength is still above the Beimingxie, he is not a superman. He can continuously operate his power so that he will not be consumed.

Now Xiao Naihe, there is also a kind of exhaustion in the mind.

When that kind of tiredness came out, even Xiao Nai felt that his soul was trembling slightly, and it was indeed exhausted.

However, Xiao Naihe also knows that if he still had the opportunity to choose, he would still take down the soul of Beimingxie instead of taking the body of Beimingxie.

Let Bei Mingxie's flesh go away, at most it will take some time to find out.

But let the spirit of Beimingxie leave, it is to return the tiger to the mountain.

Especially masters such as Beimingxie have their own powerful strength and experience. If the spirits leave at that time, there will be a chance to recover when they board for a while.

So Xiao Naiho at that time must definitely win Beimingxie again, it will not be so easy.

"However, the punch that I suddenly showed was not a Taoist law at all, but a natural show. What the **** is going on?"

Xiao Nai closed his eyes and slowly reminisced before he was dealing with Beimingxie. The four avenues in his body were actually merged together by a ghost messenger, as if it were a spiritual pool.

In the end, this pool of spirit pooled into a fist and waved.

It's as if you have entered a state of endless countercurrent, and the power of your mind is increased to a very mysterious state.

All the punching out, the destructive power, even Xiao Nai himself was frightened.

If it weren't for the wonderful punch he had just cast, he was afraid that Beimingxie would not be forced by Xiao Naihe to separate his soul and flesh so quickly.

Now think about it, it is almost impossible for me to want to run my mind again and restore the punch just now.

Thinking of coming here, Xiao Nai felt a little pity.

"It's hard to understand that the four forces in the body have just merged together. In fact, it is to gather Buddhism, Wu Dao, Demon Road, and Humanity.

Xiao Nai froze for a moment.

He knows that if he wants to enter the realm of the unity of the origins, he must first merge the four avenues to form a avenue of his own.

But when Xiao Naihe hit the punch, there was no such thought at all. It was extremely mysterious. When thinking of coming here, Xiao Naihe also felt that it was too mysterious.

"Forget it, now I think that these things are useless. I have already taken down the soul of Beimingxie. As long as the magic power is used, Li uses the Buddha's magic power to influence this person. Give it out. "

Xiao Naihe knew that the physical body of a nine-layered pinnacle master was not simple.

In particular, the physical body of such people in Beimingxie is almost the same as that of Night King and Huo Luo King.

Don't look at the attack of the Night King just now, Zhao Feiling's whole person turned into flying ash in a flash.

If Zhao Feiling was turned into Beimingxie at that time, the Night King would be even more powerful. I was afraid that he could not directly smash Beimingxie's flesh. At most, he was seriously injured by Beimingxie.

This is how Beimingxie's flesh practiced into a mysterious state.

Afterwards, Xiao Naiho divided his own consciousness and saw Beimingxie imprisoned in the void by himself.

To be precise, it should be the soul of Beimingxie.

"Xiao Naihe, you dare to catch me, are you not afraid that my master will kill you when the time comes? My master has already stepped into the passive realm, if you do such a thing to me, you will definitely die!"

Xiao Nai sneered: "I said Beimingxie, you really can't look down on yourself too. You are already a prisoner of my rank, and you want to put this ruthless words, or let me take it honestly."

Between the words, I saw Xiao Naihe's hands move, and suddenly there was a burst of aura in the void. When the aura was before circling, it directly grabbed the spirit of the North Mingxie.

"Xiao Naihe. You can't do this ..."

Bei Mingxie's voice came from the void, but he was unmoved at all, only to see his five fingers crushed, and in an instant he absorbed Bei Mingxie into the whole person.

The spirit of Beimingxie was already an amber formed by Xiao Naihe using Taoism, and it was sealed into it fiercely, no matter how hard he struggled, he could not escape.

The fluctuation of spiritual power from the amber also disappeared.

"I don't know what happened to Loulan Palace now?"

As soon as Xiao Nai thought, the whole person seemed to be a streamer, tearing a crack in the void.

Later, I saw that Xiao Naihe's people were already involved in this streamer crack.

Whirring whirring……

Xiao Naihe rushed to Loulan Palace at this time.

At this time, Loulan Palace became brightly lit.

It turned out that when Beimingxi broke through the sky, there was already a huge fluctuation, which caused many disciples to hear it.

When Xiao Naihe came back, all the disciples were guarding up and down.

Xiao Naihe glanced, the light flashed and went down in one direction.

When he came down, Yun Weixue's figure appeared in front of him at once.

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